Lee: Would fire JPD Chief Rebecca Coleman and work on changing the culture of the fire and police departments.
Lumumba: Would involve reorienting the values of marginalized people who might be susceptible to committing crimes; wants to enter quasi-agreements with people who are arrested to refrain from criminal activity in exchange for certain considerations.
Lee: Calls for creating free after-school care that includes art, music and sports programs.
Lumumba: Would expand the city’s two-month summer jobs programs to enhance city beautification efforts and instill discipline with respect to attitudes toward work.
Lee: Wants to involve regional partners; doesn’t want to raise utility rates or float bonds to pay for projects.
Lumumba: Wants to increase water revenues, then use the funds to pay for infrastructure upgrades.
Lee: Calls for leveraging development within the medical corridor and taking advantage of federal job training and other programs.
Lumumba: Views giving raises to city workers as stimulus program, which would inject more sales-tax revenue into the city’s coffers.
Lee: Wants “inclusive” development that makes sense for entire community; lacks allegiance to any particular
Lumumba: Touts the way he handles business issues on the zoning committee by adjusting zoning and permit requirements for certain projects; supports waterfront development.
1-Percent Sales Tax; Commission:
Lee: Does not like the oversight commission, but would move forward with putting the issue to a vote later
this year.
Lumumba: Does not support the oversight commission because it deprives Jackson citizens of the right for their duly elected representatives to make fiscal decisions on the city’s behalf.