Give ‘Em a Break | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Give ‘Em a Break

I am going to go out on a limb and write about two quarterbacks who have already met up in Monday Night Football: Rex Grossman and Tony Romo.

There might not be two quarterbacks who get banged on more than Romo or Grossman. But, while neither player has a bust waiting for him in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, they are not terrible, either.

Grossman led his 2006-07 Chicago Bears to the Super Bowl to lose to Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts. Grossman and a stellar defense had a 13-3 regular season record. Chicago beat Seattle, led by Matt Hasselbeck, who had been to a Super Bowl, and the New Orleans Saints led by Drew Brees (we all know how Brees' career has gone).

Most of the knock on Grossman is that he throws interceptions—in bunches at times. I've used the phrases "good Rex" or "bad Rex" on several occasions on Even I forget that Grossman has a 22-14 record as a starter with a trip to the Super Bowl.

With 32 teams in the NFL, only eight other quarterbacks have led their teams to the NFL's biggest game. Of those eight, only Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Ben Roethlisberger, Aaron Rodgers and Eli Manning have won a Super Bowl. The other three, Donovan McNabb, Hasselbeck and Kerry Collins, all lost Super Bowl bids.

Eli Manning has won a Super Bowl but is not considered an elite quarterback by some, while others argue that McNabb is a Hall-of-Fame quarterback. Grossman falls in with both Manning and McNabb. While he will never be an all-time great, Grossman is much better than he gets credit for.

On the other hand, Tony Romo doesn't get a fair shake from fans or the media. Do you know that Romo has a 40-23 record as a starting quarterback? Romo has more wins than Matt Ryan (34), Joe Flacco (33), Rodgers (29), Vince Young (30) and multiple others.

With the game on the line, does Romo sometimes make a bone-headed play? Of course he does. Any quarterback behind and trying to win a game has made some bad plays. No one is exempt, sorry. Go back and look at losses for any quarterback, and you will see they made a bad play to lose a game.

The reason Romo is loved or hated is because he plays for the Dallas Cowboys. Romo played like a warrior against the 49ers, and he should be given credit for being better than people think.

Previous Comments


Romo is a good quarterback as his stats indicate. In fact, the Dallas Morning News said he was either the 1st or 2nd best quarterback on the Lions' team yesterday. How bout that comeback on Dallas? Even Romo wanted to see the Lions go 4-0 and did all he could to ensure it. Enough about that loser, Romo, and the Cowcissies, though. Let's talk about something important! Why is everybody jumping on the Steelers and beating us up like that? We just want to win 2 or 3 more championships before the present group retires. Baltimore sucker punched us before we got ready to defend, and the Texans punched us in the face while we were still dizzy. One of my cousins told me somebody hit Hien Ward so hard yesterday they saw dust, splinters, paint and nails fly from his rear end. That ain't no way treat the Dancing with the Stars Champion, an old man, and future Hall of Famer. Like a Steeler though he got up like a man and kept running his slow pass routes. Then near the end of the game some lunatic roughed up Big Big. At that moment I could see Queen, Donna and other haters rejoicing just a little although they couldn't really rejoice until he threw the interception thereby finally giving he game to the Texans. Actually, I like the Texans and Raven as long as they're not beating up on us. Later on we have to play the New England Player Haters. Hopefully, the Jets, Ravens or somebody will give hem a couple of more good whippings before we get to them. No, I'm not saying we need any help. If no one whips their asses before we get to them, we'll gladly do it ourselves. We're in need of some good pain pills, icy hot, linament, epsom salt, doctors, et al, to ease the pain. Where is steroids when you need them? I had no idea so many people hated us. The Texans and Ravens were hitting us like they had nothing but hate toward us. Where were the love and respect for football's most successful pro team? Watch out for the big payback.


