Our Itty-Bitty 'Green' Car | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Our Itty-Bitty 'Green' Car

GreenTech Automotive's energy-efficient MyCar.

GreenTech Automotive's energy-efficient MyCar.

— Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and former President Bill Clinton helped roll out an energy-efficient vehicle in Horn Lake on July 6.

Clinton and Barbour were on hand as Horn Lake-based GreenTech Automotive unveiled the MyCar, an all-electric two-seater that has a 115-mile range and produces no carbon emissions.

GTA announced the manufacturing facility in northern Mississippi would create 426 direct jobs and, eventually, create more than 7,000 indirect jobs by 2014.

The company bills the car as "an ideal solution for corporations, government entities, rental car fleets, and corporate and college campuses in addition to individual transportation use such as commuting and daily errands." Other models are also planed, including a micro pickup and a delivery vehicle, slated for 2013, the company said.

"Too many people have given up on American manufacturing, saying manufacturing jobs are not coming back. But GTA set out to prove them wrong," said GreenTech chairman Terry McAuliffe.

"For too long, America has been inventing products here and sending the production jobs overseas. But we're part of a rebirth for American manufacturing. We're proud to bring manufacturing jobs back and prove that the U.S. is still the world leader in technological innovation and manufacturing."

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