Barbour Instigating Doubt About Obama's Religion? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Barbour Instigating Doubt About Obama's Religion?

Atlanta Constitution Journal columnist Cynthia Tucker wrote an interesting blog post on Sept. 8 about Gov. Haley Barbour's response to a reporter's question regarding the public's growing perception that President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Tucker reports that during a breakfast roundtable, a reporter asked Barbour if he thought a press campaign was responsible for disseminating misinformation about Obama's religion and national origin. He responded by saying:

"I don't know why people think what they think... This is a president that we know less about than any other president in history. I accept just totally at face value that he is a Christian. He said so throughout the time he's been in public life. That's good enough for me."

Tucker points out that his response sends a message to the far right that they have good reasons to believe the president is actually a Muslim, because after all, we know less about him than any other president. Barbour, however, forgets to mention the fact that Obama has written two memoirs and the media has extensively scrutinized him for his associations and upbringing.

Previous Comments


How does saying I believe what he tells us, but I don't know why other people do not constitute instigating doubt?


New York Times columnist Gail Collins also touched on this. She wrote in a Sept. 9 column: So far, the people lining up to denounce the burning of the Koran include the pope, Gen. David Petraeus and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. On the Republican side, Haley Barbour, the Mississippi governor and would-be presidential contender, stepped up to the plate. "I don't think there is any excuse for it," said Barbour at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor. 'Unfortunately, Barbour followed up his bow to tolerance by suggesting that the public's confusion over Barack Obama's religion is because of the fact that "this is a president that we know less about than any other president in history." The governor claimed that Americans had been particularly deprived of information on Obama's youth, while they knew a great deal about the formative years of the other chief executives all the way back to the way the youthful George Washington "chopped down a cherry tree." 'Let us reconsider the above paragraph in light of the fact that while Obama wrote an entire book about his childhood, Washington never chopped down the cherry tree.'

Lacey McLaughlin

I can't wait until Barry Steve Obama finally goes Richard Pryor on his enemies!


LOL! at Walt *****Pictures of Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor in that hilarious exchange on Saturday Night Live in the 70's are in my head*****

Renaldo Bryant

On MSNBC last week, Barbour was challenged by Cris Matthews and also by Keith Oberman to read President Obama's book, Dreams From my Father. They both stated that the book is in all MS Libraries. PLUCK!!! It seems that the Republican Party has it work cut out for the upcoming Nov. elections. The T.E.A Party folks have so many extreamist and it seems that Gov. Barbour is playing right into the hands of the lowest of the low. Some of these candidates are running campaign ads with guns firing and with all sorts of negative comments about President Obama. I don't know where all of this is going, but, I do know that it needs to STOP! This rhetoric goes beyond what is usual and customary.


@ justjess The T.E.A Party folks have so many extreamist and it seems that Gov. Barbour is playing right into the hands of the lowest of the low. Some of these candidates are running campaign ads with guns firing and with all sorts of negative comments about President Obama. I don't know where all of this is going, but, I do know that it needs to STOP! Tell me about it, but you look at the Republican candidate for Governor of New York, the Republican senatorial candidates in Delaware and possibly New Hampshire - I know the south is lock stock and barrel sold for the Tea Party. I found Karl Roves comments on Hannity last night interesting in regards to O'Connell - but I felt like I was watching a parent fuss about their child, a child they never gave any guidance or discipline to, but now that child is grown and has started doing their own thing and they are out of control. Last night showed when people catch on to the rhetoric of Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, what kind of monster "the conservative" movement has created.

Duan C.

Good points Duan C. I felt the same way listening to the comments made by Rove about Christine O'Donnell's Delaware win. It is still hard to believ that a veteran Republican who has won many elections in the past to include Governor, could lose a race to this kind of candidate. According to her former campaign manager, she spent campaign funds to pay her rent. She is also known for "over-the-top" positions on right to life issues. She believes that a child who is raped should be made to have the baby. She has also spoken out against masturbation saying that it is associated with lust; thus, making it a sin. Other concerns is her bankruptcy, default on student loans and poor work history. I must say that this candidate leaves a lot to be desired; however, Rove, Beck, Coulter, Hannity, Limbaugh, and many thers can claim victory for the creation and election of candidates who fit this disturbing model.


