Preventing Auto Theft | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Preventing Auto Theft


Auto thefts are usually crimes of opportunity, according to the University of Oakland Police Department's website. They can happen within seconds and are primarily a result of not being cautious and cognizant of the environment. You can decrease your chances of your car being burglarized or stolen by following these tips.

• Do not leave your keys in the ignition or hide spare keys in the car. As simple as this sounds, drivers often forget to remove their keys, making their vehicle a target for burglars.

• Always take your license, registration forms and other documents that can be misused with you. Burglars can impersonate you when challenged by the police or sell your car if the documents are left in the car. Because your address is on the documents, burglars can invade your home as well.

• Don't leave valuables in the car. If you must leave something, do not leave it in plain sight. Hide it in an inconspicuous place before you get to your destination. Just covering them with a towel or blanket will only draw more attention to it.

• Lock your doors and close all windows even if you are going away for a brief moment. It only takes seconds to steal.

• When shopping or stopping at multiple places, lock packages in the trunk. Do not load your vehicle with bags and then walk away.

• Never leave bags or valuables for a long period of time or overnight.

• Engrave your name on your valuables and engrave your vehicle identification number in several well-hidden places on your car. This will make identifying your belongings easier.

• Don't leave electronic cords, docking stations, coins or anything in plain sight that suggests you hid your valuables.

• Take the time to remove your radio's faceplate. The radio isn't as valuable without it.

• Always park in a well-lit and busy area. Though picking a parking spot can be hard in certain situations, always park where there is activity so that the burglar won't have the privacy to steal your car or valuables.

• Cars left unattended for an extended period of time have a greater risk of being burglarized. Try to park in a garage with a garage supervisor, or take time out to check on your vehicle.

• Avoid running out of gas or leaving your vehicle unattended on the side of the road.

• Installing a car alarm or other anti-theft devices decreases your chance of being burglarized. However, alarms do not mean thieves won't steal items if you leave valuables in plain sight.

• Dark tint is not a deterrent for burglars. They can use a flashlight to scope out your vehicle. They can break the window and the tint sheet keeps the glass together which makes it easy to throw it to the back.

• Do not confront burglars. Valuables can be replaced but your life cannot. Be alert but cautious and notify the police of any suspicious activity.

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