MEMA Releases Shelter Update | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

MEMA Releases Shelter Update

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PEARL—Public shelters will begin opening as Tropical Storm Isaac continues its move toward the Gulf Coast.

MEMA Executive Director Robert Latham urges residents to finalize their evacuation plans, as coastal Mississippi could see tropical storm force winds beginning Monday night or early Tuesday morning.

“Residents should finalize evacuation plans now and should not wait until the last minute,” MEMA Executive Director Robert Latham said. “Even though Isaac has tracked slightly to the west, Mississippi will still see impacts. We have a good chance of seeing high winds, very heavy rains and significant storm surge. Anyone who lives in a low-lying area should make plans to move to a safer area. Most importantly, heed all evacuation requests and orders as soon as they are issued.”

Latham also urges residents to stay with friends and family when possible, leaving public shelters available to those who have no other place to go.

A list of shelter openings follows. Residents should monitor local media outlets for updates.

Forrest County: One shelter opening at 5 p.m. today.

Forrest County community shelter: 946 Sullivan Road, Hattiesburg. Pet-friendly shelter.

Hancock County: Three shelters opening at 2 p.m. today.

Kiln shelter: 18320 Hwy. 43.

Dedeaux shelter: 1095 Road 350.

Jackson County: Four shelters opening at 4 p.m. today.

St. Martin High School.

Vancleave High School.

East Central High School.

East Central Community Center—special needs shelter.

MEMA updates shelter information as it becomes available. Shelter updates may also be available from the Mississippi Red Cross at This website also lists what items evacuees should bring to a Red Cross Shelter.

For preparedness information, visit Like MEMA on Facebook and follow Twitter updates using the handle @MSEMA

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