Family is a running theme for the Rev. John Taylor Jr. The 29-year-old candidate for Kenneth Stokes' Ward 3 Jackson City Council seat believes a lot of Jackson's problems start with fathers who don't take responsibility.
Taylor grew up in Jackson, where he graduated from Lanier High School. He works at Baptist Hospital and attends Belhaven University. This past Christmas, he married Sher'wana Haralson. Taylor was adopted, and he has now adopted five children.
The candidate volunteers with many organizations, including a day-care center, and wants to fund programs such as the Boys and Girls Clubs. He founded the Frank E. Melton Senior Citizens Thanksgiving Dinner in 2009 and wants to expand the Meals on Wheels program. He wants to start a program to help felons find jobs when they get out of prison. "They are forgotten in society; a felon can't stand a chance," he said. "I think this would deter a lot of crime in Jackson if we try to put some of these people to work."
Why are you running for Council?
So that I can help support struggling single-dwelling families with no father mentors in the home--to help these children. These children are suffering, and somebody's got to help these children, because early childhood development is important to me. ... I know what these children are going through that don't have a father in the home. I want to start a fatherhood-initiative program to teach men how to be real men and stand up and support their children. It's a shame. You have men right here in the city of Jackson, and they don't even take their children a pair of shoes. ... I just feel the city of Jackson is in a state of emergency--young men walking around uneducated with no fathers in the homes. All they know is to sell drugs and hustle. If they can put the street mentality into starting their own businesses, we'll see more millionaires and CEOs.
What are Ward 3 problems?
First of all, the crime in the area. The curfew needs to be addressed and enforced more. No children should be out after 10 (p.m.). No minors should be out.
What about the children who are caught out after curfew?
First of all, we should find the father. If we can't find the father, take them back to their mother. ... I believe everyone deserves a chance instead of just throwing them in jail. Put them in some kind of self-development program and go from there.
Stokes held the Ward 3 seat for a long time. What would you do different?
First of all, I would work with more people, more networks. This is not a black-and-white issue; this is about helping the people of Jackson move forward. I have relationships with developers and business owners. I want to bring more infrastructure to the ward. The ward has a lot of potential, but someone has to go in and break up the fallow ground.
And would that make you different or similar from Stokes?
What would make me different from Stokes is that I have a clear-cut objective, and I'm very prompt, and I'm more researched. I'm not going to be so blunt in my approach. Everyone is different. Councilman Stokes has served the people in his ward well, but everyone is different. I'm a young man, and I think it's time for someone (new) to have a chance.
What would reduce crime?
First of all, more police presence. We've got to allocate more funding for police officers. We need to give them a better raise than we've been doing, because their lives are in danger every day they put on their uniforms. ... (I want to give a) $5,000 pay raise for every officer.
What role should Jackson have in development projects?
I believe Jackson should be very instrumental in the progression of these projects. It's very important to revitalize downtown Jackson. Not only do I want to focus on reviving downtown Jackson, but we need to revitalize our inner cities. We need to revitalize man and woman from the inside out and then start revitalizing our community.
Should the city issue bonds for development projects?
It depends on what it is. I will research all the proposals that come up in my office, and then make a decision. ... I don't believe in wasting taxpayer dollars. You've got people out here starving to death, and you want to build a multimillion-dollar hotel.
... We need to come up with some kind of fund to help people pay their water and light bills--those who are not abusing the system--to help seniors pay for their Medicare and to help people find money to pay for their prescription drugs. We need to be focusing on things like that instead of building hotels.
Name something you'd change about the Jackson City Council.
I would like to change the decision-making process. We need to meet on certain issues before we take a vote.
Such as coming to work sessions?
(Yes,) work sessions. Councilmen must have a great attendance.
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