Jackson Crime Stats Continue Downward Trend | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Jackson Crime Stats Continue Downward Trend


Major crimes in Jackson dropped again last week, according to a weekly crime report released this morning at a Jackson Police Department meeting. Violent crime was down 20 percent from the previous week, while property crime droppped 7 percent. For the year, police have reported almost 10 percent fewer violent crimes and 0.7 percent more property crimes than last year.

South Jackson's Precinct 1 was the only precinct reporting an increase in crime this week. Precinct 1 and Precinct 3, in Northwest Jackson, are the only precincts reporting an increase in total crime for the year to date, with both seeing increases of roughly 10 percent over last year. Precinct 2, which covers West and Central Jackson, reported a 19 percent drop in crime from last week and a 1.6 percent decrease for the year to date.

Northeast Jackson's Precinct 4 reported a 16 percent decrease in crime from the previous week and, for the year to date, a 16.7 percent decrease from last year's numbers.

Among the precinct's five business burglaries last week was a break-in at the McDonald's on Fortification and North State streets, Commander Ken Goodrum explained. A patrol officer responded to the restaurant's alarm and caught the burglar eating a hamburger on the counter while attempting to break into a cash register.

"He was a multi-tasker," Goodrum told JPD command staff.

Assistant Chief Lee Vance called on precinct commanders to get ready for the coming weekend, when thousands of fans will descend on the city for the annual Capital City Classic football game between Jackson State University and Southern University. Noting the economic benefits of hosting such a large event, Vance told command staff, "It's a lot more than a football game."

"We have to hold up our end," Vance said, adding that the department would issue a traffic advisory to residents on Thursday.
View the ComStat Report for Sept. 20-27

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