The Jackson City Council will vote at Tuesday's council meeting on whether to approve a $2 million grant from the Mississippi Department of Transportation to install new sidewalks, lighting, landscaping and street-construction for the area starting at the fork at Old Canton Road and State Street and extending to Duling Avenue in Fondren.
"Last year the city made an application for $2 million on behalf of Fondren for pedestrian bicycle lighting and street scape improvement to the Fondren area," city spokesman Chris Mims said. "(MDOT approved) the $2 million."
Mims said the city will have to match the grant with $500,000 of its own money, but pointed out that the city is in the middle of putting together its Fiscal Year 2011 budget, and said that the beautification effort appears popular among city residents. Pending approval by the council, the city's next step will be to advertise for an engineer to handle design and construction, which could start in early 2011.
Mary Jo McAnally, associate director of Fondren Renaissance Foundation said the foundation welcomed the improvement, and pointed to the benefits of a bike lane on Old Canton Road from Duling Avenue to Meadowbrook Road.
"Years ago we striped old Canton Road, and people have loved that. It has slowed down traffic on Old Canton, which is a wide street, but also a very busy residential street, and that has really helped the traffic," McAnally said. "I think anytime you slow traffic, you make a neighborhood more (bike) friendly. We have older neighborhoods in Fondren. It's established. Young people stroll their babies down the path. It's very popular."
Realtor Don Potts, a Fondren resident, also praised the endeavor.
"Anything you do to get people out of their cars and walking around in a residential or commercial neighborhood is good," Potts said. "In a commercial area it's particularly good to get people out of their cars and walking because it could add to business."
Potts said he was interested in converting the abandoned railroad line near Belhaven to Byram--a neighboring municipality south of Jackson.
Melody Moody, the new executive director of Bike Walk Mississippi starting in August, and current chairwoman of the board for Jackson Bike Advocates, said she welcomed the beautification effort in Fondren, but urged the city and city residents to push for a pedestrian-friendly connection to downtown Jackson.
"Mississippi jumped from 48 to 24 in national status among states in terms of being bike friendly," Moody said. "I know the Fondren improvements are small, but to have anything you have to start small."
Moody said she'd like to see more improvements to other streets in the city, like State Street.
"We at Jackson Bike Advocates would like to look at connecting Fondren and Belhaven, but State Street is pretty much holding us back," she said. "The neighborhoods are really disconnected. Fondren may be bikable, but is it really bikable if you can't connect to any other neighborhoods?"
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