Question o' the Week: What is the most important thing we can do to prevent another Newtown gun massacre? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Question o' the Week: What is the most important thing we can do to prevent another Newtown gun massacre?

Richard Perry It's not just one thing that will fix the problem. Sane gun control coupled with a well-funded mental health system coupled with responsibility by the entertainment industry all together would be a start, however.

Jacquelyn Walton Make guns as difficult to get as insurance.

Ingrid Cruz Besides gun-control laws, begin fostering a culture in which all displays of violence like this are considered unacceptable. This will mean that we as country will also have to change how we spend our money and recognize that we ourselves spend our tax dollars killing children abroad in places like Afghanistan/Iraq.

April Dortch Require an application with background checks/psych eval for all household members and limit the type to basic handguns. No civilian needs access to military-style weapons.

Leslie Scott Laws banning ALL semi-automatic weapons from being sold in this country. No exception. No guns manufactured before the law are exempted if re-sold. Magazines with over 10 bullets-banned from being sold. Close gun-show loophole and aggressively enforce all of the above. Will pass constitutional muster too.

Jehrod Alain "Our capacity to make peace with another person and with the world depends very much on our capacity to make peace with ourselves. If we are at war with our parents, our family, our society, or our church, there is probably a war going on inside us also, so the most basic work for peace is to return to ourselves and create harmony among the elements within us--our feelings, our perceptions, and our mental states." From Thich Nhat Hanh's "Living Buddha, Living Christ."

Brian O'Shea Remove the immediate path to fame from being a mass murderer.

Kathy Stauffer Make the change. Start today. Don't forget. Call your local elected officials. Call the elected officials who have already spoken out. Let your words give them courage. Make the decision today to stop the insanity.

James Bethea Armed guards at every school & fenced entrances.

Shelley Stout Take the assault rifles and military type weapons off the streets, out of gun shops and shows ... take the ones that hold more than 12 bullets off the streets. Make mental health care more accessible and take away the stigma. By accessible, make the drugs they have to take less expensive; drug companies are bleeding Americans dry.

Ruth Ann Rigby Ongoing Trainings and continuing education for parents and teachers. Utilize the Department of Mental Health and other experts to assist. Those teachers did an amazing job and made the ultimate sacrifice.

Nicki Findley Nichols Look out for each other. If someone seems to have mental health issues, or just isn't acting normally, talk to them. If you are still concerned, tell others. Keep safety in mind in terms of firearms; only the owner should be able to access it: no neighbors, friends or grown children.

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