Read the resolution (PDF, 344 KB)
Jackson City Council members will vote on a resolution at tomorrow's 10 a.m. city council meeting that outlines a financial agreement with the developers of a $200 million convention center hotel and multi-use development along four blocks of Pascagoula Street. The resolution, however, is only a preliminary outline of a financial agreement between the developers, TCI-MS and the city. The agreement calls for the city to issue an unspecified amount of bonds and ultimately be responsible for 50 percent of the debt service if the developers are unable to pay.
The agreement calls for developers to create a reserve fund starting at $3 to $6 million when the deal closes and increasing to $17.5 million over the course of 30 years, to cover contingencies.
During the city council's work session this afternoon, Mark Small, president of MJS Realty in Dallas and creator of TCI-MS, touted the expected economic impact the development would have for the city. He said the development, named The Capital City Center, would bring the city an estimated $26 million in tax revenue over 30 years and provide 164 permanent jobs.
Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. pushed for council members to approve the resolution. He said that without the city's financial backing, TCI-MS would have to pay 9 percent interest on the bonds to finance the project. With the city's help, however, the developers would only have to pay 6 percent interest.
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