Community Events and Public Meetings | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Community Events and Public Meetings

Monday, June 14

5 p.m., America Reads-Mississippi Member Recruitment at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.), at the Sally M. Barksdale Educational Resource Center. ARM members tutor full-time during the school day, before and after school, over breaks and in the summer. Members support school and community efforts to increase parental and community support and involvement, recruit volunteers and attend monthly training to gain skills necessary to meet service obligations. Members who successfully complete 1,700 hours in one year will receive the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award worth $5,350, which can be used to attend college or pay off current qualified student loans. Call 601-979-1474.

5:30 p.m., Young Leaders in Philanthropy Membership Meet and Greet at Mint (1000 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite 5002, Ridgeland). Meet the organization's board members and learn more about how to get involved. Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant is the special guest. Free; call 601-918-5001 or 601-441-1889.

Tuesday, June 15

9 a.m., Rankin County Board of Supervisors Meeting at Rankin County Government Offices (211 E. Government St., Brandon). The board holds its recess meeting. Call 601-825-1475.

5:30 p.m., Jackson Public School Board Meeting at Jackson Public Schools (621 S. State St.). The JPS School Board meets for its regular session, open to the public. Free; call 601-960-8700.

5:30 p.m., Teaching Information Session at Holiday Inn Express (310 Greymont Ave.). Join Teach & Inspire to learn how you can become a fully-licensed teacher while serving in the areas that need you the most. Free; call 877-669-2228.

6 p.m., Jackson City Council Meeting at Jackson City Hall (200 S. President St.). The Jackson City Council holds its regular meeting, open to the public. Call 601-960-1033.

6 p.m., Marketing Strategies for Small Business, at Mississippi e-Center (1230 Raymond Road). Learn from the Small Business Administration how to effectively promote your business. Seating is limited. Registration is available at Free; call 800-725-7232.

Grant Development Program Call for Applications at Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau (111 E. Capitol St., Suite 102). The Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau's grant program is open to any nonprofit tourism-related entity in the city of Jackson. The application deadline is June 15. The grant period is from September 1, 2010, to August 31, 2011. Call 601-960-1891.

Wednesday, June 16

9:30 a.m., College and Career Expo at New Horizon Church International (1770 Ellis Ave.). Potential college students and job seekers are encouraged to attend. Free; call 601-371-1427.

10 a.m., Housing Fair at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.), in the common area. Get information about foreclosure prevention, first-time buyer programs and financial management. Call 601-982-8467.

11 a.m., Blood Pressure Checks for Seniors at Golden Key Multi-purpose Senior Center (3450 Albermarle Road). The City of Jackson's Department of Human and Cultural Services and the staff of St. Dominic Health Service's Care-A-Van outreach program will be providing blood pressure checks and health information to qualifying individuals ages 55 or older living within the city limits of Jackson. Free; call 601-960-0335.

Noon, "History Is Lunch," at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Art collector and historian Roy Wilkinson talks about Mississippi artists. Free; call 601-576-6850.

Thursday, June 17

9 a.m., Men's Health and Health Care Conference at Hilton Jackson (1001 E. County Line Road). The program will include topics related to screening, prevention, disease diagnosis and health-care disparities. The Institute of Epidemiology and Health Services Research Center of Excellence in Minority Health at Jackson State University is the host. Call 601-979-1101.

4:30 p.m., Legal Clinic: Wills and Expungements at Black's Chapel Missionary Baptist Church (3425 Robinson Road). Volunteer lawyers will prepare simple wills for individuals who meet eligibility guidelines, and expungements for citizens of Hinds, Madison and Rankin counties who qualify with a limit of one per applicant. A minimum court filing fee of $35 must be paid by money order for an expungement. Free admission; call 601-960-9577.

6 p.m., Highway 80 Corridor Neighborhood Association Public Forum at Battlefield Park Community Center (953 Porter St.). Participants will be given an opportunity to give personal input on the Highway 80 economic development strategy. Residents are encouraged to discuss the issues facing the Highway 80 corridor and to learn more about the purpose of the strategy for revitalization. Call 601-960-2370 or 601-982-1511.

6 p.m., Precinct 3 COPS Meeting at Jackson Police Department, Precinct 3 (3925 W. Northside Drive). These monthly meetings are forums designed to help resolve community issues or problems, from crime to potholes. Call 601-960-0003.

