I Hear You Don't Have a Religion/Denomination/Highly Complicated System of Beliefs that exclude… | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

I Hear You Don't Have a Religion/Denomination/Highly Complicated System of Beliefs that exclude…

..several types of people, so that means you must like it hot...

Seriously, I hate being asked what my religion is. It would only make me more frustrated if someone then decided to tack on the following:

Oh, so that means you are homosexual right?
Wow, so you condone unprotected, heathenish sex?
Hmm, so your mother cries often then?
*facepalm* ( if you are not familiar with this please go Google)

I know this topic is old, but I keep on getting confronted with it. I think that religion has its purpose. For some it serves as hope for a better tomorrow, for some it is a way of life, and for others it is a coping mechanism. For me, it is...well I don't really know. And, not having an answer to that question somehow makes me out to be a "crazy abortion loving atheist (yes, I realize this is a slippery slope to slide down. Again, I remind you, this is why I have a problem with this thinking)."

Religion and I have not had the best of relationships. As far as I am concerned it is an excuse for many to avoid being a citizen of the world, to avoid learning people's cultures, having real empathy, and being relatable.

But all of that aside, why is it so odd to not identify with a specific religion? I mean denominations are ultimately arbitrary since the concept is pretty much the same: A higher being (or group of beings) is responsible for one's existence, and one owes it to them not to be a complete douche and should try to get along with people and animals (well the animal part is not so true, and now that I think about it the people part isn't true all of the time). So what difference does it make if I don't read the bible every night? or pray with a rosary? or speak in tongues? I'm trying to make the world better by loving people. How is that NOT okay? How is that not enough?

Disclaimer: I realize that half of what I've said is not accurate, and is biased. I don't claim to be a religious guru and I am not without prejudices. I'm just somebody still trying to figure it out and would appreciate it if people would allow me to.

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