10 Things to Know for Tuesday | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

10 Things to Know for Tuesday

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:

  1. ROMNEY: I SPOKE TOO HASTILY--GOP candidate says his comment on video clip that nearly half of Americans consider themselves victims was "not elegantly stated" and was "off the cuff."

  2. CAR PACKED WITH EXPLOSIVES RAMS MINI-BUS IN KABUL--Afghan militants say a female suicide bomber carried out the attack, which kills at least nine, as revenge for anti-Islam film.

  3. RAY OF HOPE IN CHICAGO STRIKE--The teachers union in the nation's third-largest city is expected to vote this afternoon on whether to end the seven-day walkout.

  4. WHAT'S AT STAKE AS AFGHAN 'SURGE' WINDS DOWN--The U.S. troop increase was supposed to force the Taliban to come to the peace table, but that hasn't happened.

  5. FRENCH COURT BLOCKS FURTHER PUBLICATION OF KATE'S TOPLESS PHOTOS--The royal couple's lawyer argues that Prince William and his wife were sharing a "profoundly intimate" moment when the pictures were taken.

  6. WHERE MYANMAR'S SUU KYI WILL BEGIN HER TOUR--At 9 a.m., the Nobel laureate meets with Secretary of State Clinton to kick off her jam-packed 17-day U.S. trip.

  7. NO JOB FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED--Courting danger, scientists are tagging great white sharks with sophisticated devices that will allow researchers and the public to track the animals.

  8. SEEKING THE CAUSES OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY--A provocative new study suggests a connection between a plastic chemical used in food packaging and overweight kids.

  9. HOW NEWSWEEK'S (hash)MUSLIMRAGE TOPIC BECAME A TRENDER--With self-mocking humor, many Muslims turned an essay on anger over the prophet film into a generally light-hearted Twitter sensation.

  10. A ROUGH NIGHT FOR PEYTON MANNING--QB throws three interceptions in the first quarter before leading a late charge that falls short in Denver's 27-21 loss to Atlanta.

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