Events at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.). • BSidesJackson 2012 Nov. 10, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. The conference from those who work in information, cyber or physical security features discussions and networking. Volunteers and sponsors welcome. Free tickets; call 362-8440; email; • Salsa Mississippi Dance 4 Mountain Child Nov. 11, 5-10 p.m. The dance with dinner, a silent auction and live music benefits Mountain Child, a nonprofit that assists needy Himalayan children. $25 in advance, $30 at the door; call 601-213-6355.
Events at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.). • Veterans Awareness Day Nov. 8, 1 p.m. The discussion on education benefits, academic degree plans and government agency assistance is until 2:30 p.m. in the Reddix Building. The VA Medical Center Outreach Mobile Van Unit is at Gibbs-Green Plaza until 6 p.m. for VA benefit assistance. Free; call 601-979-1365, 601-979-0889 or 601-979-1755; • "Perspectives of Empowerment: How Graphic Design Affects Black America" Nov. 14, 2 p.m., in the Dollye M.E. Robinson Liberal Arts Building, room 166/266. JSU graphic design professor and JFP pioneer Jimmy Mumford is the speaker. Mumford is this year's recipient of the Humanities Teacher Award. Free; call 601-979-7040;
Events at Millsaps College, Ford Academic Complex (1701 N. State St.). • Dr. Younus Mirza Lecture, 7 p.m., in room 215. Mirza, an expert on Islam and a faculty teaching fellow in the Religious Studies Department, talks about Al Qaeda and its role in current global issues. Free; call 974-1000; email; • "One Writer's Garden: New Perspectives from the Authors" Nov. 13, 7 p.m. Authors Susan Haltom and Jane Roy Brown, and photographer Langdon Clay talk about the life of Eudora Welty. Clay also shares photographs from his exhibit "Eudora Welty's Garden." The program is part of the Millsaps Arts and Lecture Series. $10, $5 students; call 601-974-1130; • "'Ye strangers that doe inhabite in this land': Shakespeare and Immigration" Nov. 8, 4 p.m. In room 215. The speaker is Eric Griffin, Millsaps English department chair and 2012 Humanities Teacher of the Year; reception follows. Free; call 974-1000; email;
Monday, Nov. 5
3-6 p.m., Dore Jackson Open House, at Dore Jackson (1850 Lakeland Drive, Suite P-221). Learn about Dore, a multi-sensory program for children to help improve academic performance. Refreshments and "Dore" prizes included. Free; call 601-326-5550;
5:30-6:30 p.m., American Cancer Society Ridgeland Relay for Life Interest Forum, at Holmes Community College, Ridgeland (412 West Ridgeland Ave., Ridgeland). Learn more about the race that takes place in the spring of 2013. Free; call 601-856-5400; email;
6 p.m., Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting, at River Hills Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Club members with an interest in football meet on most Mondays through Nov. 26. Texas A&M associate athletic director Jason Cook is the speaker. Call for information on membership dues. $30 non-members; call 601-506-3186;
6:30-7:30 p.m., Poll Worker Q&A Forum, at Powell Middle School (3655 Livingston Road), in the auditorium. Volunteers may ask questions about proper procedures and rules to follow during the election process. Free; call 601-454-2865.
Through Nov. 5
Protect the Vote Call for Volunteers , at Mississippi State Conference NAACP (1072 W. Lynch St., Suite 10). The Mississippi NAACP seeks volunteers to serve as poll watchers and work at the election call center during the Nov. 6 election. Registration required. Free; call 601-353-6906;
Tuesday, Nov. 6
noon-1 p.m., Water Is Life, No Water, No Life: Adopt-A-Stream, at Mississippi Museum of Natural Science (2148 Riverside Drive). Debra Veeder; Adopt-A-Stream Coordinator at the Mississippi Wildlife Federation, shares the importance of water conservation. $4-$6; call 601-576-6000;
Noon, Election Day Prayer Event, at Mississippi State Capitol (400 High St.), on the south steps. The program ends with a closing anthem from Mike Haight. Free; call 601-540-6467; email
5:30 p.m., Jackson Public Schools Board of Directors Meeting, at Jackson Public Schools (621 S. State St.). The board holds discipline meetings on first Tuesdays and regular meetings on third Tuesdays. Open to the public. Free; call 601-960-8700.
