When I asked my friend Arthur Jones how exactly he went about procuring the featured meat for a cookout at his house, he responded, "Sometimes, you just say, ‘Thank you for the goat.'"
Rather than push for details, I decided to just accept that. Besides, where there's goat, there's bound to be a fun time and good stories. And after all, the best times out and about are not always had in restaurants or bars. Particularly in summertime, they happen out of doors—in yards, on rooftops or on porches.
His friends and neighbors know that Arthur's cookouts are great fun, and this one was no exception. I love Jackson's neighborhoods and their character, and this Memorial Day gathering was full-on Belhaven. In addition to the aforementioned goat and some squirrel stew, we had a spread of more traditional cookout food and plenty of locally produced CatHead Vodka (http://www.catheadvoka.com) beverages.
With Arthur in his overalls supervising the goat roasting; a mix of architects, chefs, photographers, musicians, and business-folks on blankets or playing corn hole in the yard; and a jug-band jam session on the porch, it was a perfect way to welcome summer.
After filling up on the cookout goodness, we were ready for some music, so the crowd headed over to bid Johnny Bertram and the Golden Bicycles adieu (for now) at their farewell to Jackson show at the North Midtown Arts Center (121 Millsaps Ave., http://northmidtownartscenter.wordpress.com).
Summer also means swimming pools, of course. Downtown, that means impromptu rooftop parties at the King Edward Apartments (102 N. Mill St., 601-979-2233, http://kingedapartments.com). Although we joke that it's not so much a swimming pool as a wading pond, it's a great spot to gather and catch some rays. On a recent Saturday afternoon, a number of us slathered on the SPF and headed there armed with books and yummy homemade adult beverages that made use of the bounty of summer fruit available at the Mississippi Farmers Market (downtown Jackson, off High Street, 601-359-1159).
Besides cookouts and swimming pools, we southerners love a good front porch, and I'm no exception to that rule. Luckily, my friend Jane Halbert Jones has a porch in Belhaven that has become a go-to gathering spot. If you don't have such a spot among your group, I highly recommend finding one. As neighbors and friends find themselves in the area, they just sort of end up there—perhaps making a run to the nearby McDade's Market (904 E. Fortification St., 601-355-9668) or to Kat's Wine and Liquor (921 E. Fortification St., 601-354-9181) for rations on the way.
You never know who might stop by, and it's never anything formal or organized—just come hang out, stay as long as you want, and leave when you want. That's really the beauty of front porches in the South, isn't it? The Jones' porch has been home to great conversation, lots of laughter and some quotable quotes. I know there's more in store as summer continues.
Remember: Whatever meat you cook, pool in which you swim or porch where you gather, enjoy what summer means to you—and don't forget the sunscreen.
Follow Julie on Twitter @jcskipp.
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