Personally, I think the GOP handed the Delaware senate seat to the Democrats. But even if O'Donnell can't get out of her own way, the Dems need to take her seriously. She just proved she can beat anybody.

golden eagle

"This is a president that we know less about than any other president in history." Really? Even William Harrison? How about Tyler? Martin Van Buren? I don't know anything about them. What don't we know? What's he got hiding up his sleeve? What's his secret agenda? Watch out for Obama, he's sneaky, just like the rest of them blac...*cough* I mean, Democrats.


Amazing. Barbour would win a national dog whistling championship. Anyone want to cast aspersions on his religion? I think it involves Mammon...


I think you are on target, Pilgrim. I'm not one to criticize anyone about there religious practice; however, "Show Me The Money" seems to be the Motto of Barbour's political strategy. Have you noticed that he does not use the word "lobbyist" at ALL? I can't wait to watch Barbour in a debate with other Republican to become the party's nominee.


I hope the Republican debate is more lively than last time. They really pulled their punches against each other in 2008 and put up a unified front. This was a mistake because that strategy allowed McCain to win when they could have easily pummeled him. It seems the gloves are coming off now since they smell blood.


Thanks for the link, Duan Carter. I just love the quote from Gloria Borger, "The enemy of my enemy is now my friend." This is priceless! This political war is shaping up to be quite a circus. Just one question: With all that President Obama accomplished in his 20 month in office, what is the problem with his approval numbers falling? Could it be so simple as, "He's Black"???


"Could it be so simple as, "He's Black"???" I don't think so. He's always been black. His response to BP really hurt him among liberals, and the sluggish economy is probably hurting him among everyone. People are coming down off the hope and change high now that neither is apparent. Even Jimmy Fallon, who hosts an unabashedly liberal program, is mocking him. I think Jimmy Fallon is a pretty good indicator of liberal opinion and morale. He wouldn't dare mock Obama in the beginning. I'm still in his corner though.


It could be the "black" thing, but I'm not sure if it's as signficant as the GOP pouncing on him and a willing media going along with that. Couple that with the record of what Obama has done has not been communicated enough by his administration or the media.

golden eagle

It could be that the majority of people think he sucks at being President.


The majority of people once believed the earth was flat, too, Bubba. Just like the majority of Republican voters in Delaware think Christine O'Donnell isn't a nut job. Doesn't make it true just because the majority believes it.


Doesn't make it untrue either. :) Look up myth of the flat earth, and you will find what we were taught about people believing the earth was flat isn't whole truth.


...but, fellow bloggers, where were media and the "majority of the people who think he sucks as President" when George Bush was in offce? (stealing from he poor and giving to the rich) Where were the members of the TEA Party when Bush declared WAR on Iraq? (Weapons of Mass Distruction) This President has done more in 20 months than any other President has done in two terms (eight years). Jimmy Fallon is a comedian and President Obma is not his "sacred cow". Let's just see how funny it will be if the "Party of No" takes over the Senate and the House. If you are wealthy, it won't matter for a while; however, the middle class and the poor will not sit idly by and continue to fatten frogs for snakes.


* DrumminD21311 "His response to BP really hurt him with liberals...." Oh really? His response gave TEA Party members, Republicans and Obama Haters just something else to pounce on. Pres. George Bush was sitting with a group of 2nd graders reading My Pet Goat and looked like a deer staring in headlights when he received the news of the terrorist attact on the Twin Towers. He hid out and when he did surface, critical thinkers around the wold were in total disbelief. So, what what SHOULD HAVE BEEN Obama's differential? ShoulD he have put on a Superman Suit, flown down to the spill, put his finger over the hole and then make his way back to the White House to spead the news, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"? I don't think so. The President's well thoughout plan took a front seat rather than a response with a knee jerk reaction. With the financial agreement that this President made to have those who were harmed, made whole again, the Obama Haters, Republicans and TEA Party folks accused him of "blackmail and shaking BP down" with some type of sinister, diabolical, back-room deal. It just doesn't matter so, my question is back on the table, "Could it be that he is Black??


@justjess "Could it be that he is Black??" I thought I just answered this. Why is it back on the table? There are plenty of people that don't like black people or Obama because he is black. However, it is illogical to believe that his "blackness" is responsible for falling approval ratings. That would work if Obama all of a sudden just became black, or people just realized he was black, but HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN BLACK!! Your question makes no sense. How could someone like him when he was black before but all of a sudden change their mind, become racist, join the KKK, add BubbaT as a friend on Facebook and not like black people anymore? Maybe this happened to a few people, but 20% of the nation? That's a rather preposterous conspiracy theory you have there. Sure the tea party hates black people, but the tea party folks were never the ones that voted for or supported him. Hell, a large number of the 20% that changed their minds are probably black people. Do they hate themselves? Or do black people always support their own through thick and thin, like Michael Jackson and O.J.?