5:30-9:30 p.m., ENCOUNTER Teen Empowerment Corps, at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). On first Tuesdays, Youth Solutions hosts a rally for teens in the Community Room. Activities include spending time with mentors, motivational talks, IGNITE Vocal Talent rehearsal, teen dramas and character development. Free; call 601-829-0323.
6 p.m., Election Night Watch Party, at Top Notch Sports Bar & Grill (109 Culley Drive). Mississippi Move is the host. Watch election results on seven televisions and unwind with pool and video games, free refreshments and drink specials. All party affiliations welcome. Free; call 601-362-0706 or 662-205-8833.
7 p.m., Election Night Party, at Hal & Mal's (200 Commerce St.), in the Red Room. The Hinds, Madison, and Rankin County chapters of the Mississippi Democratic Party are the hosts. Free, donations welcome; visit
Wednesday, Nov. 7
Writing a Grant Proposal: The Essentials, Nov. 7-8, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at Mississippi Center for Nonprofits (201 W. Capitol St.). The two-day workshop covers all the essentials for writing a grant proposal including budgeting, researching and managing awards. One day: $179, $89 members; both days: $359, $179 members; call 601-968-0061;
Mistletoe Marketplace Nov. 7-10, at Mississippi Trade Mart (1200 Mississippi St.). More than 100 vendors sell their wares at the annual holiday shopping event. Proceeds benefit the Junior League of Jackson. Visit the website for a list of signature events and special guests. $10, $20 three-day pass, $5 children ages 6-12 and seniors; call 888-324-0027;
Noon, "History Is Lunch", at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Will Morgan and Amanda Lyons talk about the Dutch fliers stationed in Jackson during World War II. Bring lunch; coffee and water provided. Traveling exhibit from the Mississippi Armed Forces Museum on display from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Free; call 601-576-6998.
7 p.m., Neuroscience Lecture, at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). In Olin Hall, room 100. UMMC's Dr. Kimberly L. Simpson speaks on the topic "The Pervasive Effects of Neurotransmitter Manipulation on Brain Development." Free; call 601-974-1755; email;
Thursday, Nov. 8
9 a.m., The Zinghoppers , at Thalia Mara Hall (255 E. Pascagoula St.). The group does educational hip-hop for young children. Also meet MPB's Ed Said. The show includes audience participation, sing-a-longs, dancing and a kid-friendly cover song aimed at adults. Superhero costumes welcome. $4.50; call 800-970-0563; email
1-3 p.m., Quality Customer Service, at Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University (1230 Raymond Road). Learn how to maintain good customer relations in the business world. Registration required; seating limited. Free; call 601-979-2795;
5 p.m., Hinds County School Board Meeting, at Hinds County School District (13192 Highway 18, Raymond). The board meets on second Thursdays. Open to the public. Free; call 601-857-5222; Hinds County School Board.
5:30-7 p.m., Evening for Educators, at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). Teachers tour exhibitions, meet museum staff, learn about school programs, and enjoy music and more in the Art Garden. Free; call 601-960-1515;
6 p.m., Precinct 2 COPS Meeting, at Jackson Police Department, Precinct 2 (711 W. Capitol Street). These monthly forums are designed to help resolve community issues or problems, from crime to potholes. Free; call 601-960-0002.
