Gulf States Request Mental Health Funds From BP | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Gulf States Request Mental Health Funds From BP


BP and Halliburton officials knew about cement flaws used to seal the bottom of a BP well before it exploded.

Mississippi Alabama, Louisiana and Florida officials are asking BP to provide funds for mental health services for residents who have been affected by the oil spill, the Associated Press reported July, 2.

Mississippi requested $10 million from BP to create a mental health outreach plan that includes setting up counseling services and conducting public service announcements about where to find those services.

Residents who have lost their jobs in the fishing and tourism industries are at risk for experiencing depression, anger and anxiety. On June 23, The Washington Post reported that Foley Ala. charter boat captain Allen Kruse committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, after his business collapsed due to the April 20 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. Kruse had recently signed on as a BP contractor to spot oil and his wife reported that he had experienced emotional distress after he could no longer go on charter boat runs.

The AP reported that Gov. Haley Barbour met with BP staff last week to address mental health needs related to the spill. Alabama officials are seeking an immediate $5.7 million for a call center to help people dealing with stress, in addition to $20 million each year, for the next five years for services.

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