[Brown] Moving Forward | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Brown] Moving Forward

On May 5, Democrats from across the Third Congressional District of Mississippi will meet at the Golden Moon Resort in Philadelphia to elect their slate of leaders for the next four years. These are important elections that will help move the state Democratic Party forward during a time of reorganization.

There is no doubt that Mississippi Democrats have had our fair share of bumps and bruises over recent years. The November 2011 elections are evidence enough. As Democrats, what we must do is offer a contrast to our Republican friends who have led the state for the past eight years.

The biggest issues weighing on the minds of Mississippians are the economy and jobs. I know from personal experience how stressful this issue is. During the economic downturn, I was blindsided by losing my job. As scared as I was about how I would pay my bills and keep a roof over my head, I kept my chin up and immediately went to work seeking employment. Through hard work, making contacts and burning up the phone lines, I was able to get back up on my feet.

The disturbing fact is that so many of our fellow Mississippians are still looking for work, even looking for part-time jobs to help make ends meet. Sadly, the Republicans have turned a deaf ear to the issue of jobs and the 9 percent unemployment rate in the state. I read in Sunday's paper that a large salary for an officer in the governor's administration and the creation of boards and commissions are among Gov. Phil Bryant's top policy accomplishments.

First, I was at the Capitol during the governor's State of the State address, when he advocated the elimination such boards and commissions. Second, can someone explain to me how this expansion of state government is going to put any Mississippians back to work?

It's not enough for Democrats to simply oppose what the Republican leadership offers. We have seen that play out in Washington where the Republican Congress says "no" to any notion of compromise. It doesn't work, and the country suffers as a result. Democrats are ready, willing and able to sit at the table with our Republican friends to hammer out agreements rather than accept bills that are being rushed through without a clear understanding of what their impacts are. Unfortunately, Republicans are taking a "my way or the highway" approach to governing.

It is crucial that patriotic Americans speak up when we see a problem. Over these eight years of Republican management, unemployment in Mississippi has doubled, and we rank at or near the bottom of most measurements of public health. These conditions are unacceptable and cannot stand. Democrats have our sleeves rolled up and are ready to get Mississippians back to work.

This meeting of Democrats on May 5 is so important in setting a course for our party and state. The convention will be one of many steps that move the positive Democratic message of fairness and growth forward. I encourage anyone who has an interest to attend the convention. If there was ever a time to become engaged, it is now. All are welcome to join the Rankin County Democrats at the Corner Bakery in Flowood on Saturday, May 12, at 8:30 a.m. for our monthly breakfast.

Ryan Brown is chairman of the Rankin County Democratic Executive Committee.

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