Community Events and Public Meetings | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Community Events and Public Meetings

Sept. 19, 2011

Project Homeless Connect Week. The theme is "Paving the Road to Self-Sufficiency." At Smith Park (302 Amite St.), the homeless service fair is from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sept. 20, and the concert is from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sept. 21. The art show and reception is from 3-6 p.m. Sept. 22 at Stewpot Community Services (1100 W. Capitol St.). The homeless conference is from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sept. 23 at Galloway United Methodist Church (305 N. Congress St.). Free; call 601-960-0335.

Sports League Registrations, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). The Department of Parks and Recreation is conducting registration for the upcoming season from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. Call 601-960-0471.
• Adult Flag Football Registration through Sept. 30. Limit of 20 players per team. Games begin Oct. 17. $325 team.
• Adult Fall And Winter Basketball League Registration through Oct. 7. Men and women ages 35 or older may participate. Limit of 15 players per team. Games begin Oct. 17. $325 team.

Blood Pressure Checks for Seniors. The city of Jackson and St. Dominic Health Services provides blood pressure checks and cholesterol information to qualifying individuals ages 55 or older living within the Jackson city limits. Free; call 601-960-0335.
Sept. 21, 11 a.m., at T.L. Love Senior Center (2912 Holmes Ave.).
Sept. 22, 11 a.m., at Tougaloo Multi-Purpose Senior Citizens Center (318 Vine St.).
Sept. 26, 11 a.m., at Johnnie Champion Senior Center (1355 Hattiesburg St.).

Monday, Sept. 19

6 p.m., Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting, at River Hills Country Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). This week's speaker is former Texas Tech head coach and Sirius XM Radio football analyst Mike Leach. $280 individual membership, $1200 corporate membership; call 601-506-3186.

Tuesday, Sept. 20

9 a.m., BodyWorks Training, at Mississippi State Department of Health (570 E. Woodrow Wilson Ave.), in Alton B. Cobb Auditorium, Osborne Building. The program teaches parents, youth leaders and health educators how to promote healthy eating and exercise habits in children ages 9-13. Registration required; limited seating. Free; call 601-576-7856.

10:15 a.m., GetEQUAL Mississippi Press Conference, at Mississippi State Capitol (400 High St.), on the south side. The purpose of the conference is to call for the American Bar Association to enforce its anti-discrimination policies on behalf of LGBT individuals. Visit

11:45 a.m., Seizures: Facts and Myths, at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.). Dr. Angela Chandler explains what seizure are, causes, treatments and what to do if someone is having a seizure. Registration required. $5 optional lunch; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

6 p.m., LABA-Link Mixer, at Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University (1230 Raymond Road). The Latin American Business Association is the host. Network and find out how to get involved in community projects. RSVP by Sept. 19; limited seating. Call 601-447-5915 or 601-608-8999.

6 p.m., Jackson City Council Meeting, at Jackson City Hall (200 S. President St.). The Jackson City Council holds its regular meeting, open to the public. Free; call 601-960-1033.

Wednesday, Sept. 21

11:30 a.m., Women's Council Meeting, at Ruth's Chris Steak House (1000 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite 6001, Ridgeland). Appellate Court Judge Virginia C. Carlton is the speaker. Prospective members welcome. Lunch included; RSVP. $30; email [e-mail missing].

Noon, Alzheimer's Action Day, at Mississippi State Capitol (400 High St.), on the south steps. The Mississippi chapter of the Alzheimer's Association hosts the event. Hear stories from people with Alzheimer's disease, learn about programs, meet Miss Mississippi 2011 Mary Margaret Roark and enjoy free ice cream. Wear purple. Call 601-987-0020.

Noon, "History Is Lunch," at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Author Norma Watkins will discuss and sign copies of her book "The Last Resort: Taking the Mississippi Cure," about the art colony Allison's Wells. Bring lunch; coffee and water provided. Free; call 601-576-6998.

