Do Good, and Do Better | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Do Good, and Do Better

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. – Hebrews 10:24

In a world where the effort to stop insurance companies from denying sick people the care they need brings forth vicious anger, frivolous lawsuits and even physical threats, it can be nice to simply take a breath and think about how we can do "good" in the world. Thankfully, many people are spending more time doing good works than playing political games.

We are blessed to live in a community that, for the most part, believes in giving and helping each other. And that culture of making our city everything we can be grows every year. Sometimes, though, we even need to pause a minute from our efforts to do good. We run ragged from meeting to meeting, donating a bit here, volunteering there. Sadly, this sometimes means that we are placing more Band-aids than we are effecting systemic change.

Every now and then, we need to pause, think, talk and think some more. When we do, we can see the big picture: that there are bad ideas masquerading (purposefully or not) as good ones, that bad laws get in the way of good changes no matter how hard we work.

That has been the case with the JFP's evolving efforts on fighting domestic abuse in our area. Early on, we raised needed money to help buy clothes and food for victims. Nothing wrong with that, but what is needed is real change. Abusers need to stop abusing in order to stop the cycle. Thus, our efforts went to that last year (and so far only one abuser in the program we helped fund has re-offended, thank God).

We also watched as good legislators like Rep. Brandon Jones of the Coast and Sen. David Blount of Jackson got meaningful domestic-violence legislation passed this session. This year, we are kicking off an effort to educate Mississippians on how bad the law, including on divorce, is for abuse victims, who often cannot leave the men trying to kill them. The JFP Chick Ball campaign will raise money for a legal fund for victims. But with any luck, we will also raise awareness that will help get laws changed. You could call that doing good, and them doing better.

The quarterly GOOD issue is packed with big ideas for our city. This Easter season, we urge you to pick one, or come up with your own, and use it to spur others to good deeds.

To volunteer or donate to the legal fund, write [e-mail missing] or call 601-362-6121 ext. 16.

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