The New Orleans Saints defeat the Minnesota Vikings, 31-28 in overtime, to advance to the Super Bowl for the first time in team history. They will play the Indianapolis Colts in Miami on Feb. 7 (5:25 p.m., Ch. 12).
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What's this?I know I'll be hated for saying it but Go Colts!
- golden eagle
- Jan 24 2010
I'm with you, Golden- Go Colts!
- BubbaT
- Jan 24 2010
Sorry BT and GE, no hatin' just pity for those who can't get on the destiny train. I will say, I don't know what the Hell I was thinkin' (in that post last week) wishin' for the nail-biter...just sayin', it's a good thing my ticker and my blood pressure are healthy otherwise I might not have made it thru overtime. Le bon temps roulette ...geaux Saints
- prentiss reeves
- Jan 24 2010
me too Go Colts!!!!
- multiculturegirl
- Jan 24 2010
With due respect, I doubt there's a Saints fan on the planet who gives a damn who y'all want to win the Superbowl, Bubba and Golden. This is about so much more than a football game; it's a super night for a city that has scratched and claimed its way to hell and back. The Who Dat Nation is celebrating the power of believing and working hard to get there. I am simply thrilled to be in *that* number.
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 25 2010
Feel you, Prentiss. I've never gone through that during a sports game. I was just pacing around my friend's house in circle during overtime. I hid behind a wall and wouldn't even look at the last kick. Then I heard Todd screaming, "The Saints are going to the Super Bowl." Then hugs ensued. What an emotional night. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 25 2010
As I said on FB I like the Saints but I LOVE my Colts always have and I don't team hop but I'm not a hater I am happy for the Saints!
- multiculturegirl
- Jan 25 2010
GE: Considering your record so far, I'm thrilled you're rooting for the Colts. :D
- Ironghost
- Jan 25 2010
Wearing my colts blue today...Go Colts! I can't help it I'm an Indiana girl.
- emeady
- Jan 25 2010
The Superdome curse is lifted!!! (google superdome curse). When the Superdome was built, part of it was over an old cemetary (they did not move the graves). It was said, therefore, that the superdome was cursed. Strange things would happen in the corner where the cemetary used to be. Covertly, the management brought in everyone from priests to Voodoo priestesses to exorcize the spirits over the years. It has been said by some in the paranormal studies community that the suffering of the Katrina victims in the superdome caused the spirits to have mercy and move along. Who knows if it is true, but it is an interesting story.
- revdrstewart
- Jan 25 2010
I am so happy for the Saints. My daughter-in-law is a native of New Orlens so I am very close to the struggles of the people there and the many losses, financially, property wise, deaths, the loss of relationships and things as simple as the sidewalks you use to skate on and walk your friends "piece-a-way". This victory means so much for people who have loss so much. The Saints will be Marching Into The SUPER BOWL. G O S A I N T S!!!!!!!
- justjess
- Jan 25 2010
Even if the Vikings had won, I'd still be going for the Colts, so really this game was a wash, as it didn't affect the outcome of who I was going for in the SB. I'll go ahead and congratulate the Saints. There's still one more big game left but I'll give them credit for getting this far.
- golden eagle
- Jan 25 2010
This is the thing Saints fans continue to display this attitude that if you ain't down with the Saints something is wrong with you. Look, that's ridiculous. There are all kinds of thoughts out there about destiny and this team deserving to get to the Superbowl....well, honestly every die hard fan feels their team should go to the superbowl. It is difficult for someone who's team didn't make it, like me, to just jump on board with another team just because the fans talk loud or have claimed a name for their nation - a nation by the way that has been tremendously silent until this year. I felt just as proud watching Brett climb his way through Greenbay to get to play the Saints - his childhood team of choice. I mean, this fella lives in MS, so it was just as emotional for me as going for a team that's two hours away. So, with all that said...I am, like many, happy to see that the Saints made it to the bowl; recognize that Drew Brees is an OUTSTANDING QB and that the team has overcome many obstacles. However, as I have stated many times before, the arrogant and rude Saints fans surely don't need me cheering them on, and don't welcome my cheers anyway. So, I choose to go for Peyton and his team. STILL A COWBOY FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Queen601
- Jan 25 2010
The only thing that strikes me as strange is someone who lives around and saw the effects of Katrinia on the city and the region who then adopts an anybody-but-the-Saints attitude just because a lot of people are excited about them. That seems like negativity for the sake of negativity. But the truth is: I don't care what anyone thinks or who they root for. I am so happy that the Saints have done this because I'm a life-long (almost; I was born before they came into being) Saints fan *and* because it's so wonderful for the city and region after what they've been through. Nothing anyone says can rain on that parade for any Saints fan today, but y'all can try all you want. My whole point is that no one cares. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 25 2010
Love the Superbowl curse story. That is so New Orleans. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 25 2010
UGH....nevermind. I had commented on this but since no one's not worth my GO COLTS and congratulations Saints for making it to the Superbowl. Great season to both teams.
