You know it had to happen. They're too cowardly to put their real names to their angry posts. If you watch closely enough, you realize they must be using the Anonymous Blogger playbook. Here are top entries:
• "Only ignorant s@#$s and c$%^&s disagree with me."
• "It is my opinion that _____________ is a liar, embezzler and a murderer."
• "Everyone I hate is a Marxist!"
• "Don't you dare call me a fascist!"
• "Bahahahahahahahaha."
• Anything and everything starting with "Hmmmmmmmm..."
• "What's up with that attorney's breast size?! Bahahahaha."
• "Hey, baby, you don't know me, but I love those pink shorts you wore yesterday."
• "I was banned from that site because I disagreed, not because I'm a jerk."
• "It is my constitutional right to tell any lie about anyone at any time and place of my choosing."
• "It's Jim Hood's fault."
• "Don't you dare talk back to me; that's violating my free SPEACH RITES!"
• "You'll have to pry my cold, dead hands off this keyboard before I'll step outside this attic."
• "Talk to people? You mean, in person? For real? Hmmm. No."
• "People who challenge me are playing the victim. And they suck eggs."
• "I'm so misunderstood."
• "Dern it, I slept on my tin-foil hat again."
• "Let's not sugarcoat it: Black people commit crimes."
• (Then) "Why does everyone make everything racial? All that's behind us."
• "I use a fake name on my blog so people won't know I also do most of the comments. Shhh."
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