Speaking at the Mississippi Manufacturers Association Friday, Gov. Haley Barbour implied that the millions of gallons of crude pumping into the Gulf of Mexico and threatening fragile eco-systems, wildlife and livelihoods from Texas to Florida should not be a reason to stop offshore drilling, reports The Sun Herald.
"A bunch of liberal elite were hoping this would be the Three Mile Island of offshore drilling," Barbour said, referring to the 1979 nuclear accident in Pennsylvania. Since then, the U.S. has built no new nuclear plants.
In 2005, more than 4,000 oil structures were mining the Gulf for crude, according to the Christian Science Monitor, and despite a moratorium on new permits announced by President Barack Obama since the Deepwater Horizon explosion April 20, the Department of the Interior has granted at least seven permits and five environmental waivers, reported The New York Times on Sunday.
Estimates on the amount of oil pumping into the Gulf from the site of the April explosion vary, from a low of 210,000 gallons a day to more than 2.5 million gallons a day.
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