The city is working with Fahrenheit Creative Group to create a new marketing plan to highlight Jackson's positive aspects. Photo by Trip Burns.
The United States Conference of Mayors released the report, “U.S. Metro Economies: Outlook – Gross Metropolitan Product, and Critical Role of Transportation Infrastructure” last month which ranked Jackson as number 89 on its list of top 100 metro economies. The report looked at Gross Metropolitan Product (GMP) as a leading factor in its ranking and Jackson’s GMP was $24.6 billion in 2011.
Jackson is one of twenty-six other capital cities included in the report. The ranking puts Jackson’s economy in the top 25 percent of the metros in the Southeast region and in the top 15 percent of mid-sized metros in the nation.
“We are very pleased to be lauded, once again, for our local economy,” said Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr. “Over the past several years, the city of Jackson has continued to emerge as a city recognized for its pro-business climate and for our aggressive economic development efforts.”
Since 2009, the value of building permits issued for construction totals more than $600 million. The City has also issued nearly 4,000 business licenses since that time.
In 2011, the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s also recognized Mayor Johnson’s Small Business Development and Storefront Improvement Grant programs as best practices. The City has issued nearly $800,000 in grant dollars sine 2009 to support small businesses. It is estimated that these grant dollars also created or retained well over 700 jobs in the Capital City.
Jackson’s local economy is also heavily supported by tourism. Last year 3.05 million visitors spent nearly $300 million at Jackson’s tourist attractions, events and festivals.
Jackson has also been recognized in recent years by the following regional and national media outlets, publications and organizations:
• One of the American Cities Beating the Recession – The Huffington Post
• One of the 20 Strongest Performing Metros in America – Brookings Institute’s Metro Monitor Report
• 11th Best City in America to Launch a Small Business –
• 3rd Best Bang-for-the-Buck City in America –
• 11th Strongest U.S. Metro Economy in America – BusinessWeek Magazine
• 9th Top City for Income Growth –
• One of the Top 5 Cities for Sensible Meetings – Convention South Magazine
• One of the Top 100 Places to Live in America –
• One of the Nation’s 100 Best Communities for Young People - America’s Promise Alliance and ING
• One of the Most Socially Networked Cities in America – Men’s Health
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