Occupy Mississippi Demonstration Tomorrow | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Occupy Mississippi Demonstration Tomorrow


A group of residents gathered in Jackson's Smith Park yesterday to coordinate the Occupy Mississippi event tomorrow.

More than 20 people gathered in Jackson's Smith Park yesterday to plan and discuss getting people involved in the local Occupy Mississippi movement.

Organizers are asking residents to join them tomorrow starting at 7 a.m. at Smith Park in downtown Jackson to protest economic inequality and corporate greed. The event is modeled after Occupy Wall Street's New York City demonstrations in which thousands of protesters have camped out in Zuccotti Park for the past four weeks. The movement will have demonstrations throughout the country tomorrow.

Landon Wilson, a supporter of the movement, said that tomorrow's event is meant to educate the public. The organizers have obtained a permit to demonstrate for Smith Park and on the grounds of the Capitol. The event will include booths where residents can write opinion editorials to the media and learn more about the movement. At some point, demonstrators will march from Smith Park to the Capitol building. More demonstrations are planned in Oxford, Starkville and Biloxi.

Wilson said that organizers have a two-day permit for Smith Park but has not yet decided if the group will try to camp at Smith Park overnight.

During Occupy Mississippi's general assembly meeting yesterday, the group focused on adopting a message and discussed how to respond to the media. Several members discussed concerns about the national media's coverage and its attempts to characterize the protesters as off message and a "fringe" movement. Some members may have disagreed over messaging and media inquiries, but they all agreed that they are angry over corporate wealth, and they are frustrated with the struggles of people who are barely getting by.

"I think we are here because we are mad," supporter Brad Hooey said at the meeting. "That's the beginning of a process of finding a message. Now we are here, and we can find each other, and then we can take the time to talk to each other about how to fix it."

Wilson, 23, attended an Occupy demonstration in Washington, D.C., earlier this month with his girlfriend, Chelsea McDonald. That experience made him want to get Mississippians involved.

"I feel that it is wrong for a select few individuals and powerful corporations to control how legislation is passed and funnel money into elections," Wilson said.

Wilson said that this is just the first of several demonstrations and assemblies that Occupy Mississippi has planned.

Previous Comments


I stopped by the park after work today and got to watch the "General Assembly" process. I had to go just as it was breaking up so I didn't get the chance to really talk to anyone, but I did witness the vote to extend the occupation of the park. It passed and some are choosing to stay. There is a letter writing station set up to pen letters on why people are coming out and there was a successful vote to march to the offices of Senators Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker Monday to inform them of the occupation and they will deliver the letters to them. I think everyone who can should try and stop by and at least to write a letter if you can't stay.


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