5 Olympic Things to Know for Wednesday | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

5 Olympic Things to Know for Wednesday

LONDON (AP) — Here's what to watch for at the London Olympics on Wednesday:

  1. ROAD TO NOWHERE? Olympic lanes came into force at 6 a.m. Wednesday (0500GMT). How will Londoners cope in rush hour? It's bad enough at the best of times.

  2. BALL ROLLING: The games officially open Friday, but women's soccer is getting under way in Wales on Wednesday. First up: Britain vs. New Zealand. Also playing: USA vs. France.

  3. PHELPS APPEARS: He's expected to compete in seven events in London, and swimming great Michael Phelps will make a public appearance at 1200 GMT. He tweeted his London arrival earlier this week: "And the wait is over... Finally here in London."

  4. ANOTHER SCORCHER! London's mini heat wave continues with even higher temperatures, but all eyes are on the forecast for Friday's opening. Rain? Sun? It's still hanging in the balance. Will the commuters wilt?

  5. CELEBRITY ALERT: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt expected at a Sports for Peace event in London.

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