Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today (times EDT):
THOUSANDS EXPECTED TO MOURN FOR SLAIN WISCONSIN SIKH WORSHIPPERS--U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will be among the speakers at a 9 a.m. wake and visitation.
REFINERY FIRE MAY MEAN HIGHER GAS PRICES FOR WEST COAST--Analysts expect prices to surpass $4 per gallon, but a Chevron spokesman says other factors are involved in the rising fuel costs.
ROMNEY AIMS TO SHOW HE'S NOT A ONE-ISSUE CANDIDATE--The Republican presidential candidate starts poking at Obama on a variety of topics as he looks to gain ground.
WHAT THE FOCUS WILL BE IN TRIAL OF COLORADO SHOOTER--As attorneys prepare to argue whether James Holmes is mentally ill, some victims and their families ask if the trial will be about him or his actions.
NUNS GATHER TO DISCUSS VATICAN-ORDERED OVERHAUL--The largest U.S. association for Roman Catholic sisters will hold a 3:45 pm news conference to announce whether they will challenge a Vatican review that accused them of dissent and ordered them to undergo a full-scale overhaul.
HOW THE OUTDOOR RECREATION INDUSTRY IS FLEXING ITS MUSCLES IN UTAH--The group threatens to pull a lucrative semiannual trade show if the state doesn't change course on environmental issues.
IT'S LANCE ARMSTRONG VERSUS U.S. ANTI-DOPING AGENCY--His lawyers are asking at a 3 p.m. hearing that a federal judge block doping charges against the cyclist.
PUNISHMENT FOR AWOL SOLDIER WHO PLANNED FORT HOOD ATTACK TO BE DECIDED--The sentencing of Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo is set for 10 a.m. after he was convicted in May on six federal charges.
HOW A CONSUMER WATCHDOG WILL PROTECT MORTGAGE BORROWERS--The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposes new rules to keep mortgage companies from hitting homeowners with unexpected costs and shoddy service.
LOOKING LIKELY U.S. BASKETBALL TEAM WILL PLAY FOR GOLD--The only way that won't happen is if Argentina figures out how to be 30 points better in five days, but even the U.S. coach says a win is not a sure thing.
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