This year, Zeta Tau Alpha won a step-off that was sponsored by Sprite. The footage was taken by an audience member, so the camera angle is a little off, but take a look at the video (almost 10 minutes):
So, what do you think? I anticipate a mixed reaction, of course. :) (Hat tip to Walt for this story.)
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?I've heard a lot about this. But I have no problem with it. Plus, the people voted for them.
- golden eagle
- Mar 8 2010
As an African-American sorority member, I'll add my 2 cents. This white sorority rehearsed, practiced and prepared for this show and I enjoyed it. They did a great job, and they won. It caught the other sororities off guard, but they shouldn't be bitter. We may have created this art form, but we don't have exclusive rights to it, so to all my sisters in Greek, just make sure you bring your A game next time because there are more players now.
- lanier77
- Mar 8 2010
Unless there was a "Black Greeks only" stipulation in the contest rules, I guess it was bound to happen one day.
- Jeff Lucas
- Mar 8 2010
We may have created this art form, but we don't have exclusive rights to it That's pretty much my stance on the matter. The culmination of American culture is a lot of different cultures, so saying that only one culture has a right to dance or otherwise perform a certain way is unrealistic.
- LatashaWillis
- Mar 8 2010
As a proud brother of A Phi A, I will say this, This issue is a little more complicated than simply a white sorority winning a step show. The main thing that makes this complicated is that the grand prize was $100 K. That amount of money will complicate anything, especially dealing with young people. Another thing complicating this is that "who wins a Step Show" is very subjective, whether you have judges or audience applause as determinants, something as subjective as who won a step show shouldn't result in $100K being awarded to anyone. Also, as I watch this show, yes the ZTA steppers were great, but I'd have to say, admittedly subjectively, that if this were a black sorority doing these steps, they would not have won the show. These steps, while executed brilliantly, were not remotely innovative enough to warrant $100K. I think most of the appeal with ZTA is that "white girls" did these steps (all of whom I have seen black fraternities or sororities do before), not that these steps were so great. This is not a new phenomenon; white sororities have been trying to have step teams for at least the past 15 years on various campuses. They perform at Pan-Hellenic Step shows as sort of an exhibition, rarely in competition. I can say that even a few black fraternities have white fraternity brothers on their step teams to get "house" or an exaggerated reaction from the crowd, simply because it was novel to have white people step. I think that it what happened in this instance. These girls did great, but I don't think they were the best team that day. Just my opinion.
- Renaldo Bryant
- Mar 8 2010
As a proud non-Greek, I can't really relate to how much stepping means to members of these organizations, or comment on how much work it takes to perform these moves. So I have no opinion on whether the ZTAs actually had better moves than the other girls, since they both looked good to me. My wife is an AKA, and she has her opinion, but I suspect a little pink-and-green bias on her part! My only comment or question is regarding the scoring error that fueled this controversy. If it was truly an error, then it was handled correctly, albeit awkwardly. But if there was no error, and it was just an attempt to pacify a few bitter complainers and critics, then it was unfair and wrong.
- Jeff Lucas
- Mar 8 2010
There was a scoring error? Who were the judges? To indicate that the judges were fascinated about white sorority girls stepping, that's a stretch. I have no idea who the judges were, but I would think that all of the "divine nine" should have been represented.... red & white bias here....