6 p.m., Teaching Degree Information Session, at Belhaven University (1500 Peachtree St.), in the McCarvey-Triplett Student Center, second floor, in the theater. Learn about Belhaven's Master of Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, P.A.C.E. and teacher certification programs. Refreshments served; RSVP. Call 601-968-8947.

7 p.m., A Toast to ProStart, at Parlor Market (115 W. Capitol St.). Contributors to the dinner include Palmetto Distributors, Parlor Market and Riedel Wine Glass Company. Proceeds benefit the Mississippi Restaurant Association Education Foundation's ProStart program. $95; visit

Thursday, Sept. 22

Mississippi Greek Weekend Sept. 22-25. The series of events promotes unity among Greek organizations and raises awareness of blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia, leukemia and lymphoma. Enjoy mixers, step show and concerts. Visit for a schedule. Charges vary per event; email [e-mail missing].

8 a.m., Mississippi ARC Fall Conference, at Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University (1230 Raymond Road). The William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation is the host. Speakers include former Gov. William Winter and Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning Commissioner Hank Bounds. Registration required. Call 662-915-6734.

5 p.m., HeARTWorks Art Show, at Fischer Galleries (3100 N. State St., Suite 101). HeARTWorks is an art ministry to the people in and around the Stewpot community. Proceeds from the sale of the artwork benefit the artists and Stewpot Community Services. Call 601-291-9115.

6 p.m., Precinct 4 COPS Meeting, at Redeemer Church (640 E. Northside Drive). These monthly forums are designed to help resolve community issues or problems, from crime to potholes. Call 601-960-0004.

6:30 p.m., Latin American Business Association Meeting, at Lingofest Language Center (7048 Old Canton Road, Ridgeland). The meeting includes a conference call with the president of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana and the presentation of membership packages. RSVP. Call 601-447-5915 or 601-608-8999.

Friday, Sept. 23

8 a.m., Make a Splash, at Mississippi Museum of Natural Science (2148 Riverside Drive). The interactive event allows students to explore a variety of water-related topics. $4-$6, children under 3 and museum members free; call 601-354-7303.

9 a.m, Friday Forum, at Koinonia Coffee House (136 S. Adams St., Suite C). Phil Hardwick from Mississippi State University's John C. Stennis Institute is the speaker. Free; email [e-mail missing].

11:30 a.m., Minority Enterprise Development Awards Luncheon, at Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University (1230 Raymond Road). MED honors local minority businesses and organizations at the event. Franchise owner Al Joyner is the speaker. $30; call 601-918-1994.

10 a.m.-4 p.m., UMMC Blood Drive, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). Mississippi Blood Services takes donations in the Community Meeting Room. Please bring ID. Free; call 601-984-2884.

5:30 p.m., Run for the Brain 5K, at College Drive Seventh Day Adventist Church (110 College Drive, Pearl). Registration is at 5 p.m. The event includes a 5K run/walk, a one-mile fun run and a health fair. Refreshments and prizes included. Proceeds benefit NAMI Mississippi. $20 by Sept. 9, $25 day of race, $10 fun run; visit

Saturday, Sept. 24

InfantSEE Week Sept. 24-Oct. 1. Local optometrists offer free eye exams for babies 6-12 months old. Visit for a list a participating doctors.

7:30 a.m., Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Opportunity, location TBA. Join volunteers from the Latin American Business Association in the construction of a Habitat for Humanity home. Email [e-mail missing].

8 a.m., Outdoorama on the Rez, at Turcotte Lab (Ross Barnett Reservoir, Highway 43, Brandon). Youth ages 5-14 learn about hunting and fishing through activities such as skeet shooting, archery, canoeing and fishing for catfish. Free; call 601-605-1790.

8 a.m., NACA Homeownership Workshop, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.), in the Community Meeting Room. The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America assists low- and moderate-income people with becoming homeowners without sub-prime or predatory loans. Free; call 601-922-4008, ext. 1921.

