With only one more debate on the books between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney (Monday, Oct. 22), we've perfected our drinking game rules. Cheers!
- Drink while doing a bicep curl every time Michelle Obama is mentioned or shown on screen.
- Chug if either candidate tells a heartwarming story about someone they met on the campaign trail.
- Drink every time a former president is mentioned—twice if it is Reagan, Clinton or Jack Kennedy.
- Chug if "Obamacare" or "Romneycare" are mentioned.
- Drink if they go over time, and continue until they are done or cut off by the moderator.
- Drink each time Obama says "middle class."
- Drink each time Romney says "spending" or "entitlement."
- Drink every time Romney changes his position.
- Drink and curse every time Romney says "Mr. President" in a condescending, "What are you doing here?" way.