Community Events and Public Meetings | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Community Events and Public Meetings

Monday, April 12
7 p.m., No Fuss Lawn Care at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). Felder Rushing will cover selecting the right kind of grass, mowing, fertilizing, weed control, and designing with a smaller lawn in mind through the use of ground covers and mulches. $40; call 601-974-1130.

Tuesday, April 13
8:30 a.m., Fondren Association of Businesses Board Meeting at BankPlus, Fondren Branch (3100 N. State St.). The board will meet in the conference room. Call 601-981-1658, ext. 20.

9:30 a.m., Mississippi Authority for Educational Television Board of Directors Meeting at Mississippi Public Broadcasting (3825 Ridgewood Road) in the Board Room of the Administration Building. The MAET Board of Directors will conduct business concerning the operations of Mississippi Public Broadcasting. The meeting is open to the public. Free; call 601-432-6683.

11:45 a.m., Hearing Loss Seminar at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.), in the Baptist for Women Conference Center. Dr. Stephen Lee gives tips on preventing hearing loss. $5 optional lunch; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

Noon, Living With Myeloma: An Overview of Diagnosis and Treatment at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.) in the Hederman Cancer Center. This free presentation by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society includes lunch for those who preregister. Free; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

6 p.m., Ward 4 Community Meeting at New McRaven Hill Missionary Baptist Church (1530 Pear St.). Every other month, Mayor Johnson has a meeting in a different ward to give residents an opportunity to discuss city issues with him and department heads. Call 601-960-2378.

Wednesday, April 14
9:30 a.m., Mississippi College Readiness Summit at Mississippi e-Center (1230 Raymond Road). Session topics include dual enrollment, college access and a legislative update. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Richard Ferguson, CEO and chairman of ACT Inc. School administrators, guidance counselors, curriculum coordinators, admissions and retention personnel are strongly encouraged to attend. Registration ends April 7. $30; visit

10 a.m., "Speak Out Against Child Abuse" at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). Sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Human Services, the program includes a performance by the Bailey Magnet High School Show Choir and a personal testimonial. Free; call 601-982-8467.

Noon, "History Is Lunch" at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Historian Warren Calhoun presents "A Piano Teacher and an American Hero: The Carter-Crumpton Families of Mississippi and Alabama." Free; call 601-576-6850.

2 p.m., State Institutions of Higher Learning Meeting at Universities Center (3825 Ridgewood Road). The Board of Trustees will meet in the IHL Board Room for their regular monthly meeting. Free; call 601-432-6647.

3:30 p.m., Grant Writing Workshop at Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau (111 E. Capitol St., Suite 102). The Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau is accepting applications until June 15 for its annual Grant Development Program for nonprofit tourism organizations. All potential applicants are required to attend the workshop. Call 601-960-1891.

5:30 p.m., Public Policy Toastmasters Club 8689 Meeting at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.) in the Sampson Library auditorium on the second floor. Improve your communication skills and become a better speaker and leader. Membership required. Call for details on membership dues; call 601-918-8523.

Thursday, April 15
9 a.m., State Institutions of Higher Learning Meeting at the Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). The Board of Trustees will meet in Theatre Level Meeting Rooms 3 and 4 on the west third floor. Free; call 601-432-6647.

9 a.m., Rankin County Board of Supervisors Meeting at Rankin County Government Offices (211 E. Government St., Brandon). The board holds its recess meeting. Call 601-825-1475.
9 a.m., Adult HeartSaver CPR Class at St. Dominic Hospital (969 Lakeland Drive) at The Club at St. Dominic's. Learn basic CPR techniques. $40; call 601-200-4925.

9 a.m., Mississippi Economic Council Annual Membership Meeting at the Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). Get information regarding MEC's initiatives in the state, as well as opportunities to network with hundreds of businesspeople from around Mississippi. Pre-registration is available at $65 members, $75 non-members; call 800-748-7626.

10 a.m., Sowing Seeds of Success at Metrocenter Mall (3645 Highway 80 W.) at Center Court. The event will include a job fair, free tax preparation for qualified taxpayers, financial tips and other forms of assistance. Free; call 601-327-9308.

6:30 p.m., "Black Power" at Smith Robertson Museum (528 Bloom St.). Part of the Medgar Evers/Ella Baker Civil Rights Lecture Series, panelists will discuss the black power movement. Free; call 601-979-1562.

5:30 p.m., Jackson Public Schools Moms Conference at Galloway Elementary School (186 Idlewild St.). Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. The theme is "Celebrating Moms - Empowering Our JPS Lifesavers." The event includes dinner, workshops, information tables, a health and beauty showcase, a visit and display by the MilkPep Milk Mustache Mobile, giveaways and door prizes. The National Great Gallon Milk Giveaway will give free milk to the first 500 registrants. Pre-registration can be done online or at the child's school. Free; call 601-960-8945.

