Local relief efforts for Haiti in the Jackson area are strong, but you can help reinforce the resolve of Mississippians devoted to making a difference in the wake of the recent disastrous earthquake.
Currently, the Red Cross accepts only monetary donations, but that doesn't mean you can't help out.
Executive Director Central Mississippi Chapter Mary Hamilton explained the cultural differences in the items donated to other countries as well as the benefit for the Haitian economy are among the reasons why they're taking only money.
"By purchasing near the recovery area, we're supporting countries (near Haiti) that might be suffering economically," Hamilton said. "It's kind of what we do here... we want (the victims) to purchase what they're comfortable with ... pick out her own clothing, which is part of the healing process.
Try starting your own fundraiser with a group garage sale or bake sale, and then give the money collected to the Red Cross.
Searching for family member or someone currently in Haiti:
Call 888-407-4747, or visit http://www.icrc.org/familylinks
Volunteer your time to local efforts for Haiti:
Call the Central MS American Red Cross at 601-353-5442, ext. 116, or ask for Amy McNeal
Volunteer in Haiti:
Visit http://www.cidi.org or http://www.usaid.gov
Call 703-276-1914
Change drives
Garage sales
Bake sales
TIPS: Use incentives like gift certificates or (in-school or in-office) pizza parties.
Feb. 6
Jackson State University is hosting "Pack the House" at the JSU-Alcorn basketball game on Feb. 6. Attendees are asked to bring personal toiletry items such toothpaste, toothbrushes and deodorant.
Feb. 19
Tougaloo College is donating all the proceeds of its annual Greek show to Haitian relief efforts. Tougaloo's Student Government Association, National Panhellenic Council and several other student organizations are helping with charity efforts as well.
Feb. 20
The Canton Gospel Music Association is presenting its Canton for Haiti Benefit Concert at the Mount Abel Missionary Baptist Church Church from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Antonelli College
Phi Beta Lamba business club collecting funds
Bailey Magnet
Collecting donations
Canton Public Schools
Collecting donations
Chastain Middle School
Collecting donations
Clinton High School, 601-924-5656
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) collecting donations
Provine High School, 601-960-5393
Collecting donations until the end of February
South Liberty Baptist Church, 601-859-1279
Collecting donations during services in Canton
Utica Elementary School, 601-855-8765
Change drive until Feb. 12
To donate personal items (toiletry, medical, etc.) to Haiti:
Individual items
Visit http://www.aidmatrix.org/haiti or http://www.giftsinkind.org
Bulk items
E-mail [e-mail missing] with your name, number, location, amount and type of item
Call 800-RED-CROSS
To donate money:
Hope for Haiti Now
Purchase the "Hope for Haiti" album iTunes (all proceeds go to Haiti relief efforts)
Call 1-877-99-HAITI
Visit http://www.hopeforhaitinow.org
Yéle Haiti Earthquake Fund
Text YELE to 501501 to donate $5
Text HAITI to 501501 to donate $10
Visit http://www.yele.org
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund-
Visit http://clintonbushhaitifund.org
Call 212-348-8882 (9 a.m. to 6 p.m ET)
Text QUAKE to 20222 to donate $10 to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
The Salvation Army-
Visit http://www.salvationarmyusa.org
Call 1-800-SAL-ARMY
Text HAITI to 52000 to donate $10 to The Salvation Army
American Red Cross-
Text HAITI to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross
Visit http://www.redcross.org
Call 1-800-REDCROSS, or 1-800-257-7575 for Spanish.
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