10 Local Stories of the Week | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

10 Local Stories of the Week

Hal White.

Hal White. Photo by R.L. Nave.

There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them:

  1. Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant ordered a period of mourning March 30 to honor the death of state Rep. Jessica Upshaw. Bryant issued an executive order Thursday ordering state flags on Mississippi buildings and grounds be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset Saturday.
  2. Several groups and lawmakers gathered Thursday on the steps of the Mississippi Department of Education building to protest Senate Bill 2659, which would provide funding for school resource officers to police around primary and secondary schools.
  3. On Thursday, Hal White succumbed to complications from a brain aneuyrsm he suffered last weekend. He had undergone three surgeries since, and spent his final days surrounded by loving family and friends.
  4. The U.S. Department of Interior is cutting $110,102 in federal mineral payments to Mississippi over the next five months. Read the full story here.
  5. A court-appointed federal monitor said better communication is the best immediate step to take in getting the Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center into compliance with an agreed order from a U.S. District Court lawsuit.
  6. Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant has nominated anti-abortion activist Terri Herring for a six-year term on the state Board of Health, a position that could give Herring influence over Health Department policies that affect the state's only abortion clinic.
  7. Two Senate committees voted Tuesday in favor of Senate Bill 2920. It would allow the Madison County Economic Development Authority to issue taxable industrial development bonds, with Nissan using its credit rating to persuade bond buyers to lend money.
  8. The Mississippi House voted 60-58 Tuesday to reject conference with senators on differences over House Bill 890. The bill, also including provisions raising entry standards for teacher education, remained on the House calendar.
  9. After voting down a $10 million bond issue to repave Jackson streets just a month ago, the Jackson City Council voted Monday to capitalize on low interest rates and borrow $10 million to $12 million to be paid back over 10 years.
  10. Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn, R-Clinton, said Monday he's appointing Joel Bomgar—head of Better Education for Mississippi and a leading proponent of charter schools—to the state Board of Education, pending Senate confirmation.

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