6 p.m., Squat & Gobble , at Reservoir Pointe (140 Madison Landing Circle, Ridgeland). Friends for a Cause's annual party includes refreshments, a silent auction, and turkey calling and dance contests. Greenfish performs. Proceeds benefit domestic violence shelters such as Catholic Charities and the Center for Violence Prevention. $40, $70 couple, $5 raffle ticket; call 601-955-1677;
6:30-8 p.m., New Vibrations Network Gathering, at Unitarian Universalist Church (4866 N. State St.). The mixer is held every second Thursday. Bring business cards and brochures to share. Free, donations welcome; email
6:30 p.m., Robert Clark Symposium, at Jackson State University (1400 John R. Lynch St.). In the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology Auditorium. The theme is "Roadmap to the Future for African-Americans." Speakers include civil rights activist Charles Evers and Oleta Garrett Fitzgerald, director of the Children's Defense Fund. Free; call 601-979-2055; email;
Friday, Nov. 9
9 a.m., Friday Forum, at Koinonia Coffee House (136 S. Adams St., Suite C). The speaker is Dr. Carolyn Meyers, president of Jackson State University. Free; call 960-3008; email;
Saturday, Nov. 10
9 Lives for $9 Cat Adoption Promotion and Open House Nov. 10-18, at Community Animal Rescue and Adoption (CARA) (960 N. Flag Chapel Road). Adopt cats ages nine months and older. Tour the cattery and enjoy refreshments Nov. 16-17 from noon-5 p.m. The cattery rededication ceremony is Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. $9 per cat (regularly $75); call 601-842-4404; email;
Camp Kandu Nov. 10-11, at Twin Lakes Camp and Conference Center (155 Milner Road, Florence). The Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi hosts the biannual camp for children with diabetes and their families. Free for children with diabetes; call 877-DFM-CURE;
8 a.m., Musical Miles 5K, at Madison Central High School (1417 Highland Colony Parkway, Madison). Check-in by 7:30 a.m. The run, walk and one-mile fun run is a fundraiser for the Madison Central High School Choral Department; awards given. Register by Nov. 8. $25 run/walk, $10 fun run, $75 family or team (3-10 people); call 601-853-2047;
8 a.m., 'Sader Run , at Hinds Community College, Rankin Campus (3805 Highway 80 E., Pearl). At the Clyde Muse Center. The race is a fundraiser for Park Place Christian Academy. $20 walk/run and ghost runners, $10 fun run; call 601-939-6229;
9 a.m.-noon, Basic Computer Fundamentals: Level 3, at Tulane University, Madison Campus (2115 Main St., Madison). Learn to use Microsoft PowerPoint, email attachments and cloud storage. Pre-registration required. $10; call 601-605-0007.
10 a.m., Veterans Day Parade, in downtown Jackson. The City of Jackson and the Veterans Administration host the first annual event. Free; call 601-979-1365, 601-979-0889 or 601-979-1755;
10 a.m., Critters and Crawlers, at Jackson Zoo (2918 W. Capitol St.). The program for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers includes indoor and outdoor activities, and animal encounters. Discounts available for members. Prices vary. Free; call 601-352-2580, ext. 241;
1 p.m., Living Food Potluck, , at the office of Dr. Leo Huddleston (6500 Old Canton Road, Ridgeland). Held on second Saturdays; please RSVP. Bring a dish or donate $10; call 601-956-0010.
2 p.m., One Lake Project Public Forum, at Quisenberry Library (605 E. Northside Drive, Clinton). The League of Women Voters hosts the forum to discuss the flood-control proposal. Speakers include Dallas Quinn of the Pearl River Vision Foundation and Andrew Whitehurst of the Gulf Restoration Network. Free; call 601-372-8851.
4-5:30 p.m., Sick and Tired, and Seeking SOULutions, at Afrikan Arts and Culture Studio (612 N. Farish St.). Our Community Against Racism hosts the forum on second Saturdays. The focus of the monthly forum is to provide African-centered cultural enrichment and work toward racial equality. Free; call 601-979-1413 or 601-918-5075.
4 p.m., Military Appreciation Day, at Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium (2531 N. State St.). All branches of active duty military, veterans and reservists may purchase discounted tickets in advance to the JSU-Alabama A&M football game. Military ID required. $15; call 601-979-1365, 601-979-0889 or 601-979-1755;
Sunday, Nov. 11
Veterans Day in Vicksburg: Honoring All Who Serve, Nov. 11-12, at Vicksburg Convention Center (1600 Mulberry St., Vicksburg). The memorial service is Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. at the Municipal Rose Garden on Monroe Street. Nov. 12 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., activities at the convention center include a parade, a military display, information booths, etc. Veterans must RSVP for lunch. Free; call 601-630-2929; email
2 p.m., Veterans Day Tribute and Sculpture Dedication, at Clinton Visitor Center (1300 Pinehaven Road, Clinton). The Clinton Visitor Center will host a patriotic Veterans Day Tribute ceremony and dedication of Dr. Sam Gore's "Fallen Comrade" sculpture. Free; call 601-924-5472; email
Monday, Nov. 12
"Stuff The Bus" Food Drive Nov. 12-16, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., at local Kroger stores. Donations go to Mississippi Food Network. Locations include at the Promenade in Flowood Nov. 12, Interstate 55 North in Jackson Nov. 13, on HIghway 80 in Clinton Nov. 14, on Highway 80 in Brandon Nov. 15 and on Highway 51 in Madison Nov. 16. Free; call 601-540-6467; email
11 a.m., DFM Invitational, at Annandale Golf Club (419 Annandale Parkway, Madison). Registration is at 11 a.m., and the shotgun start is at 1 p.m. Proceeds from the golf tournament benefit the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. Registration fees vary; call 601-957-7878 or 1-877-DFM-CURE;
Noon-1:25 p.m., Conversation About Community, at Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). Operation Shoestring's annual panel discussion explores ways to improve the community. Speakers include Walter Isaacson of the Aspen Institute, America's Promise Alliance chair Alma Powell and education advocate Jim Barksdale. Lunch included. RSVP. $50; call 601-353-6336.
