Steve Monts: Cristen Hemmins—for her intelligence, humanity, style and class. And oh yeah—she's a fox as well!
Eddie Outlaw: Lori Garrott because B_TCHES GET SH_T DONE!
Tom Head: Colendula Green for mayor. Sharp, charismatic, and well-connected. Nsombi Lambright would be a great voice to have in the legislature.
Keisha Real Talk Varnell: I think Sandy Middleton. She's a firecracker and go- getter- people pay attention to her.
Jill Butler: Laurie Bertram Roberts for councilman or legislator.
Richard Perry: Jill Conner Browne - she's smart as a whip, she doesn't take sh*t from anybody, she uses humor effectively, she's well-connected on both sides of the aisle, and she's got the
right values.
Anne Scott Barrett: Cristen Hemmins and Donna Ladd. (Editor's Note: Ladd says NO!)
Charles Filhiol: Jill Butler for Governor, and Laurie Bertram Roberts for Lt. Governor. I don't know Cristen, but maybe she could be attorney general, if Jennifer R. James doesn't want the job.
CJ Rhodes: I think Nsombi Lambright, Donna Ladd, Pam Shaw, Noel Didla ...
Jay Pearson: Mayor Cheri Barry of Meridian for Lt. Gov.
Casey Ann Hughes: Cristen Hemmins for any office she wants.
Laurie Bertram Roberts: I would love to see Michelle Colon but I am sure Mississippi is not ready for her.
Atlee Parks Breland: I want to see Lydia Quarles in office. We need her voice on the Supreme Court.
Cristen Hemmins: Atlee Parks Breland needs to run for something! She's so on top of legislation, and I would think she was a lawyer if I didn't know she wasn't.