9 a.m., Homebuyer Education Class, at Jackson Housing Authority (2747 Livingston Road). The class covers topics such issues, personal finances, home inspections and the role of lenders and real estate agents. The class is required to qualify for a Jackson Housing Authority loan. Registration required. Free; call 601-362-0885, ext. 115.

Sunday, Sept. 25

11 a.m., Men's Day Celebration, at True Light Missionary Baptist Church (224 E. Bell St.). Dr. Dolphus Weary, president emeritus of Mission Mississippi, is the speaker. Call 601-353-7364.

12:30 p.m., Rainbow's Annual Potluck and Shareholders Meeting, at The Cedars Historic Home (4145 Old Canton Road). Enjoy vegetarian dishes, door prizes and a drum circle. Call 601-366-1602.

3 p.m., Music that Mends, at The Commons at Eudora Welty's Birthplace (719 N. Congress St.). The benefit concert is for Michael Ross, who was severely injured in a work-related accident. Jacob Lipking, Scott Albert Johnson, Jonathan Scarborough, Cody Cox and Chad Perry perform. $5; call 601-540-1267.

Through Sept. 25

Jackson Square Farmers Market, at Jackson Square Promenade (2460 Terry Road). Vendors sell food, clothing, crafts and other items in the parking lot. Hours are 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Free admission, $5-$10 vendor fee; call 601-372-7157.

Monday, Sept. 26

Jackson Public Schools Parent/Teacher Conference Day. The annual event allows parents to meet with and discuss their children's progress with teachers. Appointments are encouraged for parents of elementary school students. Call the child's school for information.

11:30 a.m., Healthy and Happy Lunch and Learn, at Viking Cooking School (Township at Colony Park, 1107 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland). Speakers include Suzanne Carpenter of Advocare and MS Fitness Pro founder Tammy Thomas. Seating limited; RSVP. Free; call 601-362-1010.

Through Sept. 30

Mississippi Spay and Neuter Clinic Fundraiser, at Strictly Dancing (953 North St.). Bring a donation and attend classes in September at no cost. $10 donation; call 601-944-1315.

M-Power Communities Call for Nominations, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). Nominate an organization whose focus is on literacy, health, workforce training or social services, and has a budget of $25,000 or less. Call 601-982-8467.

Best of Madison County Call for Nominations. The Madison County Chamber of Commerce acknowledges local business and individuals in an Oct. 27 awards program. Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. Sept. 30. Nominees must be chamber members. Call 601-605-2554.

Through Oct. 13

Livingston Farmers Market (129 Mannsdale Road, Madison). The market is open 4-8 p.m. Thursdays. Call 601-898-0212.

Through Oct. 29

Byram Farmers Market (20 Willow Creek Lane, Byram). The market is open Monday-Saturday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. until Oct. 29. Products include fresh produce, wildflower honey, roasted peanuts, jams, jellies, birdhouses, and baskets and gourds for crafting. Call 601-373-4545.

Through Nov. 5

NAMIWalks Registration, at NAMI Mississippi (411 Briarwood Drive, Suite 401). NAMIWalks is an annual walk to raise funds for NAMI Mississippi, a local branch of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI is a nonprofit, grassroots organization dedicated to providing support, education and advocacy for consumers of mental health services and their family members. Visit to join an existing team, form a new team, walk as an individual or become a sponsor. Each team member who raises at least $100 will receive a T-shirt. Donations welcome; call 601-899-9058.

Through Nov. 12

Old Farmers Market (352 E. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). Hours are 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sunday. Call 601-354-0529 or 601-353-1633.

Through Nov. 16

Nature Nuts Preschool Program, at Clinton Community Nature Center (617 Dunton Road, Clinton). The nature discovery program is for children ages 2-5. Sessions are held on third Wednesdays from 10-11 a.m. Registration required. Receive a $2 discount for each additional child. $8 per session, $5 members; call 601-926-1104.