6 p.m., Precinct 3 COPS Meeting at Jackson Police Department, Precinct 3 (3925 W. Northside Drive). These monthly meetings are forums designed to help resolve community issues or problems, from crime to potholes. Call 601-960-0003.

Friday, April 16
7:30 a.m., Mathematics and Engineering Fair at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.) in the Just Hall of Science Building and the School of Engineering Building. The purpose of the fair is to challenge and introduce junior and senior high school students to opportunities available at JSU in the fields of mathematics and engineering. Activities include a bridge design and construction competition, a physics photo contest and a mathematics trail competition. Call 601­-979-3751.

9 a.m., Friday Forum at Koinonia Coffee House (136 S. Adams St.). The presenter will be bluesman Ben Payton. Free; e-mail [e-mail missing].

11:30 a.m., Fannie Lou Hamer Humanitarian Awards Luncheon at Jackson State University, Jacob L. Reddix Building (1400 Lynch St.) in the General Purpose Room. Rev. Horace Buckley, Charles McLaurin, Bill Minor, Dorothy Stewart, Jimmie Travis (posthumously) and Dorothy Triplett will he honored for their service and leadership. $35, $250 table of eight; call 601-979-1562 or 601-979-1563.

11:45 a.m., Chest Pain Explained at Baptist Health Systems, Madison Campus (401 Baptist Drive, Madison) in the Community Room. Cardiologist Dr. Todd Lawson explains different causes of chest pain. Lunch is included. Registration is required. Free; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

Saturday, April 17
7 a.m., Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure at Trustmark Park (1 Braves Way, Pearl). Registration begins at 7 a.m., and the races start at 8:30 a.m. Call or go to Proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a foundation focused on breast cancer education and research. Donations welcome; call 601-932-3999.

7:30 a.m., Jackson Audubon Society Spring Migration Field Trip at Bovina Truck Stop - Texaco (Exit 11 North, Interstate 20, Bovina). See and learn about migratory birds from several expert birders. The group will carpool from the truck stop to the field trip location. Bring snacks, a lunch, drinking water and waterproof boots or shoes. Free; call 601-956-7444.

8 a.m.-2 p.m., Greater Belhaven Market at Mississippi Farmers Market (929 High St.). Be sure to stop by and buy some produce or other food or gift items as the market reopens for its 9th season. The market is open every Saturday until Dec. 18. Free admission; call 601-506-2848 or 601-354-6573.

8:30 a.m., "Greeks in Unity" Community Affair Day at Hardy Middle School (545 Ellis Ave.). Sponsored by the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Metro Jackson, activities include workshops and a step show. Free workshops; $5, $3 children ages 6-16 for step show; call 601-506-5616 or 601-573-6014.

9 a.m., Mississippi Natural Healthcare Day at Tougaloo College (500 W. County Line Road, Tougaloo) in the George and Ruth Owens Health and Wellness Center. Experts will teach you how to reduce your risk of illness and promote healing without drugs or surgery. Pre-registration is available online. $10-$20 before April 15, $15-$25 thereafter; e-mail [e-mail missing].

9 a.m., Guardian Angels Blood Drive at Calvary Baptist Church (1300 W. Capitol St.). The event also includes a health fair and karate expo. Blood donors will receive a free T-shirt. Donors must show ID. Free; call 888-902-5663.

10 a.m., "Buy the Book" Book Sale at Eudora Welty Library (300 N. State St.). The event is sponsored by Jackson Friends of the Library. Call 601-968-5811.
11 a.m., Homebuyer Seminar at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). Learn about buying a home, budgeting and building wealth. Registration is required. Free; call 601-957-5602.

Noon, Car Seat Safety Check at St. Dominic Hospital (969 Lakeland Drive) at the Medical Mall entrance. Mississippi Safe Kids will show caregivers how to properly install a child's car seat. Free; call 601-200-6934.

2 p.m., Stress Management Conference at Willie Morris Library (4912 Old Canton Road). The conference offers strategies and real life scenarios for helping people manage stress. Willie and Terica McKennis, authors of the book "Can I Really Be Stress Free?" are the hosts. Free; e-mail [e-mail missing] or [e-mail missing].
Free Tax Counseling and Filing

AARP volunteers will help with electronic filings at four locations. Bring all necessary documents. Joint filers must come together.
• April 12, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., at Richard Wright Library (515 W. McDowell Road). Call 601-372-1621.
• April 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at Willie Morris Library (4912 Old Canton Road). Call 601-987-8181.
• April 13 and 15, 1-5 p.m., at Clinton Public Library (111 Clinton Blvd., Clinton). Call 601-924-5684.
• April 14, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Margaret Walker Alexander Library (2525 Robinson Road). Call 601-354-8911.

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