Look it is what it is. I am a DIE HARD Cowboys Fan which means that I love Tony Romo and I want him to succeed. Regardless of his stats, the fella simply is not a WINNER. A WINNER does not make bone headed plays at the end of the game. A WINNER does not throw away 30 point leads. A WINNER does not play a game like he played against the Niners and then the next week play a game like the one against the LIONS. As a fan, I am sick of this roller coaster ride with Romo. Good GRIEF. I mean as soon as we get ready to hold him down, he does something outrageously STUPID and cost us a win. We have not been in the position that we need to be in - WINNERS- CONTENDERS - for years and if he is going to call himself the LEADER of THIS team, he has to show and proove. This fickleness he brings to the game is not going to get us to the play offs and certainly will continue to bring us - the fans - mild strokes when he faces REAL teams and QBs like the ones you mentioned. I am just about ready to think that Jerry Jones is incapable of making tough decisions just like Romo seems to be. A sports analyst said it best after the Lions game - "Romo is good when he's good and BRUTAL when he's bad. NO LEAD IS SAFE WITH ROMO ON THE FIELD." As a fan, that is simply not good enough! COWBOYS FOR LIFE -- Queen............out! (by the way, thanks for the article. I hope you'll do another one when we get to the SuperBowl.... whenever that will be! SMH


Oh and by the way, Walt, this will be the last time I'll speak like that publically about Romo so enjoy it. LOL


"On the other hand, Tony Romo doesn't get a fair shake from fans or the media. Do you know that Romo has a 40-23 record as a starting quarterback? Romo has more wins than Matt Ryan (34), Joe Flacco (33), Rodgers (29), Vince Young (30) and multiple others." Riddle me this - how many playoff wins does Tony Romo have, since people do not give him a fairshake? The four quarterbacks you named have as many trips to the playoffs, if not more, than Tony Romo. Let's talk turkey (that means straight up) - Romo has been the starter since '06 - that's five years, with some pretty o.k. talent around him. No change of venue, location, whatever your pleasure is - he hasn't gone through what I can honestly say the city of Cleveland has. 5 years is a good minute in the current NFL, he's already 4 games into 2011 season and they are 2-2. Colt McCoy, Matthew Stafford, Andy Dalton, Sam Bradford, Chad Henne, Blaine Gabbert, hell even Kevin Kolb - these are all current starting quarterbacks who have 3 years or less as their respective teams starter - now them, they deserve a fair shake. Tony Romo, after 5 years deserves constructive criticism and fair weather fans of Dallas have the right to question if he really is the long term answer, to get them back to where there were.....hhmmmmmmmmm......16 years ago! lol!!!!! I'm sorry Queen I had to do it, lol! But seriously. Yeah his W-L record is good, but playoffs are what matter after regular season wins and losses. Look up Dan Marino?

Duan C.

No arguement from me (TODAY) Duan. You're right. And we aren't getting any closer with this fella being married to Jerry Jones. What is that whole thing about? I don't understand. Everybody was mad at T.O. when he was getting in Romo's arse! But if they'd kept him maybe he would have gotten his stuff together because he keeps giving us the same old tired seasons of inconsistency. But......don't get too happy dis'n my team DC. LOL


Hey Queen, being that my team has been irrelevant since The Real Dawg Pound days, we have to be observant, sensible and honest football purists. Jerry needs a solid Personnel person in there. I think he has an okay eye for talent, but he needs someone like a George Kokinis or Phil Savage - who are video/film, out in the field junkies and comes from that Ozzie Newsome tree of talent. Another tree I would pull from in regards to having a keen eye for talent, Kevin Colbert, Director of Personnel for the Steelers. Most of his staff have been working for him 10+ years like ozzie's staff. But I know Jerry's loyal to people and he will keep Stephen Jones in place. Yes all of his first round picks have been hits, but 2-7 are another story. Like I said, don't get another G.M. - but get you someone who doesn't want the lime light, but will get you talent that fits what you do, and can find them in all 7 rounds and not just the 1st round. That's my take on that.

Duan C.

Queen you will be shocked that I will be pulling for the Cowboys at least once this year. Y'all play the Patriots before we do. This will be the first time I've pulled for the Dallas cowboys since the 1960s. And yes it makes me sick to my stomach. However, I hope y'all beat the Patriots really bad. If y'all rough them up we will finish the job?


I forgot to add, I hope Stank Williams Jr. is permanently replaced on Monday Football and Lil Strange is substituted. Sorry, I meant Lil Wayne. With Lil Wayne as the intro Monday Night Football will finally come into 2011.


It's official ole Hank(kerchief-head) Williams, Jr. is out as the intro to Monday Night Football. ESPN said they fired him and he says he quit. I'm not surprised by the confusion on his part since he said President Obama and Vice-President Biden were the 3 Stooges. Are you ready for some football? I hope he took all his rowdy friends with him?


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