Construction Bids Debated for City Project | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Construction Bids Debated for City Project


Jackson Redevelopment Board member Beneta Burt said the board should not make exceptions for late bids.

Sept. 16, 2011

Jackson Redevelopment Authority board members made no excuses for late bids yesterday when they approved a construction contract for Century Construction Company to renovate the Richard J. Porter Building for city office space.

For several years, the Porter Building has been vacant due to a leaky roof and a need for cosmetic repairs, JRA executive director Jason Brookins said. Earlier this year, the JRA appropriated money for the renovation, and yesterday, the board's three-member project committee recommended that JRA award the $1.17 million contract to Century Construction Company. When the renovations are complete, JRA will move its offices from its building at 200 S. President St. to the Porter Building next door.

JRA board member John Reeves advocated for the board to reject Century Construction's bid and start the process over. Southern Rock Construction had submitted a lower bid of $1.03 million but mistakenly submitted the bid the city clerk's office instead of the JRA office and were subsequently two minutes past deadline.

"I think we should reject this bid and reopen it," Reeves said. "This is $170,000 of taxpayers money that we could spend on something else."

Board member Beneta Burt said that redoing the bid process to help a company that submitted late would set a bad precedent for future bid applications. She also said that Century had a hired percentage of minority participation at 19.5 percent. Southern Rock reported nine percent minority participation.

"If we are going to excuse someone from being late, then we are going to excuse someone later," Burt said. "That's the reason why there is a deadline, because they have to be in at a certain time. If you forgive one, what's the difference in five minutes or seven minutes? Late is late."

Despite the debate, board members voted to approve Century Construction's bid. Brookins said construction is expected to start in mid October, and JRA will move its offices in the early spring.

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