@ DrumminD I understand your frustration and Obama supporters have to be realist and admit to a "T" that Obama did not become president simply because of the black vote. But then again you have to ask yourself, why are people second guessing the guy they elected? He was the media darling and people gravitated to him, his job ratings are crap, but his popularity ratings are still in tact. But this isn't a popularity contest, he has a job to do. But the stuff or rhetoric your hear from "conservative" analayst and commentators as far as him being a socialist, a communist, a muslim - doesn't it seem a bit out of touch, a touch out of reach? Case in example, Newt Gingrich indicated the president was engaging in "Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior" - now some people would say, oh you looking too much into that? At the same time I would say, "Your not looking into it enough" Just because a lot of people "voted" for him doeasn't mean they are not holding him to a higher level of accountability, than I seen for any other president before him? which is sad, because the level they are holding him, they should have been doing in the first place. In regards to black people supporting their own? HA! If that was the case, Mississippi's flag would have changed, Jessie Jackson would have ran for President instead of Walter Mondale, you wouldn't see as much black on black crime as you do today, you would see more black males in a office setting - than you do black females, O.J. was based on sheer frustration with a broken legal system that gave a pass to numerous white males that beat, tortured and murdered blacks between the civil war and the civil rights movement, and never received punishment for their crimes. Last but not least, Michael Jackson received the same treatment as the King of Rock Elvis Presley. Michael Jackson was never convicted of Child Molestation and the King of Rock had his faults too. So sorry that it took all of that to say that to you, but don't say people are putting too much into something? Instead of saying to JustJess - "It can't be because of his color" - ask WHY them why they feel as such and let them explain to you

Duan C.

@Duan I wasn't really able to make a whole lot of sense out your comment, but I'll try to respond to what I did understand. It seems like words are being put into my mouth that I did not say. I support Obama. I think he's done a great job. Could he have done more? Yes, but me and Obama are cool. I'm simply explaining more plausible reasons why his approval ratings have dropped. Again, OBAMA HAS ALWAYS BEEN BLACK. I don't understand how you can argue that his race is fueling disapproval, given that this is not a new fact. Isn't it more plausible to focus on new information that would have contributed to his popularity decline, such as his job performance. Take George Bush. Would it be plausible to argue that his race contributed to dropping approval ratings moreso than his job performance? That's ridiculous, right? If someone didn't like Obama because of his race, they would have never supported or "approved" of him to begin with. The nonsense spouted by conservative commentators is simply ammunition for their audience which has hated Obama from the get go. You argue that I should ask people that are wavering on Obama why. I don't have to ask anyone. Just read liberal commentary or watch them on TV, Bill Maher for example. Bill Maher is the guy that exposed O'Donnell as a witch and pseudo-Nazi. He has been critical of Obama from the beginning. Are you arguing that Bill Maher is racist? You and Jess are being irresponsible in your racism allegations and playing right into the conservative trap. They want you to accuse them of being racist so they can go "See, we told you, black people accuse you of being racist when they don't get their way." It seems to be working. Don't be tools for the right.


