Teen Design Camp Needs Funding | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Teen Design Camp Needs Funding


Teens research urban design at Jackson is Art summer camps.

Jackson is Art, a program of the Jackson Community Design Center, introduced 30 Jackson teens last year to architecture and urban design. Whitney Grant, co-director of JCDC, said the program showed students how to look at their city and understand how to make it better for the future.

"I thought they were great," Grant said. "I was very impressed."

A short documentary captured the highlights of the two-week program. The teens broke into groups and created a model of what Jackson would be like in the future.

This year, the program is competing to win a Pepsi Refresh Everything grant to host the same summer design camp again for the West Capitol Street Boys and Girls Club. Other funding for the camp fell through, Grant says. A $10,000 grant would pay for the two-week camp's instructors and materials.

Grant says teenagers in Jackson are often overlooked, and that the program creates an opportunity for their voices to be heard.

"It's very important for teens to have something to do, especially after school," Grant said.

The Jackson is Art program has influenced at least two teens to pursue architecture. "We're exposing them to a career and teaching them how to be problem solvers," Grant said.

Jackson is Art is not just an architectural program; it exposes the students to things they may not have seen before. The kids watch movies and discuss the content to make them aware of their surroundings, for example.

"We talk to them about being involved in their community and becoming civic leaders," Grant said.

For more information about the program, visit http://caadjcdc.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/the-jcdc-is-up-for-a-pepsi-refresh-everything-grant/
Vote for Jackson is Art in the Pepsi Refresh Everything Grant competition at http://www.refresheverything.com/jacksonisart.

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