Starting any new business venture in the current economic climate is risky. The fact that Cassandra Wilson, an internationally renowned two-time Grammy award winner, would stick her neck out and bring a new music venue to Jackson sings volumes about the confidence she has in her home town.
"This is something Jackson needs and wants," said Thabi Moyo, business manager for Wilson's new music venue, Yellow Scarf.
Wilson developed the concept for Yellow Scarf, named after a painting. Jackson-based Ojah Media Group owns and operates the venue. The space can accommodate performances, photo and video shoots, wedding receptions, private parties and other events.
Yellow Scarf, located at 741 Harris St., Suite E, endeavors to offer Jacksonians "a uniquely pleasurable environment" for audiences and musicians, said Moyo, who splits her time between Jackson and New York. She is also a former JFP photography intern.
On March 16, Yellow Scarf held a soft opening with a performance series called "Honoring the Masters," which celebrates Jackson's musical leaders and mentors.
Jazzist Andy Hardwick, the series' first honoree, put on a 90-minute set for a full house, Moyo said.
The grand opening--or premiere weekend as it's billed--Friday, April 6, and Saturday, April 7. During that weekend, Cassandra Wilson and Band will headline the event, "Wine, Women and Wisdom."
Blues-Jazz-Soul singers Rhonda Richmond and Tawanna Shaunte will kick things off Friday. The weekend will also feature an exhibit of Moyo's photos titled "Big Easy Kitchen."
Moyo said that Yellow Scarf could be a risky venture, but the fact that it's a different kind of music listening space will help it overcome obstacles.
"The quality of the music and the experience will be what helps sustain it," Moyo said.
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