William VanDevender | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

William VanDevender

Photo by Courtesy Facebook

Native Jacksonian William VanDevender grew up outdoors, hunting and fishing whenever he got the chance. But after graduating from the University of Virginia in 2008, he found a job that took him away from his first love.

VanDevender and his life-long friend, Will Watts, were working as investment bankers, but soon grew tired of their jobs and decided to find something that combines their knowledge of business and their love of the outdoors.

So VanDevender, Watts and friend TJ Callaway, also a banker, decided to quit their jobs in early 2010 and explore different options.

The three came across a new niche market that was taking off in the world of women's high-end fashion--online, members-only flash sales. In this market, fashion designers start clubs on websites and offer lines of clothing to the clubs at highly discounted prices for a short period of time.

But while the idea was taking off in women's fashion, men's clothing and outdoor accessories were still an untapped piece of the market. So VanDevender, Watts and Callaway started Five Mile Club.

"We got started in Atlanta out of TJ's garage--bare-bone, low-budget," VanDevender said.

It didn't take long for the flash-sale website the trio created to reach levels they hadn't planned for. Shortly after launching, visitors overloaded the site and it had to be shut down for five months.

"That's when we decided to make the move from Atlanta to Athens, (Ga.), to our 3,500-square foot retail and storage space," VanDevender said.

Since mid-August 2011, Five Mile Club has been back online, offering new and established outdoor-brand clothing and goods to members at prices far below retail. The big brands, VanDevender said, use the club to reduce inventory, while smaller, lesser-known brands see the club as a great advertising tool.

Brands are featured on the site for 72 hours at a time. Once the deal is over, it's over, and Five Mile moves on to new deals.

If you want to know just how much you'll save and what brands are available today, you'll have to complete the free signup on the website.

"That's to protect our brands. Our brands don't want prices displayed on the Internet," VanDevender said. "Membership is free. Just enter your name and email, and you get access to the deals. It takes 20 seconds."

Though Five Mile now has brands contacting them with offers, it wasn't so easy in the beginning.

"Nobody knew who we were. We were contacting brands and saying, 'We've got a private platform, and we'd like to work with y'all on it," VanDevender said.

The company is located in Athens while VanDevender is in school at the University of Georgia, but at least one founder will be back home soon.

"As soon as I'm finished with school, I'll be back in Jackson," VanDevender said. "I'm hoping I can get Will (Watts) back to Jackson to open a Jackson office."

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