- Queen601
- Jan 25 2010
I've been a Colts fan since my father took me to see Johnny Unitas play in 1970. That's not going to change.
- BubbaT
- Jan 25 2010
Baquan: You can hear the clip you're talking about at the Saint's radio site, fyi: It's the top entry right now...that's a whole "highlight reel" of the scoring, with the call at the end of the game in there as well. The kick is right at 6:16 on that "Saints | Vikings Highlights" clip...Jim Henderson's voice basically gives out as he screams "It's goooood! It's goood-hoo-hoood!" wailing and laughing, as if it had taken as much out of him to watch and call this game as it had for the players on the field to get through it. (Either that or he was as nervous about having Hartley out there as I was. ;-) He then says that line about pigs flying and hell freezing over. (I've always been a fan of great, emotional, local-coverage radio calls -- and this one definitely goes on that reel. :-)
- Todd Stauffer
- Jan 25 2010
Then it shouldn't change, Bubba. ;-) No one would expect that! It's the people who are mad at Saints fans for being so passionate that befuddle me!
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 25 2010
Emotional roller coaster is not an accurate enough of a description for what I went through yesterday as well as millions. My emotional balance read much like a thermometer on a Jackson back porch over the last 6 weeks...up, down, comfortable, hot, cold, sweaty, chilly, Breesy and downright scorching! I posted on my Facebook and Tweeted in the fourth quarter, "as a writer I am jealous that I did not write this script." Although we, as Saints fans, can justify that this victory means more to us and we deserve it more than they did, my MN native friend would so not agree. We were texting back and forth between the game and his emotions matched mine, only at different points. And to think what they went through in the off season with the Favre "will he / won't he" saga must have added salt to their coffee after that kick split the uprights. Well, there has to be a loser. That's just the way it is. One puzzling thing about this game to me was when I read some Facebook posts about the game. Several were, "Go Brett Go", "I have rooted for the Saints all season, but today, Go Brett." Huh? Last time I checked this was a TEAM sport. No matter how you scramble the letters B_R-E-T-T-F-A-V-R-E, you cannot spell TEAM. In a team sport an individual cannot win the game by just doesn't happen. Sure, a pitcher pitches a no hitter, but he alone did not win the game. Did he catch all the fly balls, scoop the grounders and scale the wall to rob a home run? Nope. And yes, a running back darts and dashes through the line and scores to earn points that go towards a victory. But did he hand the ball to himself perfectly (see Adrian Peterson and Brett Favre muffed exchanges) or make any blocks to open up the hole he ran through? Nope. Sure Hartley, by himself kicked that beautiful end-over-end with his foot to put the final points on the board. However, he didn't have a part in the drive to get him into range, snap the ball to himself or hold it for himself. He kicked it. He needed his teammates to assist, work together. I say all of this to say, in a team sport you cannot put your faith in one player. It has to be the team. See Brett Favre performance in NFC Championship game to validate if you need. Who Dat!
- Langston Moore
- Jan 25 2010
When Favre was heading down field with only a minute or so left, and before he threw the bad pass that was intercepted, I said here we go again, this is my last time trying to be a Saints' supporter. I can't take all this hurtful losing. I could barely look at the field goal try as well. I just knew the ball would go sideways or backward and dash so many hopes again. However, it went perfectly through the goal posts. Then, I immediately felt sorry for Favre, an authentic Mississippi hero. He's a born football player and quarterback. This is why he has lasted so long and still plays with such greatness at age 40. In the earlier game, I caught myself pulling hard for the Colts who I wanted to lose big time all season long while Pittsburg was still in contention. I didn't like the Jets because I couldn't shake my feelings that they shouldn't be there. I'm actually ashamed that I felt this way about someone or a team so-called overachieving since I believe in said concept. The two best teams made the Super Bowl and this is a good story. If the Colts win, although I'm pulling for the Saints, I just hope Peyton is the Manning discussed and immortalized, not his daddy, who I still consider a pimple to the Saints' legacy because of his output while a player. Go Saints.
- Walt
- Jan 25 2010
No one would expect that! It's the people who are mad at Saints fans for being so passionate that befuddle me! <<<<<
- Queen601
- Jan 26 2010
Queen, you've been a tad emotional about football this season yourself--and have been, shall we say, free with the taunts of people rooting for teams other than yours. But that's fine! Enjoy! We love your passion! GEAUX SAINTS! ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 26 2010
PIGS HAVE FLOWN, HELL HAS FROZEN OVER, THE NEW ORLEAN SAINTS ARE ON THEIR WAY TO THE SUPER BOWL!" I liked that. Jim Henderson has seen it all over the years and he deserved to make that call.
- golden eagle
- Jan 26 2010
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