Mississippi Scores Low on ACT | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Mississippi Scores Low on ACT


The latest ACT test scores suggest that many Mississippi high school graduates are not ready for college.

ACT scores for the class of 2011 show Mississippi high school students lagging behind the rest of the country in preparing for college.

ACT released the latest round of standardized test scores Wednesday that show Mississippi students had an average composite score of 18.7 out of a possible 36. The national average composite score was 21.1.

Mississippi also had the lowest average subject-area scores in the nation. The English portion of the test was a slight exception to the rule--in that area, Mississippi tied for last place with Arizona.

ACT tests students in four areas--English, reading, math and science--and sets benchmark scores for "college readiness" in corresponding freshmen-level college classes. The benchmarks represent the level of achievement students need to have a 50 percent chance of earning a grade of B or higher in those classes or a 75 percent chance of earning a C or higher. Only 10 percent of Mississippi high school students in the class of 2011 met all four benchmarks. Nationally, 25 percent of students who took the test met benchmarks in all four areas.

Mississippi students have high educational aspirations, though. ACT reports 45 percent of students said they wanted a bachelor's degree, and 36 percent said they wanted a graduate or professional degree.

Rachel Canter, executive director of Mississippi First, said the results are tragic, but unsurprising. Although Mississippi students may do well on state tests, such as the Mississippi Curriculum Test, they tend to score low on national tests, she said.

"We do not hold our kids to the same rigorous standards as the rest of the country does, but this is going to change," Canter said.

Mississippi has adopted the Common Core State Standards, which give schools around the country a standard set of benchmarks for student learning. Canter said the Common Core will revolutionize education, but implementing the program will be a slow and uneven process. Teachers will have to receive training in order to teach more rigorous curriculum, and the curriculum will be phased in over several years. When the Common Core Curriculum is in place, standards for students in Mississippi should match up with national standards, Canter said.

The complete national and state ACT reports on college and career readiness are available at act.org/readiness/2011.

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