Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will talk about today.
CLASHES RAGE IN ALEPPO DESPITE REGIME CLAIMS--While the state-run media reported Syrian government troops had control of the area, rebels forces are still battling in the city.
OBAMA WON'T WAIT FOR ROMNEY'S PICK TO TRASH POSSIBLE VP CANDIDATES--Democrats are already pointing out the shortcomings of Pawlenty, Portman, Rubio and Christie before the Republican presidential candidate even names his running mate.
MURDER TRIAL ENDS FOR WIFE OF DISGRACED CHINESE POLITICIAN--Evidence given in a closed trial said Gu Kailai invited a British businessman to a hotel room, where she got him drunk and fed him poison, but a verdict has not been announced.
NEWS GROUPS HEAD TO COURT FOR RELEASE OF DATA ON COLORADO SHOOTER--At a 3:30 p.m. hearing, the organizations hope to scale back a gag order in the case against the suspect in the theater massacre.
WHY LIVESTOCK RANCHERS ARE AT ODDS WITH CORN FARMERS--An EPA ethanol production requirement is making costs for corn too expensive because a drought destroyed other crops used for feeding cattle, chickens and pigs.
DRY SUMMER IS BAD NEWS FOR BEARS--With incidents of bears breaking into stores in New York and Colorado, it seems the drought is forcing them to come to populated areas for food.
HOW JAPAN MARKS THE 67TH ANNIVERSARY OF NAGASAKI A-BOMB ATTACK--Japanese officials say they will strive to be less reliant on nuclear energy.
MAN ACCUSED OF KILLING A HASIDIC BOY EXPECTED TO PLEAD GUILTY--Levi Aron is expected to enter the plea at a 2:15 p.m. hearing in exchange for a sentence of life in prison.
JAPANESE WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM HOPES TO REPEAT ITS WORLD CUP VICTORY--But their American opponents from that match are determined to get their revenge by taking home the gold after the final match at 2:45 p.m.
WITH BOLT AND BLAKE RUNNING, SOME ASK 'WHO WILL GET THE BRONZE?'--But there are runners hoping to spoil the party for the two Jamaican sprinters when they compete in the 200 meter final at 3:50 p.m.
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