Red Cross Wants You to Be Prepared | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Red Cross Wants You to Be Prepared


Hurricanes are just one type of emergency Mississippians should be prepared for.

When an emergency strikes, will you and your family be prepared for it? September is national Preparedness Month, and the Central Mississippi Chapter of the American Red Cross wants to remind everyone about the importance of being ready when an crisis strikes, whether the emergency is a heart attack or a hurricane. Knowing what to do can save lives.

To help communities and individuals prepare, the Red Cross Web site offers a simple three-step process: Get a kit; make a plan; and be informed. Within each step, the organization offers a number of practical tips and resources, including keeping adequate supplies of water and food on hand, making sure you have medications and special items like baby diapers, training children to dial 9-1-1, donating blood and so forth.

The time to prepare for an emergency is before it strikes. For more information, visit the Web site ( or call 601-353-5442. You can also follow the Mississippi Red Cross on Facebook (Central Mississippi Chapter American Red Cross) and Twitter (Central_MS_ARC).

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