Community Events and Public Meetings | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Community Events and Public Meetings

Monday, May 3

6 p.m., Jackson Arts Collective Annual Meeting at Welty Commons Gallery (719 Congress St.). The annual meeting is an opportunity to hear a report of the previous year's activities and initiatives as well as to elect new steering committee members. Elections are open to all residents of the greater Jackson area, and voting is open to all Jacksonians who are present. Free; e-mail [e-mail missing].

4 p.m., Jackson City Council Work Session, at Jackson City Hall (200 S. President St.). The Jackson City Council holds its pre-meeting work session, open to the public. Free; call 601-960-1033.

Tuesday, May 4

9:30 a.m., One on One with Mayor Johnson, at Jackson City Hall (200 S. President St.). Citizens who wish to speak to the Mayor must sign up between 9-9:30 a.m., and time will be limited based on the number of people who sign up. Call 601-960-2378.

10 a.m., Jackson City Council Meeting, at Jackson City Hall (200 S. President St.). The Jackson City Council holds its regular meeting, open to the public. Free; call 601-960-1033.

Noon, "On the Brink in Mississippi," at Mississippi Museum of Natural Science (2148 Riverside Drive). Biologist Scott Hereford will talk about efforts underway to save the Mississippi Sandhill Crane. $3-$5, children under 3 and museum members free; call 601-354-7303.

5:30 p.m., Jackson Public Schools Board Meeting at Jackson Public Schools (621 S. State St.). The JPS Board meets for its discipline session, open to the public. Free; call 601-960-8700.

6 p.m., Financial Education Seminar at 3000 Fondren Building (3000 Old Canton Road), in suite 550. Hosted by Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Jackson, certified budget and credit counselors lead the seminar on the topic of "Homeowner Preparation – Where Do I Start?" Free; call 601-969-6431.

7 p.m., "Save Your Skin" Webcast at Med News Live Web Site (Baptist). Plastic surgeon Dr. David Steckler discusses the prevalence of skin cancer, how to protect yourself and the dangers of tanning beds. Free; visit

10 a.m., Farmers Market at Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity Project's Farmers Market (2548 Livingston Road). Buy from a wide selection of fresh produce provided by participating local farmers. Market hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Tuesday and Fridays, and 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Free admission; call 601-951-9273.

Wednesday, May 5

11 a.m., Parents for Public Schools Lunch Bunch at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.), in the Community Meeting Room. An RSVP is required. $5 lunch; call 601-969-6015.

Noon, "History Is Lunch," at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.), in the House Chamber. Architectural historian Todd Sanders presents "Plantation Houses in Mississippi: More Than Just White Columns." Bring a lunch; coffee/water provided. Free; call 601-576-6850.

11:45 a.m., Women's Fund Forum at the Clarion-Ledger Community Room (311 E Pearl St.). The forum topic is social change grant making in Mississippi. Find out how you can help improve the lives of women and girls statewide. Bring your own lunch or order a lunch by Monday, May 3. Free admission, $10 lunch; call 601-326-0700 or 601-326-0701.

5:30 p.m., Public Policy Toastmasters Club 8689 Meeting at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.), in the Sampson Library auditorium on the second floor. Improve your communication skills and become a better speaker and leader. Membership required. Call for details on membership dues; call 601-918-8523.

Thursday, May 6

National Train Day at various Jackson locations. Amtrak's commemorative train tour with a blues theme will make a stop at Jackson's nine historical Mississippi Blues Trail sites. Participants include "Big Bill" and "Mud" Morganfield, sons of Muddy Waters, and Grady Champion. Visit

6 p.m., Precinct 1 COPS Meeting at Jackson Police Department - Precinct 1 (810 Cooper Road). These monthly meetings are forums designed to help resolve community issues or problems, from crime to potholes. Call 601-960-0001.