1 p.m., Levee Board Meeting, at Flowood City Hall (2101 Airport Road, Flowood). Members of the Rankin-Hinds Pearl Flood and Drainage Control District hold their monthly meeting. Free; call 601-939-4243.
2 p.m., Dutch Fliers Commemoration Ceremony , at Cedar Lawn Cemetery (2434 W Capitol St.). Guests include Indonesian consul general Al Busyra Basnur, Dutch consul Constance Willems, Netherlands military attache Martin Noordzij, and World War II veterans and families. Free; call 601-576-6850.
Through Nov. 28
Fueling Good Program's Gas Card Giveaway. Vote for the Jackson Zoo's Zoo Mobile to receive a $5,000 gas gift card from CITGO daily through Nov. 28. Visit
Through Nov. 30
Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity Project's Farmers Market (2548 Livingston Road). Open 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays. WIC vouchers accepted. Call 601-987-6783.
Through Dec. 1
Jump Start Jackson Fall Farmers Market, at Battlefield Park (953 Porter St.). Open Saturdays from 8 a.m.-noon. Free; call 601-898-0000, ext. 118; Find "Jump Start Jackson/My Brother's Keeper, Inc." on Facebook.
Through Dec. 5
Mother Goose on the Loose! Wednesdays, 10:30-11 a.m., at Ridgeland Public Library (397 Highway 51, Ridgeland). The program for children ages 0-2 and their parents or caregivers includes nursery rhymes, action rhymes, songs and stories. Free; call 601-856-4536.
Through Dec. 12
Toys for Tots Call for Volunteers. The City of Jackson and the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves need volunteers ages 21 and older for registration and distribution, and ages 16 and older for sorting. Free; call 601-960-1084.
Through Dec. 15
Run 4 Rehab. The fundraising project benefits rehabilitation services at Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital. Registered runners raise money for each kilometer run through Dec. 15. Donors determine pledge amount per kilometer; visit
Mississippi Farmers Market (929 High St.). Hours are 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays. Call 601-354-6573.
Through Dec. 22
We Are Ready Sports (WAR) Boot Camp Mondays, 5 a.m.-6 a.m. through Dec. 22, at Mississippi Basketball and Athletics (2240 Westbrook Drive). The military-style conditioning and fitness program includes creative exercises, drills and other techniques. Attend Monday-Thursday or Saturday for eight weeks. Registration required. $5-$225; call 601-954-5395; email;
Through Dec. 23
Socks for Seniors. Donate socks for senior citizens with low-incomes or in nursing homes, or start your own sock drive. Visit the website to register a collection project or find a location. Donations welcome; call 615-787-SOCK; email;
Through Dec. 24
Old Fannin Road Farmers Market (1307 Old Fannin Road, Brandon). Open from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. Call 601-919-1690.
Pink Car Giveaway, at Chelley's Italian Catering (1929 Christine Drive, Byram) . Buy raffle tickets for a chance to win a 2004 custom pink Infiniti. Proceeds benefit the Central Mississippi Breast Cancer Society. Winner announced Dec. 24. $25 per ticket; call 769-257-4737;
Through Dec. 31
Your Vote Counts, at Old Capitol Museum (100 S. State St.). Students get to use a real voting machine to vote on a variety of issues. The Secretary of State's office is the sponsor. Free; call 601-576-6920.