Versatility Exercise and Health Education Program, at Tougaloo College (500 W. County Line Road, Tougaloo). In the Owens Health and Wellness Center, room 223. Seora Casper leads the exercise class on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:45 p.m. through Nov. 16. Registration required; space limited. Free; call 601-977-7797.

Through Dec. 2

First Friday Free ADHD Screenings, at Office of Suzanne Russell, LPC (665 Highway 51 N., Ridgeland). Licensed professional counselor Suzanne Russell offers free 30-minute ADHD screenings for children on first Fridays through Dec. 2. Appointment required. Free; call 601-707-7355.

Through Dec. 17

Mississippi Farmers Market (929 High St.). Shop for fresh locally-grown fruits and vegetables from Mississippi farmers, specialty foods, and crafts from local artisans, including the Greater Belhaven Market. The market is open Saturdays from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. During the peak-growing season, hours are 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Call

Through Dec. 24

Old Fannin Road Farmers Market (1307 Old Fannin Road, Brandon). Homegrown produce is for sale Monday-Saturday from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and noon-6 p.m. Sunday until Christmas Eve. Call 601-919-1690.

Through May 22

Leadership, Personal Development and Life Skills Seminar Series, at Operation Shoestring (1711 Bailey Ave.). Operation Shoestring and Kuumba Promos host the seminars on first and third Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. during the school year. The purpose is to introduce leadership skills, life management skills and cultural pride to local youth. Enrollment required. Free; call 601-353-3663 or 601-957-2969.

Toastmasters Club Meetings. Improve your communication skills, and become a better speaker and leader. Membership required.
• Public Policy Club 8689 Meetings, at Universities Center (3825 Ridgewood Road). The group meets on first and third Tuesdays at 5:15 p.m. in the computer lab. Call 601-540-8472 or 601-432-6277; visit
• "Guess Who's Talking Now" Club 3284 Meetings, at Woolfolk Building (501 N. West St.). The group meets from noon-1 p.m. Tuesdays in the conference room on the first floor. Call 601-359-6653 or 601-359-2573; visit

Zumba Fitness Classes. The Latin-inspired aerobics classes are held at two Dance Unlimited Studio locations. $5; call 601-209-7566.
Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays at 9 a.m., at 6787 S. Siwell Road, Suite A, Byram.
Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 11 a.m., at 3091 Highway 49 South, Suite E, Florence.

Fitness Center, at Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity Project's Farmers' Market (2548 Livingston Road). Options include aerobics and Zumba classes, equipment for resistance training and toning, and access to a personal trainer. No joining fee or long-term commitment is required. Hours are 8 a.m.-7 p.m. weekdays and 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturdays. $20 per month; call 601-987-6783.

Diabetes Support Group Meetings, at Baptist Health Systems, Madison Campus (401 Baptist Drive, Madison). Baptist Nutrition Center hosts the meetings on third Thursdays at 1 p.m. Free; call 601-973-1624.

Adopt-a-Park Program Registration, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.), at the Department of Parks and Recreation. Organizations and businesses are encouraged to sign up to help maintain Jackson parks and trails by picking up litter, landscaping and painting. Call 601-960-0471.

Venture Incubator Talk and Tour Open House, at Venture Incubator (City Centre Building, 200 S. Lamar St., South Tower, 10th floor). Potential or current small business owners, and professionals interested in mentoring small business owners are welcome to meet with Wes Holsapple, president and CEO, and tour the facilities on Mondays from 5-6 p.m. and Wednesdays from noon-1 p.m. Refreshments served. Free; call 601-414-0140.

Jackson 2000 Study Circles Program. The program includes six two-hour sessions of dialogue and problem-solving to encourage racial harmony and community involvement. Jackson 2000 is looking for participants from all walks of life to sign up, and sessions will be scheduled soon. E-mail [e-mail missing].
Jackson Public Schools Call for Volunteers. Jackson Public Schools is seeking volunteers from the community to be mentors for seniors enrolled in the Advanced Seminar: Employability Skills course. Call 601-960-8310.

