ArtWorks Studio in Brandon is offering creative new classes and workshops this year. Each class offers a distinct and diverse objective for all ages. Lori Rene', 31, the owner and the only instructor of Artworks, says her passion is to inspire others toward their own individual creativity. The studio offers a myriad of classes, including pottery, painting, craft workshops and more.
I just wanted to offer classes and inspire young people, and give people an opportunity to be creative," Rene' says.
When schools are faced with budget dilemmas, Rene' says the first classes to get cut are usually music and art.
"I believe art is very important educationally, not only creative thinking and brainstorming, but it helps you in every part of your life everything you see around was created by an artist, scientist and inventor," she says.
Rene' not only teaches art, but she explains how art relates to math, science and nature. Last spring, she taught sculpture a class using recycled materials that were displayed in local libraries.
All classes are non-competitive, though recently two students from her home-school art class placed in the Junior Auxiliary League of Rankin County "Art At Work" competition.
"There's enough competition out there. My main goal is for them to express themselves, not to compare themselves to other people, but to see what they can do personally," she says.
Artworks Studios came into existence in 2007. Prior to opening the studio Rene' received a bachelor's degree in fine art from University of Southern Mississippi and taught in various art programs.
Upcoming classes include: Adult Intro to Painting is a four-week class starting Feb. 17 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Andy Warhol Pop-Art Painting workshop is on Saturday Feb. 20 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information contact, Lori Rene' at 601-622-5511 or visit the studio's online calendar at the studio's Web site
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