@ DrumminD I know YOU are cool with Obama - but let me quote you How could someone like him when he was black before but all of a sudden change their mind,.........That's a rather preposterous conspiracy theory you have there. Sure the tea party hates black people, but the tea party folks were never the ones that voted for or supported him. Then after I read that from your post this is why I said this: Just because a lot of people "voted" for him doeasn't mean they are not holding him to a higher level of accountability, than I seen for any other president before him? which is sad, because the level they are holding him, they should have been doing in the first place. DrumminD - I apologize for not being a little more clear in regards to my response to your post. The one thing that is a draw back as humans we tend to assimilate with those that look like us or we tend to think are better than us, which leads me to this point. I have a serious discomfort or let's say trust in what other people are thinking, especially those that do not look like me ethnically. I have an opinion, based on the fact that I am a disident of african slaves, who in the beginning of this country, considered the bottom of the tottem pole or social organizational structure in this country - which has carried over until this very day. The stigmas placed on black people, by the ignorant few, do carry over to people who really want to be fair and want to be empathetic towards other not like them, but when its hammered out there people tend to start believing those that look like them - in general and a select few can differentiate what is real and what is B.S. - especially if you consider the fashion the "conservative" right has pushed out negative information on Obama, people are actually starting to believe the garbage. Prime example the governor of mississippi is at a conference and says, "we don't know too much about this current president"? How many people, especially white people will challange that comment from governor Barbour? Sure you will have a few who will point out the outrage of a comment such as that. The thing that the conservative right is using in its favor, is the racial make up of this guy, by not actually making it about race, but trying to shout and scream over any legislation Obama tries to pass saying its marxist, socialist and communists policies. You look at the Dream Act - republicans were sold - now, its dumb policy - its marxist, socialist, communists legislation!? Its like a kid in school - you know for a fact Barry is a christian and goes to church on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, but 5 strong willed gossip queens hammer out a rummer, before you know it - Barry is devil worshipper, he sacrifices goats and has slept with all the guys on the football team. You know how a rumor would pass like that - Barry is different, he doesn't look like the rest of the kids? That's the political climate we are in right now - people are starting to fall back and get lazy in the brain, by eating this stuff up from these neo-cons - because they (the neo-cons) look like them and Obama doesn't. In the end, they gave'em a try - but can you honestly say that American citizens have given him a fair shake? In regards to Bill Maher - he wants Obama to act like a thug and a hooligan, with his shallow conception of what a black person should act like in his so-called liberal world view? Just because Maher sleeps with sisters, does not mean he gets a pass from me when he makes comments about how Obama "Should ACT"

Duan C.

@Duan Very good points. I thought a lot of that myself, but didn't mention it. However you betray yourself: "The one thing that is a draw back as humans we tend to assimilate with those that look like us or we tend to think are better than us, which leads me to this point. I have a serious discomfort or let's say trust in what other people are thinking, especially those that do not look like me ethnically." That's exactly my point! That's what and you Jess are doing here. Because other white people have been racist, you are making the generalization that ALL instances of white on black criticism must be racist, again, doing just what conservatives like Andrew Breitbart get on Fox News and say you are doing. You're playing into their greedy little hands. What if I wasn't with Obama? What if I thought he was a horrible president? Does that automatically make my motivations for doing so racist? Bill Maher is not getting a free pass. All of his criticisms are valid. Obama was very slow to respond to the oil spill, and didn't do so with determination. That really pissed off environmentalists. Then when the media gets on him 2 months later, he starts talking about kicking someone's ass. Liberal comedians skewered him on that one. A lot of people wanted the public option. I personally wanted universal health care. He surrendered (as well as all Democrats) to the right on that one and took it out of consideration. As a white person, I should be allowed to criticize Obama without an accussation of racism hurled in my direction. Check your biases at the door. The conservative right has been pushing out garbage from the beginning. You can't rely on that. Remember Bill Ayers? Jeremiah Wright? I remember getting myspace bulletins about how Obama was the Antichrist and how it was predicted in Revelations. This is nothing new. The birther argument started long before he was elected. Remember the crazy Arab lady at the McCain rally? The media has always skewered presidents. Clinton and Bush were massacred by the media. Why should Obama be any different, because he's "black." If you believe that, then you are showing the same preferential treatment you seem to be arguing against.


Interesting you should call out the flat earth myth, Bubba. Most sources agree that most "educated" people knew the earth was not flat. Kind of hard to believe, however, that the majority of people in the dark ages were educated. In fact, just the opposite is true, at least in Europe. Educated people were in a distinct minority then, as they are still in many parts of the world. And back then, no one was taking polls (or reporting on what the man in the street knew), so it's problematic to prove what the majority believed either way. But, heck: I'll be generous. Let's say the majority of Europeans knew (or believed) the earth was round in the dark ages. They also believed the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun revolved around it. Why? Because the Catholic Church told them so. The church even convicted of heresy those who dared say differently, even when many "educated" people knew those premises to be false. My point remains: Just because a majority believes something to be true doesn't make it so. Conversely, it doesn't necessarily make it untrue either, as you correctly pointed out. "Most people think so" simply is not a valid argument either way. A much more interesting question would be: Who is perpetuating a myth and why? Who wins and who loses when the majority believes Obama is a Muslim, wasn't born in the U.S., or is a socialist/communist? And how does believing those myths play into the majority opinion that he's not doing a good job? (I mean, could a communist Muslim foreigner president *ever* do a good job in America?) Many in politics will say anything to win. Since Obama was elected, the Republican Party has played its role of obstructionism to the hilt. Now, as they attempt to parlay the fantastically right-wing paranoia of the tea party to their advantage, they're even more prone to disseminate misinformation because it suits their purposes. Haley's recent spins on history, for example, aren't accidental; he's playing right into the hearts and minds of Americans who are afraid of everything they don't understand and who don't know (and don't care to know) their own history ... into a xenophobic, fundamentalist, anti-government state of mind. This is not to say that Democrats don't play the same kind of political games. All politicians do to some extent. But Republicans seem to be particular deft at playing into fears born of ignorance without needing to back up what they say with reality.