Events at Fleet Feet Sports (Trace Station, 500 Highway 51 N., Ridgeland), at the multi-use trail. Open to the public. Free; call 601-899-9696.
• Weekly Group Walk. Walks are Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Walk two or four miles.
• Weekly Group Run. Run 5.4 miles Thursdays at 6 p.m.
• Super Star Senior Adult Walking Club. The group walks Thursdays at 10 a.m.
"Good Twin, Bad Twin Unleashed." Calden and Alden Hopkins hosts the interactive talk show Mondays at 10:30 p.m. The twins present opposing viewpoints for Facbook fans to comment on. Like "Good Twin, Bad Twin" on Facebook.
Hill Training Workout, at Avondale Street and Old Canton Road in Fondren. liveRIGHTnow hosts the exercise session Mondays at 7 p.m. and Fridays at 6 p.m. Free; call 601-717-2012.
Computer Courses for Adults, at Hinds Community College, Raymond Campus (501 E. Main St., Raymond). Classes usually meet once a week for four to eight weeks, and fees depend on the level and type of class. Call 601-857-3773.
Toastmasters Club Meetings. Improve your communication skills, and become a better speaker and leader. Membership required. • Public Policy Club 8689 Meetings, at Universities Center (3825 Ridgewood Road). The group meets on first and third Tuesdays at 5:15 p.m. in the computer lab. Call 601-540-8472 or 601-432-6277; visit • "Guess Who's Talking Now" Club 3284 Meetings, at Woolfolk Building (501 N. West St.). The group meets from noon-1 p.m. Tuesdays in the conference room on the first floor. Call 601-359-6653 or 601-359-2573; visit • Downtown Jackson Toastmasters, at Plaza Building (120 N. Congress St.). Meetings are Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. on the 12th floor in the Common Room. Call 601-940-5247; visit
Zumba Fitness Classes, at Dance Unlimited Studio (6787 S. Siwell Road, Suite A, Byram). The Latin-inspired aerobics classes are held weekly. Visit for a class schedule. $5; call 601-209-7566.
First Friday Free ADHD Screenings, at the office of Suzanne Russell, LPC (665 Highway 51 N., Ridgeland). Licensed professional counselor Suzanne Russell offers free 30-minute ADHD screenings for children every first Friday of the month. Appointment required. Free; call 601-707-7355.
"Real Divas Read" Book Program. Divas 4 Charity seeks low-income women in college who are need assistance with purchasing textbooks. To qualify, students must have a grade point average of 3.0-4.0 and submit a one-page essay of why they should receive benefits to Benefits include an Amazon Kindle and e-books. The charity also sells $5 raffle tickets to fund the program, and a $100 gas card is given away each month. Call 508-443-4827.
Mississippi Roadmap to Health Wellness Center , through Nov. 30, at Mississippi Roadmap to Health Equity (2548 Livingston Road). Options include aerobics and Zumba classes, equipment for resistance training and toning, and a children's gym. Hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays. Free; call 601-987-6783.
Diabetes Support Group Meetings, at Baptist Health Systems, Madison Campus (401 Baptist Drive, Madison). Baptist Nutrition Center hosts the meetings on third Thursdays at 1 p.m. Free; call 601-973-1624.
Venture Incubator Talk and Tour Open House, at Venture Incubator (City Centre Building, 200 S. Lamar St., South Tower, 10th floor). Potential or current small business owners, and professionals interested in mentoring small business owners are welcome to meet with Wes Holsapple, president and CEO, and tour the facilities on Mondays from 5-6 p.m. and Wednesdays from noon-1 p.m. Refreshments served. Free; call 601-414-0140.
Jackson 2000 Dialogue Circles Program. The program includes six two-hour sessions of dialogue and problem-solving to encourage racial harmony and community involvement. Six-week commitment required. Free; email
Events at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.)
• Adopt-a-Park Program Registration, at the Department of Parks and Recreation. Organizations and businesses are encouraged to sign up to help maintain Jackson parks and trails by picking up litter, landscaping and painting. Call 601-960-0471.