Friday, June 18

Thyroid Screenings by appointment only, at the Byram, Clinton, Dogwood and Madison locations of Baptist Medical Clinic/Family Medicine. If you're experiencing fatigue or swelling in the neck; a change in appetite or weight; a change in menstrual flow; a rapid or irregular heartbeat or slow heart rate; or bulging eyes, your thyroid may be to blame. A simple blood test can tell if it's your thyroid. No insurance or Medicare can be filed for this screening. Registration is required. $25; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

10 a.m., SafeHeart Screenings at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). In the Community Room. SafeHeart Health Screens of Hattiesburg will do five ultrasound and EKG screenings that target risk for heart attack, stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm, atrial fibrillation and peripheral arterial disease. Call to register or come early. $129, free for those who qualify; call 601-450-5483 or 866-548-3006.
Saturday, June 19

SolarDay 2010. The day includes useful information for consumers to go on an "energy diet," including an energy audit they can easily do for their home or business, information about solar rebates (and how they vary by location), information about the PACE program, suggested SolarDay community events for U.S. cities and organizations, contacts for website visitors to U.S. government and state government websites related to energy conservation. Visit

9 a.m., Homebuyers Workshop, at Medgar Evers Library (4215 Medgar Evers Blvd.). Sponsored by Mississippi Home of Your Own, which empowers people with disabilities to become homeowners through grants and support systems. Residents with and without disabilities in Hinds County and surrounding counties are invited to attend. Free; call 601-432-6876 or 866-883-4474.10 a.m.-noon,

English II Exam Writing Workshops at Richard Wright Library (515 W. McDowell Road). Students in grades 10-12 will develop skills they need to successfully pass the English II State Test Writing Exam. Students will receive instruction from teachers and tutors in areas such as outlines, sentence structure, paragraph development, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, content, transition sentences, introductory paragraphs, conclusions and the revision process. Free; call 601-965-1353.

Noon, Car Seat Safety Check at St. Dominic Hospital (969 Lakeland Drive), at the medical mall entrance. Mississippi Safe Kids will show caregivers how to properly install a child's car seat. Free; call 601-200-6934.

12:30 p.m., Stage the Page at Metrocenter Mall (3645 Highway 80 W.). The event for children includes story reading, arts and crafts, karate demonstrations, build-and-grow kits from Lowe's, face painting, puppet shows and tips on swim safety. Bring a book to donate to the Pages of Promise book drive for the JPS summer reading program. Free; call 601-965-1354.

Through June 25
Governor's Awards for Excellence in the Arts Call for Nominations at Mississippi Arts Commission (Woolfolk Building, 501 N. West St., Suite 1101A). The awards, presented annually by the Arts Commission and the Governor's Office, recognize organizations and individuals whose work on behalf of the arts has significantly contributed to the growth and development of the cultural life of Mississippi. The winners will be announced later this year, and the awards will be presented at the annual public ceremony to be held in February 2011. The nomination form and supplementary materials must be postmarked or hand-delivered by 5 p.m. June 25. Free; call 601-359-6031.

Through Aug. 31
Center for Cultural Interchange Call for Hosting Families. CCI needs to place 1,000 foreign exchange students from more than 40 countries around the world for the 2010-2011 school year. All of the students to be placed are 15-18 years old and are proficient in English. The application deadline is Aug. 31. Call 800-634-4771.
Events at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.). Call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

Women Walking Program. Walkers will meet at the information desk in the Baptist for Women lobby. Walk for 30 minutes at your own pace on Tuesdays and Thursdays, rain or shine. A fitness professional will also be on hand to help you get the most benefit from your exercise. Parking is available in the Baptist for Women parking lot. Registration is required. $10 per month.

Cancer Rehab Classes,in the Activity Room of the Hederman Cancer Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The class helps cancer patients enhance cardiovascular strength and endurance and immune system and bone density. It helps to increase overall strength and stamina, decrease fatigue, weight loss and improve digestion. Registration is required. Free.
Farmers Market, at Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity Project's Farmers Market (2548 Livingston Road). Buy from a wide selection of fresh produce provided by participating local farmers. Market hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Tuesday and Fridays, and 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Free admission; call 601-951-9273.

8 a.m.-2 p.m., Greater Belhaven Market, at Mississippi Farmers Market (929 High St.). Buy some fresh produce or other food or gift items. The market is open every Saturday. Free admission; call 601-506-2848 or 601-354-6573

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