@ Drummin - I respect your angle and your perspective of the current political climate But you will have to please excuse my pessimism at this time, regarding the criticism this president has received.

Duan C.
Comment What color is she? DrumminD21311- 3 JFP Black Caucus- 0 Don't worry about me throwing that in your face. It's just preparation for the onslaught from Fox News repeatedly throwing it at you over the next few months.


DrumminD, Please don't accuse me of playing any race game. I am a family member of rainbow orgin. My husband's grndmother is white. My father's mother was Indian. My mother's father was white. So for me, it would be very difficult to understnd your point based on the issues you raised in your post 9/20 @ 2:24pm.


Jess- Drummin's point is the cause of Obama approval rating dropping can't be because he is black, because he was black when his approval ratings were higher. Look at it this way, you have 100 people who were ask couple months after the election if they approved of job Obama is doing 75 said yes 25 said no. So he has a high approval rating. Ok last week the ask the same 100 people if they approved of his job so far 25 said yes and 75 said no, he now has a low approval rating. The 50 that changed their opinion couldn't have done so because he was black because if that was the reason they wouldn't approved of him because he was black the first time they were asked. Do you think people who originally supported Obama are now not supporting him because he is black?


@ DrumminD - I respect your angle and your opinon on the topic. However, you will have to excuse my pessimism towards the criticism the current president is receiving. I just feel like even though blacks are given an opportunity to prove themselves, there is another level of accountability - to where we almost need to pull off magic to please everyone and show we are capable of performing and executing on a administrative job like anyone else.

Duan C.

@Justjess Those comments were mainly in response to Duan. I guess I did lump you into it though, my bad. I assumed y'all were on the same team. In response to your new statement, rainbow people are as perfectly capable of playing a race game as homogenously white or homogenously black people. Anybody is. I don't see how your rainbow status is relevant. Does that give you the free pass Duan was talking about?


Barry has made lots of people angry including me. I'm now supporting that witch named Christine O'Donnell. I wish the GOP and TEA party had more time so they could really destroy themselves. Between her, Sarah Palin and Grand Paul, Bubba nem will finally get to go back to the way things used to be. What a _itch. Witch that is. Barry got some nerves to ignore Blacks for 2 years now start campaigning for us to go out and vote in big numbers. Frankly, I'm tired of the white man and the bright man. I'm going with a woman the next time.


@Duan We expect him to perform magic because he campaigned on magic. Remember "yes we can?" Yes we can do what? He's campaign specifically relied on the word "change." When people don't see change, they get pissed off. People don't care about what's reasonable, they heard magic, and now they want to see it. He's being held to the highest standard not because he's black, but because he's President. He deserves to be held to the highest standard. He doesn't get a hood pass or Jess' rainbow pass or a white card as I heard someone say. I know there some promises he has yet to fulfill. He promised gay rights groups he would end don't ask don't tell. That's still in place. He promised to close Guantanamo Bay. That's still up and running, and terrorism suspects wouldn't be freed even if it was closed. They would just be transferred to secret locations throughout the world. There's probably some being waterboarded right now in Bosnia. Where's the change? I want change! I don't care what the hell the witches and the Hitler signs say. I want what I was promised. I'm not lowering my standards because he's black, which is what you seem to be suggesting that I do. I demand the best out of every public official.


Walt, I hope you have some strong legal skills because you will probably have to go by the jail to bail your candidate, Ms. O'Donnell out. It seems that she decided to pay her rent, buy clothing and operate a personal credit card out of campaign funds. LOL!!!!!


@ DrumminD - now didn't I say this in my original post to you? Just because a lot of people "voted" for him doeasn't mean they are not holding him to a higher level of accountability, than I seen for any other president before him? which is sad, because the level they are holding him, they should have been doing in the first place. You missed my key point - because the level they are holding him to, they should have been doing in the first place It shouldn't be okay for Obama to mess up or do wrong, but at the same ticket - people should have held Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II to the same level of accountability in the first place as well. I'm sorry you don't see my point

Duan C.