• ENCOUNTER Teen Empowerment Corps. On first Tuesdays from 6:30-8 p.m., Youth Solutions hosts a rally for teens in the Community Room. Activities include spending time with mentors, motivational talks, IGNITE Vocal Talent rehearsal, teen dramas and character development. Free; call 601-829-0323.
Medical Mall Moment Report, at WOAD 1300 AM. Find out about the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation's current activities every second Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Call-ins to 601-995-1400 are welcome. The broadcast is also available on Call 601-982-8467.
Events at Baptist Medical Center (1225 N. State St.), at Hederman Cancer Center. Registration required. Free; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.
• Cancer Rehab Classes, in the Activity Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 p.m. The class helps cancer patients enhance cardiovascular strength, endurance, their immune system and bone density. It helps to increase overall strength and stamina, decrease fatigue and weight loss, and improve digestion.
• Positive Ones Breast Cancer Support Group. Baptist Cancer Services hosts the meetings on third Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
Weekly Storytime, at Pearl Public Library (2416 Old Brandon Road, Pearl). Each Tuesday, Baby Bookworms Storytime for children ages birth-36 months is at 9:30 a.m., and Preschool Storytime for children ages 3-6 is at 10:30 a.m. The event includes stories, rhymes, music and a puppet show on the last Tuesday of the month. Free; call 601-932-2562.
Tutoring Sessions and Peer-to-peer Study Groups, at Richard Wright Library (515 W. McDowell Road), in the Community Room. Sessions are every other Saturday from 9-11:30 a.m.; call to confirm dates. Students in grades 8-12 and GED students are welcome to get help with research projects, state subject areas tests, English, science, history and math. School supplies and snacks provided. Free; call 601-948-4725 or 601-372-1621.
Programs on WMPR 90.1 FM and
• Women for Progress Radio Broadcast. Dorothy Stewart and Willie Jones host the program on Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. Topics include education, economics and politics. Call 601-918-5137.
• Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. Show. Every Wednesday from 1:30-2:30 p.m., Jackson mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. discusses activities, issues and other newsworthy items that are occurring in the city of Jackson. Call 601-960-1084.
Home Repair Grant Call for Applicants, at Hood Building (200 S. President St.), in suite 316. Seniors 62 and older or disabled citizens may apply between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bring valid photo ID, a deed or warranty deed, proof of income, homeowner's insurance and a Social Security card. Call 601-960-1438 or 601-960-1491.
On Location TV, on Comcast channel 18. Host and producer Phyllis "Peaches" Robinson spotlights people, places and events in Jackson. The variety talk show airs at 8:30 p.m. Sundays and 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Send an email if you have a story idea for the show. Email
Zumba Classes, at Covenant Presbyterian Church (4000 Ridgewood Road). The 45-minute classes are at 8:30 a.m. Fridays. Baby care provided. $5 per class; call 850-572-0055; email
NAMI Connection Support Group Meetings. The alliance of individuals with mental illnesses meets Tuesdays at 2 p.m. to share experiences and learn new ways to cope. Trained facilitators lead the meetings. Free; call 601-899-9058 for location information.
NAMI In Our Own Voice Presenter Training, at NAMI Mississippi (411 Briarwood Drive, Suite 401). In Our Own Voice is a public education program that allows trained speakers to share their personal stories of mental illness and recovery. Presenters commit to making at least one presentation per month for one year after the two-day training. Free; call 601-899-9058.
Gentle Joints Aquatic Program, at The Club at St. Dominic's (970 Lakeland Drive). The Arthritis Foundation sponsors the low-intensity water class. Sessions are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 p.m. Registration required; club membership optional. $35 for 12 classes, $60 for 24 classes; call 601-200-4925.
Events at St. Dominic Hospital (969 Lakeland Drive). Free.
• Cancer Support Group Meetings. Cancer patients and survivors meet on second Tuesdays at 9 a.m. at the Canter Center. Additional meetings for women are on second Tuesdays at 5 p.m. Call 601-200-3070.
• Caregivers Support Group Meetings. The group meets on second Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the conference rooms. Call 601-200-6768.
• National Alliance on Mental Illness Family Support Group, in the St. Catherine Room. NAMI Mississippi offers a support group for family members who have an adult relative with a mental illness on second Thursdays at 7 p.m. Free; call 601-899-9058.
