Time to Recommit | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Time to Recommit

I have allowed myself to become a victim to a couple of common phenomenon: I messed up, so f*ck it; and I over-committed, so I'm not doing anything.

On the first one, I find it incredibly easy to beat myself up when I don't live up to my own expectations (sound familiar out there?). And once I've pegged myself as a loser, there's simply no point in carrying on. How's that working for me, you ask? Not very well.

Point two is about over-committing. I find it very, very difficult to say no, especially when the person asking is me. But as someone with more wisdom them me once said, "If you don't believe God has a sense of humor, tell her your plans." I've had a long history of making big plans and not following through.

Next steps for me: First, make some new, realistic goals; second, recommit to reaching them. Wish me luck.

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Ronni I didn't know girls cussed, and God is a man. Read your bible.


Yeah Ronnie! Don't you know anything> God is an old white guy with a long white beard, killer abs and a bed sheet/toga thing hiding his um...manliness. According to the pictorial record he is also in really good shape for someone who is billions of years old. Geesh! get your facts straight before you confuse someone. Now that the facts are out of the way, would you mind coming over and watching my dog for eight hours today?

Tom Ramsey

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