Saturday, May 8

8 a.m.-2 p.m., Greater Belhaven Market at Mississippi Farmers Market (929 High St.). Buy some fresh produce or other food or gift items. The market is open every Saturday until Dec. 18. Free admission; call 601-506-2848 or 601-354-6573.

8 a.m., Jackson Audubon Society Spring Migration Field Trip at Vicksburg Military Park (Clay St., Vicksburg). See and learn about migratory birds from an expert birder. Carpool from the McDonald's on Springridge Road in Clinton at 7:30 a.m., or drive directly to the park and meet the group at the entrance. Bring snacks, a lunch and drinking water. $8 parking fee; call 601-956-7444.

8 a.m., Roll Off Dumpster Day. The City of Jackson's Solid Waste Division is encouraging Jackson citizens to participate by taking tree limbs, other yard debris and household items to one of their designated locations. Residents may bring all household furniture and appliances for disposal; however, tires, chemicals and gas tanks are not accepted. Free; call 601-960-0000.

9 a.m., International Migratory Bird Day at Jackson Zoological Park (2918 W. Capitol St.). Come out and enjoy an educational chat with the keepers, who will explain the history and the global impact these birds have on earth. $4-$6, kids 2 and under free; call 601-352-2580.

9:30 a.m., Camp Kandu at Twin Lakes Conference Center (155 Milner Road, Brandon). The biannual event provides educational and recreational activities for children with diabetes and their friends and families. Space is limited; registration is required. $10-$20 adults, free for child with diabetes; call 601-957-7878.

Through May 8

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Call for Scholarship Applications The Rho Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is currently taking scholarship applications from high school seniors with a 3.0 GPA who plan to attend a historically black college or university. Applications must be received by May 8. E-mail [e-mail missing].

Through May 14

McNair Scholars Program Call for Applicants at University of Southern Mississippi (118 College St., Hattiesburg). The program is geared toward preparing undergraduate students for success in graduate school. The applicant must be a first-generation college student, be income-eligible or from a group underrepresented in graduate education, have accumulated at least 60 credit hours by the end of summer 2010 and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Space is limited, and the deadline is May 14. Call 601-266-6910.

National Cancer Survivors Day Awards Call for Nominees at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.). Baptist Cancer Services will be giving special recognition to a "Cancer Survivor of the Year" and a "Caregiver of the Year." Download nomination forms and submit them online at Nomination forms are also available at the Hederman Cancer Center. The deadline for nominations is May 14. Award recipients will be announced at the annual National Cancer Survivors Day celebration at 2 p.m. on June 6 at the Old Capitol Inn. Free; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

Through June 7

Building Fund for the Arts Call for Grant Applications at Mississippi Arts Commission (Woolfolk Building, 501 N. West St., Suite 1101A). The program provides funding for the renovation or expansion of arts facilities owned by arts-based non-profits or local governments. The program has a thorough application and review process. Organizations interested in applying must submit an "Intent to Apply" form by May 3 and a full application package by June 7. Call 601-359-6031.

Through June 15

Grant Development Program Call for Applications at Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau (111 E. Capitol St., Suite 102). The Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau's grant program is open to any non-profit tourism-related entity, such as attractions and events, in the city of Jackson. The application deadline is June 15. The grant period is from September 1, 2010, to August 31, 2011. Call 601-960-1891.

Ongoing events at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.). Call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.
• Women Walking Program. Walkers will meet at the information desk in the Baptist for Women lobby. Walk for 30 minutes at your own pace on Tuesdays and Thursdays, rain or shine. A fitness professional will also be on hand to help you get the most benefit from your exercise. Parking is available in the Baptist for Women parking lot. Registration is required. $10 per month.
• Cancer Rehab Classes in the Activity Room of the Hederman Cancer Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The class helps cancer patients enhance cardiovascular strength and endurance, strengthen the immune system and improve bone density. It helps to increase overall strength and stamina, decrease fatigue and weight loss, and improve digestion. Registration is required. Free.


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