Game Night, at Heroes and Dreams (5352 Highway 25, Suite 1650, Flowood). Play video, board and card games Fridays from 7:30-11:30 p.m. Free; call 601-992-3100.
Girl Talk Monthly Live Chat. Chat with an OB/GYN on second Tuesdays at 8 p.m. to ask health questions. Questions can also be emailed ahead of time. Visit
PRIYDE Recycling Drive, at PERICO Institute for Youth Development and Entrepreneurship (PRIYDE) (Jackson Medical Mall, 350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave, Suite 300). The youth advocacy group is collecting electronic equipment to send to FundingFactory for cash. Donate ink and toner cartridges, call phones, MP3 players, GPS devices, digital cameras and laptops. Call 769-251-1408.
After-school Tutoring Program, at Word of Faith Christian Center Church (4890 Clinton Blvd.). At the Teaching Center Building. Math and English tutoring are offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6 p.m. Students much be enrolled at a participating JPS middle school and receive free or reduced-price lunches. Snacks and transportation to the school provided. Registration required. Free; call 601-922-9323.
American Rosie the Riveter Association Membership Drive. ARRA seeks to honor women who were involved in World War II efforts such as factory work, collecting scrap metal or volunteering with the Red Cross. Call 888-557-6743.
Events at Mississippi Children's Museum (2145 Highland Drive). $8, children 12 months and under and members free; call 877-793-5437. • Tinker with Tuesdays. Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m., children ages 4-11 learn about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. • ABC Come Play with Me. Wednesdays at 10 a.m., children ages 3 and under enjoy songs, games and learning activities to prepare them for preschool. • Farm Bureau Spotlight. Fridays at 3:30 p.m., children ages 4-11 learn about agriculture and visit one of the galleries for a featured topic.
Ultimate Frisbee Pickup Game, at 800 Garvin St. Sundays at 3 p.m. The sport is played with teams of seven who score by catching and throwing a disc toward an end zone. Visit
4 Suits Bridge Club, at Flowood Library (103 Winners Circle, Flowood). Players compete Mondays from 1-4:30 p.m. Free; call 601-919-1911.
Art in Mind Art Program, at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). The Alzheimer's Association of Mississippi offers the program on fourth Wednesdays at 10 a.m. for people with early-stage dementia and their caregivers. Participants tour the galleries and make art in the studio classroom. Registration required; space limited. Registration forms available at Free; call 601-987-0020.
Senior Aides Program. The city of Jackson offers the part-time job program to low-income seniors ages 55 and up. Participants receive assistance in finding a job during the training process. Applicants must have state ID, a Social Security card, proof of income and a utility bill to sign up. Call 601-960-0335.
Early Childhood Development Program. The city of Jackson offers child-care services for ages six weeks to 4 years at Jones Early Childhood Development Center (2050 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive), and ages 1-4 at Virden Early Childhood Development Center (3159 Edwards Ave.) and Westside Early Childhood Development Center (1450 Wiggins Road). Register weekdays from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at either location. Bring items such as proof of income, proof of residency, a birth certificate and immunization records; call for a complete list of documents. Call 601-960-0335.
Mission Mississippi Prayer Breakfasts. Mission Mississippi hosts the event on most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:45-7:45 a.m. to encourage unity across racial and denominational lines. Visit for a schedule and locations. Call 601-353-6477.
Zumba Fitness Classes, at Optimum 1 Dance Studios (Jackson Square Promenade, 2460 Terry Road, Suite 2000). The one-hour classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. $5 per class; call 601-918-5107.
Events at Ridgeland Recreational Center (Old Trace Park, Post Road, Ridgeland). Call 601-856-6876. • Yoga Classes. Learn gentle stretching poses and strength exercises. Classes are Mondays and Fridays from 11 a.m.-noon. Registration required. $10 per class. • Tai-Chi Fusion on the Reservoir for Seniors. The ancient Chinese martial art promotes flexibility, stamina and focused breathing. Held Wednesdays from 11-11:30 a.m. Registration required. $5 per class. • Zumba Fitness Class for Seniors. The Latin-inspired aerobics class for ages 40 and up is held Thursdays from 1-1:45 p.m. Registration required. $5 per class.
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