[The Slate] The Best Of Sports In 7 Days | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[The Slate] The Best Of Sports In 7 Days

I am such a sports geek, I don't know what I am more jacked up about: NCAA Tournament Final Four or WrestleMania Sunday night.

Thursday, Mar. 29
NBA (6:00-9:30 p.m. TNT): It is an NBA Finals rematch as the Dallas Mavericks head to South Beach to face the Miami Heat.

Friday, Mar. 30
NBA (6-9:30 p.m. ESPN): The Dallas Mavericks continue their trip through Florida on Friday night against Dwight Howard and the Orlando Magic.

Saturday, Mar. 31
College basketball (5-10 p.m. CBS): The Final Four kick off from New Orleans with Kentucky against Louisville, followed by Ohio State versus Kansas.

Sunday, April 1
College basketball (5-10 p.m. ESPN): The Women's Final Four double header live from Denver to set up the championship game Tuesday night.

Monday, April 2
College basketball (7-10:30 p.m. CBS): Last year's Men's Basketball Championship Game was a snoozer, but this is a new year and a new hope for a good game.

Tuesday, April 3
College Basketball (7:30-10 p.m. ESPN): And speaking of last year, the Women's Basketball Championship Game blew the men's game out of the water. My fingers are crossed to make this a second year in a row.

Wednesday, April 4
MLB (6-10 p.m. ESPN): The 2012 Major League Baseball season starts up with defending champion St. Louis Cardinals taking on the Miami Marlins with their new look.

Yes, I love watching wrestling, and I can't wait to see the Rock against John Cena but, more importantly, it's the Undertaker against Triple H with Shawn Michaels as special quest referee on April 1.

Follow Bryan Flynn at http://www.jfpsports.com, Facebook and @jfpsports.

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