The Jackson City Council planning committee refused to approve a new strip mall in south Jackson yesterday.
"As my father used to say, every kind of money ain't good money," said Ward 6 Councilman Tony Yarber, who represents the district. He says his ward already has too many strip malls. Yarber was one of the more vociferous opponents of the proposed $500,000 development at the corner of Raymond Road and Castle Hill Drive, and succeeded in convincing the rest of the committee, which included council members Margaret Barrett Simon and Ward 1 Councilman Quentin Whitwell, among others.
Developer Ross Barnett Jr. pressed the committee to allow the development, which he said would contain a Subway restaurant and other businesses, but required a municipal zone change from residential to C-2, which is a limited commercial classification.
Whitwell said he opposed the zone change because there were too many other underutilized or empty strip mall developments in south Jackson.
Barnett said the area he is targeting for development currently generates very little revenue for the city. "Right now, there's nothing there but mulberry bushes and jack-rabbits," Barnett told the Jackson Free Press.
McDade's Expands
McDade's Market recently celebrated the opening of its fifth store in Yazoo City.
"We are still that buy local, shop local, entrepreneurial business," co-owner Kathy McDade said. "It's close enough to here that we can make it part of the family."
McDade's is based in Jackson and the company has a total of 340 employees. The new store has 40 employees.
Luncheons for Developers
Downtown Jackson Partners is now hosting a monthly luncheon for developers to discuss projects and network. The luncheons take place at various venues in the city. For information about dates, call Downtown Jackson Partners at 601-353-9800.
Council to Set Biz District Election
Jackson City Council members have 60 days to set an election for property owners to vote on the reauthorization of Jackson's Business Improvement District.
During a public hearing at Jackson's City Hall last night, Downtown Jackson Partners representatives and board members spoke in favor of the district. City Council members Margaret Barrett Simon, Charles Tillman and Frank Bluntson applauded Downtown Jackson Partners for its role in revitalizing Jackson's downtown. No one spoke in opposition of the district.
DJP manages the 66-block Business Improvement District. The state Legislature established the district in 1996 and property owners located inside the district pay an additional10-cents per square foot of their property to support DJP. Downtown Jackson Partners provides safety patrols, marketing assistance and economic development for the district. The organization has also assisted the city with several studies including a downtown parking study, a retail study and a study of the city's tax-free properties.
"We are going to find out in 60 days how well we have done," Downtown Jackson Partners President Ben Allen told council members yesterday.
Council members said they would try to set the election at the June 28 city Council meeting.
Fondren Hosts Freedom Fest
Next month's Fondren after 5, scheduled for July 7, features special activities for families and area residents.
"Freedom Fest," is a patriotic celebration that includes a children's carnival, dunking booths, and food, and ends with a children's parade with decorated bikes, wagons and strollers in Fondren's historic district.
The carnival will take place on the green space next to Duling School and the parade route starts and Duling Street and continues onto State Street, Old Canton Road and back to Duling Street. The festival is 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
For information, email [e-mail missing].
South Jackson Farmer's Market
South Jackson is the newest community to host a farmers market in the city.
The market is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday and features fresh fruit, vegetables, crafts, clothes and beauty products. Vendor spaces are available for $5.
The market is at the Jackson Square Promenade (2460 Terry Road). For information, call 601-372-7157.
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