DrumminD, Your comments do not pass the smell test. What is it with this kind of thinking that allows one to put others down so low as to be representative of morons and idiots? "YES WE CAN" was the response to a positive message that WE are capable of doing. This is not "MAGIC". It is common sense; however, when there is a party that has become the "Party OF NO", many problems and delays come with this type of action. I'm always suspect of a person saying only what one HASN'T DONE especially when there are sooooooo many things that have been done. So far, the only approval President Obama has had from Republicans and Tea Party folks is the Country's business associated with WAR. Think about it. Why was the world so upset with President Obama when he used the word "ANGRY" when describing a group of people who would "take up their guns....??" This is all I'm hearing now: How ANGRY everyone is. Obama was dogged for even using the word "ANGRY". This situation is laced with nothing buy meaness and with a historical past of the negative evaluation of black folks. Clear. Evident. Simple. Trust me, the standard is soooooooo different. It's not about magic: It's about meaness!


...and by the way DrumminD, what exactly are you waiting for that you have personally asked President Obama to do and he hasn't done? Just asking.


Great artists are often times not appreciated during their times. So I believe it is with our President. Try reading Frank Schaeffer's blog at


@Lionheart "Great artists are often times not appreciated during their times. So I believe it is with our President." That's the same argument George Bush used, that history will smile upon him. @Duan "It shouldn't be okay for Obama to mess up or do wrong, but at the same ticket - people should have held Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II to the same level of accountability in the first place as well." Huh? Who says those presidents weren't held to the highest standard? The Republicans gained control of the Congress in 1994 by Clinton bashing from the likes of Gingrich and Limbaugh. Sound familiar? It's the same old song and dance. Remember Whitewater? Remember how the Republicans were trying to impeach him from day one based on whitewater and his alleged mistresses? Obama is being held to a higher standard than Clinton you think? Remember Vince Foster's death and how Clinton was somehow an accomplice? The Republicans were talking about criminal charges against Clinton. Have they tried to reasonably bring such charges against Obama? No. IF Obama is being held to a higher standard, it's because he promised massive CHANGE. All George Bush promised to do was lower taxes, and he did that. He didn't promise to transform the fabric of society the way Obama did, which was the reason a large number of his supporters voted for him. The public care who has stood in his way, they just remember what they were promised. Excuses are irrelevant. If he didn't plan to fight the Republicans tooth and nail and have them submit to his whims, he shouldn't have promised that he would. @justjess ".and by the way DrumminD, what exactly are you waiting for that you have personally asked President Obama to do and he hasn't done?" Is this some sort of ill-fated attempt at a sarcastic jab? Of course I haven't asked him to do anything, because he doesn't give a shit what I think. I'm only holding him accountable for the promises he publicly made to EVERYONE, including repealing don't ask don't tell, closing Guantanamo Bay, pulling all forces out of Iraq, taking control of Afghanistan, providing the public option for healthcare, financial reform, etc. I'm not against Obama. As I said, I'M ON HIS TEAM. You're putting me somewhere I'm not. I'm just saying that I understand dissatisfaction, and I don't buy your color conspiracy. EVERYTHING doesn't have to be racist. The Tea Party, yeah, they are racist, but don't lump everyone else in with those clowns.


Obama is being treated like he quarterbacks a professional football team, and he has to win a championship or many of those other people are going to question his ability to play the position. Quarterbacking and coaching are for white boys so they can claim all the real credit and intelligence in the event of victory. Even Barry Stephen has played into this myth to some degree. All his coaches are white and now that he's having problems scoring and winning the championship, he wants us blacks to come to the games and holler real loud so the white people will cut him some slack and give him more time to win. Barry is acting too much like the bright or light-skinned brother who doesn't want to offend his enemies or be seen as possessing too many characteristics of the other race. I voted for Barry to take the ball to the hole. To run a touchdown because a touchdown is needed to be run for the poor, middle class and the nation. I didn't send him into the game for him to be too concerned about his enemies except to know where they are at all times so as to plant his foot to their behinds constantly. Like Drummin said Barry promised all kinds of things and soon forgot the promises. I know the opposition is unkind to him, and I expect him to meet their unkindness with greater cruelty and violence than they could ever send his way since we all know extending them love and peace won't work to our advantaqe. Unless Barry understands this by now, we the poor and middle class lose the fight. The republicans don't give a damn how we Democrats view them. They know their mostly all white party's sins will be ignored or overlooked by at least half the population if not more. This has always been the case. Consider the genocide of the Amercan Indians, Slavery of Africans and African Americans a proof. In fact you can consider everything before and afterward as proof.


