Dine Local This Summer | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Dine Local This Summer

You hear the "buy local" message from the Jackson Free Press often because we think it's one of the most fundamental things that we all can do as citizens on a daily basis to help the Jackson metro thrive as a unique community. Buying from locally owned businesses keeps more jobs, more dollars and more investment circulating here in the Jackson metro area.

While we know it's nearly impossible to stay out of chain stores all the time, we suggest using the "Think Local First" mantra—avoid chains when you can, and limit your shopping in that chain when you know there's a local alternative that fits your budget.

As we transition into the hot summer months here in Jackson, however, we'd like to specifically encourage our readers not just to buy local, but to dine local here in Jackson as well. The restaurant scene is a mixed bag right now. New ventures appear every few weeks, such as Mimi's, Parlor Market, Burgers & Blues, Poets II, Zydeco and Congress Street Bar & Grill. At the same time, we've witnessed the closing or downsizing of some institutions in the past weeks as well—Schimmel's and Steam Room Grille, to name two—that suggest that all's not yet well with the economy locally or nationally.

As we put the first quarterly BOOM Jackson on the streets this week, the Menu Guide section* in that publication reminds us of many of the fine eateries you can experience in Jackson that exist nowhere else in the world. But if we don't patronize them regularly, those places won't exist in Jackson, either!

Summer tends to be a down time for local restaurants, as longer days and kids at home encourage many to stay out of our favorites haunts. But this summer, please consider two possibilities when you're making your dining choices. First, if you do decide to go out with family and friends, consider trying the local alternative to a chain establishment; Jackson has wonderful local seafood, pasta, pizza, ethnic and steakhouse dining options—one little experiment, and there's a good chance you'll find a local alternative to the available-anywhere chains.

Second, if you're considering carryout for dinner (or catering for a business lunch) remember that most of our local restaurants would love to have your business even if you're not dining in. Call ahead and place your order—you'll find menus for many local restaurants on the JFP website (http://www.jfp.ms/menus/), the JFP iPhone app (http://www.jfp.ms/iphone/) and in BOOM Jackson magazine.

Then, head home—ideally with some sodas and beer from McDade's or Rainbow, or a good vintage from a local wine shop—and enjoy the sunset, your home entertainment system or just the company of family and friends.

In either case, remember the truly local options. Every local restaurant adds character and authenticity to the Jackson experience, giving us something to call our very own. Pick your favorites and show them some love this summer!

*Editor's note: The JFP Menu Guide is a paid advertising feature.

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