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Mississippi United Against Charter Schools

Feb. 1

JFP has done a great job of covering this "education reform" push this and in past Legislative Sessions. Please continue to do so and please consider a piece on the posted Washington Post article exposing the corporate connections to all this "education reform" across the country. Much of the debate can be understood and answered according to the descriptions and revelations in that article. There are not many more important issues than our children's future and thus the future of our state and society at large. Thank you.

Charles Walter Jett

Feb. 13

Excellent article by Kathleen Mitchell in the Jackson Free Press this week about the Mississippi Pulp Con on page 26. Every aspect was touched upon that makes the event so diverse in scope, yet threaded together culturally. A lot of names got left out that I wish could have appeared, but it is a newspaper article, not a pulp novel; some condensing had to be utilized. I did attempt to stress that the event would not be possible without the assistance of many wonderful friends, but there was not enough space on the page. It is a concise, yet enticing article that does indeed explain the nature and purpose of this Mississippi "home-grown" event. Thank you Kathleen and the JFP for keeping your eyes and ears open to the "pop," "pulp," "underground," "low-brow" & "kounter-kulture" events that help define our culture and times.

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