- lanier77
- Mar 8 2010
@lanier77: Sprite Step Off Controversy
- Jeff Lucas
- Mar 8 2010
I was at Git Your Head Right Barber Shop in Ridgeland a couple of weeks ago to get a little off the top to compliment the lot off the back I've lost due to old age and other complications, when suddenly my home boys, PlugNickel, Kleptomaniac, DimeBag, CornLiquor and HalfPaint, walked in. We were having a heated discussion centered around getting a march together to stop the republicans from hating so much on Barry Steve Obama. Suddenly I heard a sister yell from Doing It Right Hair Salon, which adjoined the barber shop, "what we need a march for is to stop these white girls from taking every thang from the sisters. She then remarked, first, Jack Johnson, then Quincy Jones, then O. J. Simpson, then Reggie Bush and finally Tiger "Gitting His" Woods. She eventually said "they can keep OJ 'cause he's crazy and violent, but now they're even trying to usurp, high-jack and take our greek stepping titles." She furthermore said "we all know them white girls can't out step us!" HaldPaint who had dranked a whole paint by then yelled "y'all need to shut up, I haven't heard any of these white girls complaining about y'all taking Robin Thicke, Al Pacino, Simon Cowell (for a minute) or any of those other white boys from the white dating pool. As the women continued to talk, Klepto, pulled out a brand new fancy computer which looked like it could run the Pentagon, and he asked me to pull up the Sprite Step Off Contest so we could watch and judge the event for ourselves. I've known Klepto a long time and wasn't about to touch that computer. Anyway, DimeBag, was feeling real mellow and smart by that time and he plugged it up and got the contest for us to view. We watched and admired all the shows, but I don't remember seeing the group that came up from Jeff's last post referencing the event. I can't believe I missed them as hot as they look. They look as good as Envogue. Maybe some of Dimebag's smoke or debri accidentally hit me in the face and caused my senses to blur too. If someone has the particular show that the AKA's did that tied with the white girls, please add it so I can see it too. Otherwise, based on what DimeBag showed us on a likely very hot computer, I thought the white sorority won with flying colors. I loved the symmetry and precision the white sorority showed and that won me over. Like Blackwatch and many other persons who post here regularly, I'm a member of A Phi A and the AKAs are my sisters. However, I'm yet to let that relationship blind my view and judgment to facts. I always thought the Zetas at Tougaloo did the best step shows. Nall, I wouldn't say it in front of the AKAs. Finally, I like it when people win who allegedly aren't supposed to. When this happens it kills stereotypes and exalts sameness, which is more often the case than not. What does race has to do with it anyway. I'm glad Zeta Tau participated and tied or won. Jeff, it's not too late to do the right thing and pledge. We out!
- Walt
- Mar 8 2010
Why's it got to be a "white" sorority huh? Why's it gotta be "white?" Why can't it just be a sorority? Why you gotta put "white" in front of it? I thought this was America. What, "white" people aren't allowed to dance?
- DrumminD21311
- Mar 8 2010
Why's it got to be a "white" sorority huh? Why's it gotta be "white?" Why can't it just be a sorority? Why you gotta put "white" in front of it? I thought this was America. What, "white" people aren't allowed to dance? I said it for the same reason I would blog about a team of black Irish dancers winning a competition - you don't see it every day. That's all. Hmm, I don't recall saying that white people aren't allowed to dance. Someone point that out for me, please.
- LatashaWillis
- Mar 9 2010
I am not arguing that the ZTA team shouldn't be able to compete in Pan Step shows, and I am not arguing that they shouldn't be able to win. I am arguing is that "who wins a step show" is very subjective, especially if you are being judged by people who don't step nor have a good understanding of what good stepping is. I have stepped in a couple of shows and I can tell you, everyone who steps in competition has put in considerable work, money, and time to pull off even a sub-par routine. Even if you have "expert" judges, you rarely have a situation where one team clearly outshines everyone else on a show. So, by the nature of the event, who wins is always up for debate. What I am trying to point out is that the ZTA's being white could put them over the top because of the novelty. Were they good enough to win? To the untrained eye, yes, but to the seasoned person, if you want to look at things like originality, unique beat patterns in the steps, cultural references and traditions being extended, etc. then no. The AKA team had more of that in their show, and that's why they should have won, hands down, but that is just my humble opinion. Some people want to talk about the history of African American Culture and its appropriation by whites, look at the situations with Chuck Berry and the Beach Boys, Little Richard and Pat Boone, and cite that once again Black creativity is being filtered through White appropriation when the ZTA's win a step show with a good, but not great performance. I think there is something to be argued there. But, I have issue in general with stepping being commodified by corporate America and these kids being used as shills for Sprite. I saw one episode leading up to the finals on MTV and everyone wore paraphernalia from their respective orgs and Sprite stuff, drank sprite during the rehearsals, and even wore Sprite stuff to class. I hope that in the future, the orgs. would be more careful appropriating ourselves for corporate benefit. This step show was really a long Sprite commercial, and now these kids are caught in something not of their own making.