Just so y'all know, when Eric Holder came and spoke here yesterday, I wore a shirt with Obama's face emblazoned over the entire front at a televised event. What have y'all done for Obama? Surprisingly, not one single person at the school mentioned it. I was expecting comments like I usually get when I wear my Obama shirts, disdain from white people and fist bumps from black people. I didn't get either.


Walt I like this analogy "Obama is being treated like he quarterbacks a professional football team, and he has to win a championship or many of those other people are going to question his ability to play the position.........Quarterbacking and coaching are for white boys so they can claim all the real credit and intelligence in the event of victory." But this is where you lost me " All his coaches are white and now that he's having problems scoring and winning the championship, he wants us blacks to come to the games and holler real loud so the white people will cut him some slack and give him more time to win. Barry is acting too much like the bright or light-skinned brother who doesn't want to offend his enemies or be seen as possessing too many characteristics of the other race. I remember when he (the potus) first began seeking the democratic nomination, one of my frats said to me - man, he just doesn't seem black enough to me Now I used to consider myself a bean pie, bow tie wearing, nation of islam brother when I was in college. But the thing I had to start paying attention to was the black folks from australia, ethiopia, nigeria, jamaica, belize, trinadad and few other schools that attended Jackson State with me. They didn't see things the way I did as a quote on quote "african-american" - especially consideirng my family background I need to be checking other, but due to the au natural nap of my hair - my dominant genes are definately of the motherland. I told that brother - he can't just be the president of the few - He is running to be President of the United States of America!? But back to the lecture at hand, how can we say this fella isn't "black enough to be our president?" I thought the object was to become a part of this society, not be excluded because of our skin tone? How can we do that if we are excluding ourselves or expecting ourselves to act a certain way just because of our skin tone? We can't take for granted that he is only going to be the President for black people. The president for states like Illinois, California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Ohio, that helped to elect him - he has to be president of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, and Tennessee as well - albeit they don't want him in there, he still has to be their president also - and look out for their best interest as well. So it may seem his actions in the past few months are signs of weakness and possibly being aloof, but I honestly have to say his presidency has been a gut check for all of us in regards to race, social class structures in this country, and the economy. Walt I understand how you feel, but this guy has to be the president for everyone, even the very same jokers that threaten to kill his life and I don't think anyone understands that better than him!

Duan C.

Since I'm at home today, Duan, I will answer. I'm mot even saying Barry isn't black enough or isn't the potus for all of us. He certainly is the potus for all of us except republicans, the teabaggers, the south - his enemies' et al, if you will. He doesn't have the hue for these people's due. This doesn't apply to all southerners, just most. Barry has Rahn Emanuel who was renowned and hated for being direct and willing to fight at the drop of a hat, and many other coaches of a different hue advising him. However, he's performing timidly or weakly even when attempting to do good things. They're either not pumping him up to act brazenly or he's afraid to do so. If he had some other kinds of advisors with a history of fighting racism,and unjustified meanness and hatefulness, I believe they would be less inclined to believe the enemy will change in time and more inclined to knock out the enemy while you can and while the enemy is stumbling and punch drunk. I'm lead to believe that even Barry believes we blacks are incapable o advising him which shows he believes we're inferior or too inexperienced to to help him handle the job appropriately. If he accepts this view it's fine with me so long as he doesn't ask me for money, votes or help. I know well what a helluva predicament Barry has gotten himself into. I further know that if Barry stopped both wars, immediately fixed the ecomomy and cured the hatred our foreign enemies have toward us, it still wouldn't be satisfactory to the republicans, teabaggers, southerners or other enemies of Democrats, Blacks, and the poor or middle class. Since Barry can't please everyone it's appropriate and necessary that he pleases the folks who brought him to the big show. In other words, dance with the folks who came to the party with him. Again since the devil can't be converted why try your hands at it. You'll only look foolish, get frustrated and have your supporters wondering what the hell they thought they saw in you. Barry is either too weak, too scared, too dumb, too ambivalent or not _____ enough. I need to see Barry produce what we hired him for. In other words, he needs to slay the devour aka predator or use up all his bullets, ammunition and energy trying to do it. Else he fails and we the good people of America and the world lose.


