Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about Friday:
HOW EXPERTS VIEW THE FED'S BOLD PLAN TO BOOST THE ECONOMY--Investors sent stock prices rocketing. But economists are skeptical the vigorous bond-buying will help.
UPHEAVAL OVER ANTI-MUSLIM FILM CONTINUES--Police, protesters clash near the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. In Israel, police boost their presence in Jerusalem's old city.
AFGHAN WAR FADES FROM THE NATION'S CONSCIOUSNESS--Families of U.S. soldiers killed in action despair that many fellow citizens fail to appreciate their sacrifice.
ON HEELS OF HARRY, ANOTHER ROYAL KERFUFFLE--A French magazine says it is publishing topless photos of Prince William's wife, Kate.
GUATEMALA VOLCANO ERUPTS IN RIVERS OF LAVA--More than 33,000 people were asked to evacuate and ash fell as far as 50 miles away.
HOW KIDS FEEL ABOUT LEANER, GREENER LUNCHES--Students give mixed grades to the extra carrots and apples — and fewer fatty foods — mandated by new federal rules.
SEEKING CASH, PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS GET CREATIVE--While Romney raffles off a chance to fly on his campaign plane, Democratic donors vie for free tickets to an Obama fundraiser starring Beyonce, Jay-Z.
ELDERLY DEFENDANT IN 1957 SLAYING OF ILLINOIS GIRL AWAITS HIS FATE--After closing arguments at 10 a.m., a judge could issue a verdict in one of the oldest cold-case murders to ever go to trial.
HOW FIDO MEASURES UP--Zeus the Great Dane gets the title of the world's tallest dog: 3-foot-8 from paw to shoulder.
THE NFL'S MOST STORIED RIVALRY RESUMES--The Green Bay Packers score on a perfectly executed fake field goal en route to beating the Chicago Bears, 23-10.
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