- Renaldo Bryant
- Mar 9 2010
OK gang, thums down, they won - fairly and squarily. This is the problem: Ten years from now when the ZTA claims ownership of "STEPPING" because they have paid their funds and received a patent, many Greeks will be MAD! Take the lesson from the NFL and the New Orleans Saints in their legal argument about who owns "WHO DAT". Every African-American in the United States of America know the orgin but can't do "S" about it. Just thinking: Just saying. By the way, Walt, you should write a book. Your factual humor through satire is remarkable!
- justjess
- Mar 9 2010
Blackwatch, speaking of tradition, I'm taken back to 1978 when Gamma Upsilon decided to break tradition and do a nasty greek show. One of our brothers said he was tired of another fraternity who wore purple and gold doing nasty shows that involved grabbing your crotch, gyrating and so on, yet all the hoes (his word) just be hollering and treating them like they were Michael Jackson or somebody. He proposed that we break our clean tradition and do a nasty show too. I always resisted and carried the vote to stop it for 3 years. I finally got tired of the outcry and gave in, but refused to personally participate so that someone with some credibility could lie and explain the situation if need be to the Deans and President of Tougaloo College. The President of the College and Dean of Students were Alphas too. Finally, my brothers did the nasty show at Milsaps College with crotch grabbing, grinding, cussing and all. They were resoundedly booed and I heard girls or young ladies asking what is wrong with the Alphas, no one is going to accept them in that vein. One member of the purple and gold was so offended as he looked on that he picked up a stick and threw it at my brothers which nearly caused me an onlooker to fight him. Anyway 2 days later back at Tougaloo, the President of the college stopped me, the President of Gamma Upsilon, and asked me about the show. I told him I heard about the show but neither participated nor saw it, and I would check the matter out and get back to him. Thirty something years later I still haven't gotten back to him and he's gone home to be with Jesus. Believe it or not, I can't sleep some nights for this failure to follow through. I always liked to see something new and never liked being locked into boundaries just because of tradition alone.
- Walt
- Mar 9 2010
Great Story Bro. Walt. I always enjoy insight like that from "grey hairs" if you know what I mean LOL!!! I pledged in 2000, so by that time "nasty steppin'" was a norm for almost every frat , though in some areas, there was debate about what "real steppin" was as opposed to "Chippindale's" routines. I wouldn't put it past most bruhs to hit the gym a few weeks before a show, get swole, and flex during a show, just for the house, but I digress. I will say that at the U of Memphis, I suggested to the bruhs that they throw a set where they used music that was uplifting, with no profanity, mysogyny and hypersexuality, just to set an example about the consciousness of Alpha men to the wider campus. It was routinely dismissed as a money pit, since "Alpha Parties" were the main revenue source for the community service and campus leadership plans. Que' sera.
- Renaldo Bryant
- Mar 10 2010
Both the AKA and ZTA step routines can be viewed here.
- Jeff Lucas
- Mar 10 2010
Thanks, Jeff. In light of seeing the AKA's show and viewing in the context of Blackwatch, I'd pick the AKAs too for first place and the Deltas and ZTA as close seconds. Without that standard in place, I'd pick ZTA again. The only other thing I'll add is that "something got to be did" about Tiger Woods. If you're going to try to date the entire population of one group of women seemingly at the same time, you're supposed to holler at a sister or two also. I think he's scared he ain't man enough to take on some chocolate. Holler if you hear me now!
- Walt
- Mar 10 2010
Kim and Reggie have broken up and Reggie says the hardest thing about going on with his life is leaving her "behind" for someone else. Also Tiger Woods continues his quest of getting weaned off too many women. They say that when you quit one thing you go to another to compensate for the loss. I don't know whether that is true or not, but I do notice that one of Tiger's forearms looks larger than the other. He is either playing one-arm golf or he is compensating in a fashion that is likely to cause him to go blind one day. Watch out there now! How your momma nem?