Translation, Walt: "Barry" Preident Obama, is Damned if he does and Damned if he doesn't. Do you remember the BIG stir it caused by Republicans, Tea Baggers, Haters, etc. when "Barry" used the word "Angry" to describe those folks in Ohio? Now the word is in vogue and it is all that you hear. Do you remember what happened when Michelle said that "This is the firs time that I have been THIS PROUD of my Country. These same folks wanted to tar and feather her. No, "Barry" didn't get the health care option, but, he did get a bill passed that will help sooooo many, especially kids with pre-existing conditions. That clause starts today. Also, for the many, who have long-term treatment issues, i.e., cancer, these people will not be time limited and dropped. Just remember that "Barry" was able to pass a health care bill that was in the making for over forty + years. Johnson, Carter, evem the Clintons couldn't get it passed. Walt is suggesting the "New Sheriff In Town" position and once I get there, I will kick A$$ and Take names. "Barry" couldn't do this. He would have been in that program that says, "Survived by......and his two kids...." We don't have to give "Barry" a pass, but, we need to know how the game is played. I think that he is running with the ball and towards the goal post.


@ Walt "I'm lead to believe that even Barry believes we blacks are incapable o advising him which shows he believes we're inferior or too inexperienced to to help him handle the job appropriately. Say bruh, have you seen the appointments "Barry" has made to the southern federal circuit with judges and attorneys? In the illustrious words of my boys on NFL Sunday Countdown - C'MON MAN!!!!!! Walt you might as well get you some bean pies, some Final Calls and a couple of zip lock bags of fruit, 'cause the very change you want to see - you are defeating with the attitude you have taken up with the POTUS. DrumminD - this is a prime example of TWO BLACK FOLKS who have not given each other a free pass Walt, you are still one of my favorites up here, but I have to disagree with your current stand on this subject

Duan C.

My concern is not whether to stick with B. Hussein Obama (as Coulter says) or not to stick with him. I'll vote for any Democrat over any Republican any day of the week (Except for that looney toon pastor that ran against Barbour. I was crying inside as I punched Barbour's name in on the ballot.) The concern is to what level Obama should be accountable by his own to take further steps. He's president, and we're going to vote for him again regardless. Some alleged witch will probably be running against him next time. We need to hold him accountable so he does the right thing. He needs constructive criticism. I'm not going to criticize him to bring him down. I criticize him to lift him up. Somebody can disapprove of a leader's actions but still support her because she's the best person for the job (notice how non-sexist I am?). I can criticize Donovan McNabb not because I hate black quarterbacks, but because I want McNabb to step it up and win games. Vick on the other hand can go to hell.


Duan you're disappointing me. I'm not merely talking about a black thing. Judges and assistant US attorneys rarely if ever advise the president. You and I both know Barry's chief advisers aren't any of us. His advisors shouldn't have to be merely us or them, it should be a part of everyone, I aver. I never had any bean pies and am not looking for any right now. I must tell you though that I don't have anything against the black muslims or any other muslims. Like all religions, they do some good and bad things. Barry is not beyond criticism from me or anyone else. I worked, voted and spent money to get him elected. I even got one of the big invitations to thank me for my work. I still support Barry but am pissed at him for not being stronger and smarter. There is absolutely nothing defeatist about my attitude toward him. You're missing the point. Barry suffers from what the older men in my childhood neighborhood accused all of us boys of. He is double-minded and doesn't know if he wants to shimmy or sh1t. You will make a mess of things if you try to do both at the same time. As I read his book and listened to his thoughts on Reagan I knew he would be double-minded and not very decisive one way or another. I was hoping I was wrong in my perception. Nonetheless, I will leave your president alone. I wish him the best. The we I spoke of was never just us Black folks. But I see nothing wrong with being concerned about us Blacks singularly on some occasions. Even with Barry.


I just had to add these tidbits on Barbour since this thread is talking about him. I see he went to New Hampshire today and you got to see some of the comments on some of these articles today! Amazing! NH is one of best opportunities to elect a GOP governor - Haley Barbour - and Not exactly a warm welcome for Barbour - I just thought this was some interesting stuff about our governor today and some of the comments to the articles had me laughing, it was inetersting to see what people outside of Mississippi thought about our politicians and our state

Duan C.

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