10 Things to Know for Friday | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

10 Things to Know for Friday

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today.

  1. PUSSY RIOT PUNK BAND GUILTY IN PUTIN PROTEST--A Russian judge has found Pussy Riot guilty of hooliganism driven by religious hatred for their guerrilla performance in Moscow's main cathedral. They face up to seven years in prison in sentencing later today.

  2. THE SECRET BEHIND ROMNEY'S TWITTER POPULARITY--Some are questioning whether his more than 861,000 followers are for real.

  3. A LOOK AT THE MOTIVATION FOR ECUADOR TO PROTECT ASSANGE--Offering asylum to the man responsible for the biggest-ever spilling of U.S. secrets was apparently too attractive for President Rafael Correa to resist.

  4. WHEN HUMANS CAN'T SAVE YOU, IT'S EMILY TO THE RESCUE--The remote-controlled craft with a flotation device is being used by lifeguards on the "Baywatch" beaches in California.

  5. CAMPERS: BE WARY OF MORE THAN BEARS--Rodents at popular Yosemite lodging spot may have spread rare and fatal virus.

  6. FELLOW BIPOLAR SUFFERER KENNEDY VISITS JESSE JACKSON JR.--The ex-congressman from Rhode Island says his colleague's deep depression will take lots of work to manage.

  7. HOW A 297-POUND 12-YEAR-OLD FEELS AFTER PEEWEE FOOTBALL BAN--"I'm not sad, I'm mad that I don't get to play."

  8. TIMEPIECE MAKER WATCHES AS PLEA FOR $100,000 NETS HIM $10.3 MILLION--The founder of Pebble Technology discovered the joy of crowdfunding.

  9. WHY ROBERT PATTINSON ACCEPTED 'COSMOPOLIS' ROLE--He looked up director David Cronenberg on Rotten Tomatoes "and it was like 98 percent approval."

  10. MOM SAYS HER AUTISTIC SON WAS TURNED DOWN FOR HEART TRANSPLANT--An expert on medical ethics says this is why more people need to sign organ donor cards

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