- Walt
- Mar 29 2010
Duan Carter, I think that Walt is starting a new link but we will have to wait for Walt to connect the dots. LOL! The only thing I got that could have relevance is Reggie is leaving his girlfriend who is white and Tiger is trying to leave a string of mistresses who are also all of the same race. All of the ZTA Steppers are white, also. I want to chime in on Walt's cross-addiction charge. If something is taken away, something must be given; otherwise, it leaves a void. This is the major reason that there is so much relapse in addiction. Hopefully the treatment team or the therapist dealing with him will recognize this issue and make sure that he is not trying to heal by Just saying "NO" Now back to the Steppers. Those girls are good and I don't think that Sprite needed to pretend that the contest was a tie. It wasn't.
- justjess
- Mar 30 2010
The point I was trying to make is that the ZTAs likely practiced very hard and certainly worked very hard to win or tie the step contest. I was comparing their effort or difficulty at winning to the effort and difficulty of Reggie to leave Kim and Tiger to get off too many women. You see sisters and brothers I wouldn't exploit the situations of people just to make a joke or to cause laughter. I'm not low down like that. It's interesting that Tiger is trying to get over a problem that many men wished they could afford to have. Me not included I hasten to add. Duan are you one of my lost cousins from Louisville, Winston County, Mississippi?
- Walt
- Mar 30 2010
I don't know why everyone wants to call it Greek.
- BuyJxn
- Mar 31 2010
I predict Tiger Woods will kick booty at Augusta starting Thursday, walk out victorious and feeling like a King again, then ask himself or his entourage where my ________ at? Ladies that is! Gloria Allred will be in the bushes waiting on something to go wrong. I bet I have now succedded at getting this column removed.
- Walt
- Apr 6 2010
How does Gloria Allred get involved in so many of these cases? First it was OJ, then Amber Fry in the Scott Peterson case, Michael Jackson and his "pitch baby out of the window deal" and now tons of "ladies of the evening" who knew or should have known that Tiger was married and that they were just doing what they do. If Tiger were poor, this would be a non-issue. Walt, we are WAY off track posting on this link. I'm sure that Ladd will get us straight through the posting of a title that fits. LOL!!!
- justjess
- Apr 7 2010
It is now being widely reported that Tiger Woods also bedded the daughter of his next door neighbor about a year ago, a young lady who is now 22 years of age. Like all of them, she was shocked she wasn't the lone side-piece. The National inquirer is reporting this young lady asked him for $2.00 to get a snickers bar because she was hungry, and he said "I ain't got it." I'm beginning to think Tiger is the kind of guy who will talk a woman into engagaing into an exclusive relationship then when she gets pregnant, he will ask her whose baby is it. The way this story ties into the topic is that the latest woman, or should I say the latest known woman, was in a sorority at one time and she used to do step shows. Maybe the ZTAs, I don't know. I'm also hearing Tiki Barber, former Giants running back, has just left his very pregnant wife for a young side piece. Where is Marvin Gaye because I need to know what's going on?
- Walt
- Apr 7 2010
Tiki is out of control. His crap agin't making no sense.
- justjess
- Apr 8 2010
Tiger gets busy again. This time on the course, though. He's two strokes off the lead. Judging from all the glares, winks, struts, forward thrusts, twitching, smiles, licking lips and all that kind of stuff I've been seeing going Tiger's way from his preferred women, it looks like a good honey bee doesn't lose any honeybees just because the taste of its honey makes public news. It only makes the honey-hive more attractive some say and so it appears. I heard the Caddy ask Tiger do you se how the women are looking at you, and Tiger said I'll get with them as soon as I'm finish with these boys. Looks like he's back. I even thought I saw Gloria SeeRed in some high pumps and tight-fitting attire. Apparently, Tiger's money ain't the only thing she seeks.
- Walt
- Apr 9 2010
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