As a self-proclaimed spelling-bee champ, I've definitely collected more than my fair share of trophies throughout my school career. But what to do with old trophies when you're officially out of your parents' house and they don't want to keep a shrine to you anymore? Transitioning into post-grad life, I wanted to keep these memories without having to pack them away in an attic, never to be seen again (or, you know, setting up a shrine in my own home). Both practical and fun, these trophy-topper wine-bottle stoppers are conversation pieces and more personal than any other store-bought version.
Trophy Wine Bottle Stopper
Materials Needed:
• Power drill
• Whole, new corks
• Super glue
• Old trophies
- Disassemble a trophy to secure the trophy topper—usually twisting it off the top will work just fine. (Need a trophy? Visit local thrift stores, consignment shops and garage sales. N.U.T.S., aka Neat Used Things for Sale (3011 N. State St., 601-366-9633 and 114 Millsaps Ave., 601-355-7458) usually has really funky old trophies. Or, raid your friends' attics!)
- Using the drill, make a 1/8-inch-wide hole halfway down into a new cork. Note: You can order unused or new corks online, or check with your local package store or wine store. Often they can give you some for free.
- Generously superglue the underside of the trophy topper's base and the screw that sticks out beneath it.
- Take the trophy topper and screw it into a new cork. Twist the pieces together until it is tight and secure.
- Let dry one hour or until the glue is solid.
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