Medical Mall Moment Report at WOAD 1300 AM. Find out about the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation's current activities every second Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Call-ins to 601-995-1400 are welcome. Send your questions and comments in advance to [e-mail missing] or call the office for more information. The broadcast is also available on Call 601-982-8467.

Cancer Rehab Classes at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.), in the Activity Room of the Hederman Cancer Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 p.m. The class helps cancer patients enhance cardiovascular strength, endurance, their immune system and bone density. It helps to increase overall strength and stamina, decrease fatigue and weight loss, and improve digestion. Registration is required. Free; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.

Weekly Storytime at Pearl Public Library (2416 Old Brandon Road, Pearl). Each Tuesday, Baby Bookworms Storytime for children ages birth-36 months is at 9:30 a.m., and Preschool Storytime for children ages 3-6 is at 10:30 a.m. The event includes stories, rhymes, music and a puppet show on the last Tuesday of the month. Free; call 601-932-2562.

Business Plan Workshops, at New Horizon Church International (Renaissance South, 1770 Ellis Ave.). Get hands-on, individualized or small-group assistance to develop your customized business plan. Sessions are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m.-noon or 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m., and first and third Saturdays from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Appointment required. Call 601-371-1390, 601-371-1296 or 601-371-1427.

Tutoring Sessions and Peer-to-peer Study Groups, at Richard Wright Library (515 W. McDowell Road), in the Community Room. Sessions are every other Saturday from 9-11:30 a.m.; call to confirm dates. Students in grades 8-12 and GED students are welcome to get help with research projects, state subject areas tests, English, science, history and math. School supplies and snacks provided. Free; call 601-948-4725 or 601-372-1621.

National Alliance on Mental Illness Family Support Group, at St. Dominic Hospital (969 Lakeland Drive), in the St. Catherine Room. NAMI Mississippi offers a support group for family members who have an adult relative with a mental illness on second Thursdays at 7 p.m. Free; call 601-899-9058.

Programs on WMPR 90.1 FM and
• Women for Progress Radio Broadcast. Dorothy Stewart and Willie Jones host the program on Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. Topics include education, economics and politics. Call 601-918-5137.
• Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. Show. Every Wednesday from 1:30-2:30 p.m., Jackson mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. discusses activities, issues and other newsworthy items that are occurring in the city of Jackson. Call 601-960-1084.

CARA Recycling Program, at Community Animal Rescue and Adoption (CARA) (960 N. Flag Chapel Road). Mississippi's largest no-kill animal shelter is earning cash for operating expenses by participating in the FundingFactory Recycling Program. They are collecting empty laser or toner cartridges and used cellphones from the community and sending the waste products to FundingFactory in exchange for cash. Donations welcome; email [e-mail missing].

Adopt-a-Park Program Registration, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.), at the Department of Parks and Recreation. Organizations and businesses are encouraged to sign up to help maintain Jackson parks and trails by picking up litter, landscaping and painting. Call 601-960-0471.

Fitness Camp, at Lake Hico Park (4801 Watkins Drive). Do cardiovascular and strength training exercises, and learn about proper nutrition. Sessions are from 8-9 a.m. Saturdays. $20; call 601-331-8468.

Yu-Gi-Oh Tournaments, at Java Ink (420 Roberts St., Pearl). Compete and trade cards with other fans at 2 p.m. Sundays. Admission varies each week; call 601-397-6292.

ENCOUNTER Teen Empowerment Corps, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). On first Tuesdays from 6:30-8 p.m., Youth Solutions hosts a rally for teens in the Community Room. Activities include spending time with mentors, motivational talks, IGNITE Vocal Talent rehearsal, teen dramas and character development. Free; call 601-829-0323.

Home Repair Grant Call for Applicants, at Hood Building (200 S. President St.), in suite 316. Seniors 62 and older or disabled citizens may apply between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bring valid photo ID, a deed or warranty deed, proof of income, homeowner's insurance and a Social Security card. Call 601-960-1438 or 601-960-1491.

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